
155 -=Team 7 Training=-

In Konoha while Naruto went to train with the monkeys and Sasuke trained with Shizue while Kakashi recovered, Luna also started training, her training, however, could be considered... suicidal by most, crazy by many but genial by a very small amount of people

and that small amount of people would translate to the strongest people in the world

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked no one while sitting on an empty training ground

"YES, IT IS" She answered herself with a deeper voice, barely recognizable as human

"..." Silence prevailed across the training ground as she contemplated her other self's idea of training


Sighing as she couldn't find a reason to not try the method at least, she closed her eyes as if she was going to meditate

But instead of the calm air that people have around them while meditating, she had a strange air around her...

1 meter... 2 meters... 5 meters...

little by little the whole training ground was covered in her chakra

While arguably bad at this, Luna still could create an illusion on reality that didn't just involve changing HER reality (Like her transformation), she was just not that good at it

Luna opened her eyes just to see the world change around her, from the deserted training ground surrounded by trees to a destroyed valley, with an army of enemies surrounding her

"Well... here goes nothing" She said as her image blurred across the enemy lines, and as soon as she took down the first enemy soldier, every single one of them started attacking her with taijutsu, ninjutsu, shurikenjutsu, etc

in the middle of the chaotic battle, an enemy managed to slash her right arm with his sword, creating a small but deep cut that appeared on her arm in the real world as well


She immediately started trying to dodge more, but that led to her not taking down as many enemies as before, which could end up causing her to exhaust herself before she could beat all of them

"Kurama genjutsu: 1000 cuts" She quickly made some hand seals, and almost immediately after, her closest enemies got cut all over their bodies

blood flew all around her, and even covered her face as she kept fighting the enemy army

in the real world, cut after cut, bruise after bruise appeared on Luna's body as her body moved from one side of the training ground to another

Luna's training method was very simple, using her kekkei genkai, she put herself in an illusion, one of which she could easily escape if she so wished

in that illusion, she was fighting for her life, each hit she took would actually hurt, which is why the training method was efficient in the first place

people had tried to train while in illusions before, but never got anything out of it, since illusions are just too unreal if they took a hit they wouldn't feel more than momentary pain, and even that only if the illusion was good enough

that, however, didn't apply to the Kurama clan

with their incredible kekkei genkai that could affect reality itself, their illusions would simulate a real battle to the finest detail, putting whoever took that training method under immense pressure since the risk of actually dying was very much present

unfortunately, since the Kurama clan had only a small percentage of their members actually awaken their kekkei genkai, and that already small percentage rarely got full control of their abilities, that training method was never used, and remained forgotten in time

that changed with Luna though, as she read about said training method in some old book while she was reading with Naruto in the library

the idea immediately enticed her, but she kept postponing it

until now, that is

With Naruto and Sasuke training without her, she decided to finally try the training method out

albeit it took a while for her other half to convince her to do it, or else she may not have done it

she would complain about it but unfortunately, she couldn't train like Sasuke or Naruto, since she was not a sword user, nor a monkey contractor


Luna fell to the ground almost exhausted as she broke the illusion and began healing herself

while the narrator was telling the readers about the training method, she accumulated a hefty amount of cuts and bruises, even some burns caused by 'ninjutsu' (The cause of all her injuries is still her own GENJUTSU, not ninjutsu, but inside the illusion, what hit her was ninjutsu)

"That... was... horrible..." She complained to no one as her smaller injuries healed at a visible rate


Sasuke dodged a flaming sword that aimed to bisect his body


He countered yet another flaming slash, this time aimed at his head instead

with a fluid movement, he cleanly avoided the next attack and counter-attacked it with his sword covered in weak flames of his own


"Oho? you can already maintain flames around your sword while fighting? impressive" Shizue commented

it truly was a much bigger feat than it seemed, coating your sword in an element, and not damaging the sword was already hard enough, now doing it while dodging attacks left and right, trying to predict your opponent's next move, and hardly being able to keep your head attached to your neck? that was giving the world hard a whole new meaning

and while Sasuke could do it easily with lightning, his main affinity that he trained with Kakashi, doing so with his fire, his much less trained secondary affinity, was as Shizue said: Impressive

"But not good enough!" Shizue said as she made her sword spew flames from its back, increasing its momentum dramatically and pushing Sasuke's sword into the air, barely stopping a few centimeters away from Sasuke's face

"Easy... haah... for you... haah... to say..." Sasuke said in between breaths

truly, Shizue who had years of training with her fire affinity could easily do better than Sasuke, but she didn't learn how to do it as fast as him

Would she tell him that though? no, never

least she inflates his Uchiha ego even more...

as much as it seemed impressive for Sasuke to learn Shizue's moves faster than her, that wasn't really all that impressive, since differently from her, he learned it from someone, and she had to create the move while fighting for her life in the war (She's older than Kakashi)

not that it was a competition or something anyway

"Okay, let's take a break. 30 minutes" Shizue said

while Sasuke was panting and looked like he was thrown inside a hurricane, Shizue was not even out of breath

truthfully, spirit bearers are just weaker than jinchurikkis in stamina

'What a monster...' Sasuke mentally complained, wondering just how someone so strong could seem so harmless


Naruto stood still atop a lake

sitting in the famous lotus position, his body seemed still, yet this couldn't be further from the truth

while at first glance he was not moving, in reality, his entire body was moving at the same time, not stopping even for a second

his left arm suddenly started trembling...

while his training method seemed far easier than Luna's or Sasuke's, it was actually by far the hardest of them

his arm continued to tremble for a bit, and even the tip of his fingers started to turn into water and drip down at the lake, increasing the number of laments by a little

The elder monkey watching over his training noticed it and frowned, since normally the rate of turning into water would be far faster than this, and not this slow

'It must be because of his large chakra reserves...' He immediately concluded

while this was good for Naruto now, since he had more time than most people to take the natural energy back into his control before turning into water, it also meant that it would be far harder for him to achieve the warrior state (Sage mode for those who forgot), and would have much more trouble controlling the senjustu because of its huge quantity...

The elder silently contemplated Naruto's future hardships while he watched Naruto's fingertips regenerate at incredibly fast speeds

Like any of the monkeys who acquired a warrior state before, he knew the best how painful it was to have part of your body liquefied, so he had to commend the boy's will to jot even show on his face just how much it hurt

not that he could ever know that Naruto has gone much worse before...

looking closer to Naruto, his chakra flowed through every cell on his body, giving him a slight glow

such action required insane control over his chakra since the slightest imbalance would make that body part turn into water, and if it happened on a vital organ, he could easily die

but he prevailed and continued his training

at a cellular level, one could see that every cell of Naruto's body was moving as well, meaning that his whole body was moving as well, even while standing still

this was not only hard but also dangerous, since if he moved his cells wrong, he could rupture his own organs...

As if the chakra part of his training was not dangerous enough...

one could easily see why the toads decided to use stone as their base for a nature connection instead of water...

time flew by and in the blink of an eye it was already night time, Naruto stood on the lake still yet the glow around his body had diminished a bit

it was almost unnoticeable, but it meant he was wasting less chakra during his training, which was good

he opened his eyes, his irises glowing a vibrant blue matching his glowing yellow hair exquisitely, yet it dimmed quickly until he was back to normal

"..." He looked around until he noticed the elder monkey sleeping on a tree

a vein quickly made itself known as he looked angrily at the monkey elder

said monkey only smiled as he perceived Naruto's expression through his sensing ability

Of course, he was also training, for a clan whose whole main ability was about not keeping still and being constantly moving, losing time while just watching someone train was incredibly wasteful

so, with a professionalism never before seen-

'Gahaha, look at his face gahahahaha'


Uh... I...


Last training chapter, next we have some plot and then the legendary time skip no jutsu

also I'm not dead, This chapter was supposed to be posted yesterday, but there was a storm in my city and my mothet is the type of person who takes every eletronic out of the plug when there is a storm, so I had no internet

anyway, I'll try to post the next chapter tomorrow, but no promises

Joao132135creators' thoughts