
That Time I Got Killed By A Fart

Truck Kun? Check. Being reborn in a novel? Check. Being a side character? Check. Having a system? Check. Dying by fart? Che- wait what- In a world where the laws of the universe take a coffee break, and the ridiculous knows no bounds, "That Time I Got Killed By a Fart" is a one of a kind Eastern fantasy novel that'll leave you gasping for breath (no, not from the flatulence). Meet Ye Qing, your not-so-average protagonist, who thought her life was as ordinary as they come. That is, until the day she found herself inside the pages of a novel, no less. Talk about a plot twist! She's not even the main character; she's one of those side characters, a classic cannon fodder destined to meet her demise in the most outrageous manner possible—a fatal fart, courtesy of the female lead, who happens to possess a truly "windy" superpower (Gross). But here's the kicker: Ye Qing isn't just another victim of the absurdity that is her newfound existence. No, she's got a secret weapon up her sleeve—or rather, a secret system in her head. With the Heaven System's powers at her disposal, she's ready to turn the tables on destiny, even if it means facing down the dreaded flatulence head-on. Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride through a world where martial arts sects are as serious as they are hilarious, where mythical creatures and bizarre powers are the norm, and where fart reigns supreme. Get ready to laugh, cheer, and gasp (for all the right reasons) as Ye Qing tackles the strangest of fates in "That Time I Got Killed By a Fart."

Comfort_Sara00 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Zhang Wei

As Zhang Wei retreated from the chaotic aftermath of the ice cream truck collision, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. Despite succeeding in his mission, Zhang Wei couldn't escape the nagging feeling that something was amiss. The higher-ups in his secretive organization were known for their unrelenting standards, and it seemed that even his success in sealing Ye Qing's bizarre fate was not enough to earn their favor.

A few days after the incident, Zhang Wei received a summons to meet with the enigmatic leaders of the organization. As he entered the dimly lit chamber where they convened, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.

"You have done well, Zhang Wei," one of the leaders said, their voice carrying an air of cold authority. "But you should know that we do not tolerate failure, no matter the circumstances."

Zhang Wei's heart sank as he realized that his unease had been justified. Despite his success, the higher-ups were not satisfied. They saw his involvement in the bizarre accidents as a breach of protocol, and they were ready to mete out their punishment.

"As a consequence of your actions," another leader continued, "you will be reassigned to the same world as Ye Qing. You will take on the role of her sickly younger brother, and you will watch over her closely to ensure that her fate unfolds as intended."

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in shock. To be sent to the same world as Ye Qing, to take on such a personal role in her life—it was a punishment unlike any he had ever received. He knew that this would be a far more challenging and unpredictable mission than anything he had faced before.

With a heavy heart and a sinking feeling of resignation, Zhang Wei accepted his new assignment. Little did he know that his presence in Ye Qing's world would bring about even more absurdity, challenges, and unexpected twists than he could have ever imagined.

As he prepared to step into a world that defied all logic and reason, Zhang Wei braced himself for the unpredictable journey ahead, where the boundaries between reality and absurdity blurred, and where his role as Ye Qing's sickly younger brother would be anything but ordinary.

Zhang Wei's heart sank further as he realized the gravity of his punishment. He had desperately hoped to avoid further involvement with the unpredictable fate of Ye Qing, but now he had no choice. Refusing the orders of the higher-ups was not an option he could entertain.

"I understand," Zhang Wei replied, his voice heavy with resignation. "I will carry out the assignment as you command."

The leaders nodded in satisfaction, their faces obscured by the shadows of the chamber. "You will be known as Subject ZW-342," one of them declared, "and the world you enter will be designated as Universe-567. Your mission is to ensure that the designated Subject YQ-921 follows the path that has been set for her."

Subject YQ-921, Zhang Wei thought grimly. It was a stark reminder that in the eyes of the organization, Ye Qing was no longer a person but a mere designation, a pawn in a larger game.

Days later, Zhang Wei found himself in Universe-567, a world similar yet distinctly different from the one he had known. He had taken on the persona of Ye Qing's sickly younger brother, his memories of his previous life wiped clean.


As Ye Qing slowly regained consciousness, she found herself in a small, dimly lit room. The air was heavy with the scent of medicinal herbs, and the room was sparsely furnished. Her body ached, and her head throbbed with pain.

"Where am I?" she muttered, her voice weak and raspy. Memories of the ice cream truck collision and the strange events that had followed flooded back to her. She had been in the hospital one moment, and now she was in this unfamiliar place.

With great effort, she pushed herself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain that shot through her body. As she looked around, she realized that the room was not entirely unfamiliar. It bore a resemblance to the settings she had read about in "I Shall Rule the Heavens," the novel she had been reading before her bizarre transmigration.

Before she could gather her thoughts or explore further, the door to the room swung open, and a figure entered. It was a young woman, elegant and formidable, with an air of authority that was impossible to ignore. She wore the attire of a servant.

The woman gently entered the room before turning to look at Ye Qing.

"LI MEI" The woman gasped in shock as she ran to hug Ye Qing. As the woman wrapped her arms around Ye Qing, who was now inexplicably in the body of Li Mei, Ye Qing groaned in both shock and pain. It was a surreal moment, made even more bewildering by the fact that the woman who had embraced her was none other than Lin Hua, Li Mei's best friend from the novel.

Lin Hua pulled back from the hug, her eyes filled with a mix of joy and concern. "Li Mei, you're awake! We were so worried about you."

Li Mei, or rather, Ye Qing, blinked in disoriented confusion. The sudden change in her surroundings and the unexpected presence of Lin Hua left her feeling as if she had been caught in a whirlwind of events. She tried to piece together the fragments of memory from her new identity.

With a strained smile, Ye Qing replied, her voice filled with uncertainty, "Lin Hua, it's good to see you too. I... I must have had quite the fall."

"Fall?!" Lin Hua exclaimed. "YOU WERE BEATEN HALF TO DEATH."

Ye Qing's memories began to piece themselves together, like shards of a fractured mirror. The truth unfolded, and she recalled the life of Li Mei—a kind-hearted girl who had fallen into a coma after a brutal beating, all because of her troublesome, sickly little brother, Li Wei.

The memories flooded back, and Ye Qing remembered the ill-fated bet that Li Wei had made. He had promised to perform a daredevil stunt that he couldn't possibly accomplish, leaving Li Mei to bear the consequences when it went horribly wrong.