
That Time I've Fall In Love.

There's a guy named zeke and fall inlove with a girl named ailiyah. Zeke loved ailiyah and ailiyah fell inlove but she didn't notice until that time comes.

LORD_GRIM_5365 · Ciudad
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6 Chs

3. Part-time job

Zeke:(wakes up) hmm saturday huh? Maybe i should go to work.

*phone rings*

Zeke: Hello?

Ailiyah: it's me, my mom needs night time security guard in our house. She asked me that i should look one. You want money to release your father right?

Zeke: yeah but i dont have any experience....

Ailiyah: no worries, what we need to do is pretend we're not too close to each other so they wont notice and also im the one asked by mom so she won't interfere.

Zeke: then I'll be gladly take the job.

*6:00 pm at ailiyah's mansion*

Zeke: (amazed by the huge mansion)

Ailiyah: here's your uniform.

Zeke: thanks.

*A Man With gets out the luxury car*

Ailiyah: ahmm. I should go the event will start so stay here and guard. Promise me you wont go near the mansion. Just stay here in gate.

Zeke: i wil, i will. (feels something bad)

Ailiyah: (fake smile) take care.

*1 hour have passed*

Zeke: why do i feel something bad will happen.....

*out of curiosity, zeke go near the window and look*

Zeke: (hear something)

*The rich man's voice*

Andrew: Today i andrew, announce that miss ailiyah is now my fiancee.

Others: i knew it!!! Mr andrew looks good and rich and miss ailiyah is beautiful and rich, what a match.

Zeke: (Tears fell down in his eyes without noticing) (goes back to the gate)

*30 mins have passed*

Ailiyah: hey zekeee!!!! I've got something for you..... Are you okay?

Zeke: (fake smile) yeah why?

Ailiyah: if so, then why you have tears in your face?

Zeke: ohh this? I just miss my dad no worries

Ailiyah: cheer up, im yours right? Here, the money with this maybe u can release your dad.

Zeke: ohh thank you. So maybe i should go right?

Ailiyah: yup thank you.

*Next Day*

Janice: U should go to same school with my daughter.

Andrew: oh thank you for your suggestion but i still have something to do overseas so...

Janice: i understand.

Andrew: thank you auntie.

*At school*

Ailiyah: Why didn't he go to class today? Hmm maybe he's too tired last night.

*Zeke's room*

Ashton: (knocks at the door) zeke are you okay son?

Zeke: yes dad i just feel tired last night.

Ashton: you should rest.

*Next day*

Zeke: (walking at the hallway, thinking what happened last night)

Others: stay away guys, he's so poor, we might get sick.

Ailiyah: shut up! Dont talk nonsense to my boyfriend!

Zeke: ailiyah u shouldn't provoke them. Just let it be. I'm used to it.

Ailiyah: (feels sad)