
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Naruto!!

This story is about a real-world character reincarnated as a 5-year-old Naruto. It follows his adventures and how he lives his life as Naruto Uzumaki, blending comedy and fantasy. He faces the strongest villains in the Naruto universe, using loopholes and his knowledge of the Naruto world to become stronger. He knows which skills and jutsus will make him more powerful than most of the villains, and he's going to overpower them. Stay tuned, fans! I'm creating a wonderful, overpowered Naruto story. In this version, Naruto isn't a crybaby. Watch him learn countless skills and jutsus to dominate the Naruto world villains. Support my stories!

AuthorBeast · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter - 6 ( Butterfly Effect!!)

As Naruto headed home, he saw a girl being bullied by three children. From a distance, he couldn't recognize her, so he approached them and asked, "Hey, what are you doing? Why are you bullying that girl?"

One of the children shouted back, "Who are you to meddle in our business? If you get in our way, we'll beat you up too!"

Naruto got angry and used his Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu to create twenty shadow clones. The three children were shocked. "Wow! He knows ninjutsu!" they exclaimed, scared, and ran away.

Naruto looked at the girl. She had short hair and white eyes. He had a suspicion and asked, "What's your name?"

She replied in a low voice, "Hinata Hyuga."

Naruto was shocked and asked her, "Why are you here alone?"

She replied softly, "I lost my way home."

Naruto thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I will take you home. Don't worry."

Naruto helped her find her house and gives her some advises and then returned to his own home. As he lay down to sleep, he thought, "The future must have changed... (due to the butterfly effect). 

Naruto sighed and went to sleep.

( in chapter 2 -"It's not massacre; it's conflict. I mistakenly typed 'massacre' instead of 'conflict.' The Uchiha clan massacre happens when Sasuke is seven years old, so it hasn't happened at this time. Don't get Offended" )