
That Time I've Fall In Love.

There's a guy named zeke and fall inlove with a girl named ailiyah. Zeke loved ailiyah and ailiyah fell inlove but she didn't notice until that time comes.

LORD_GRIM_5365 · Ciudad
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6 Chs

2. Unfair

"Next Day"


Zeke: hmmm (looks back)

Ailiyah: wait!!!!!

Others: hey! Our goddess have boyfriend!!! Oh nooo why did she choose that poor guy, maybe she was blackmail?

Zeke: (hearing others)(holds ailiyah's hand) let's go (fake smile)

Ailiyah: uhmm right.

"At the rooftop"

Ailiyah: why do i feel you're sad? Just dont mind them okay? Cheer up. I'm here for you....

Zeke: yeah i know but... It's not what you think it is.

Ailiyah: then can you tell me what your problem?

Zeke: yeah you're my girlfriend afterall. My dad is now at the police station.... He just return the wallet to the owner and suddenly the owner called the police and accused my dad. The police wont listen to us even tho they dont have evidence. Does being poor a crime? (punched the wall) (feels angry and hopeless)(hands bleed)

Ailiyah: (feels bad) maybe i can help you. My dad can help you release your dad in prison....

Zeke: stop. I can find a way, if your father know about our relationship then they'll force you to leave me. You've already know that i love you right? So stop.

Ailiyah: hmm.... I don't feel that i can love u too for now. Just let me stay by your side and maybe someday I'll fall inlove.

Zeke: (smile) I'll prove to you that I am worth loving back.

Ailiyah: now you're smiling. Come lets go in the class.

"After Class"

Zeke: ailiyah you can go first, I'll visit my dad.

Ailiyah: take care!

Zeke: yeah you should too.

"At the prison"

Zeke: Dad, just wait I'll go work and release you here in prison.

Ashton: Go to your mom help her. I can stay here for 5 years.

Zeke: what!? 5 years just for that wrong accuse!?

Zeke: (go to policeman) why?

Police: because the money your father steal is fifty thousand.

Zeke: my dad didn't steal it!!! And you dont have any evidence to talk to my dad like that!

Police: tsk! Hey kid stop blabbering. All criminals came from poor family so shut up.

Zeke: (leaves the station)(go home)

Linda: hey zi, why you're sad? Did they bully you again?

Zeke: no mom, i just feel sad. Can i go sleep?

Linda: are you sure? Then h should go sleep so tomorrow you'll be okay.

Zeke: (go to his room) what to do, what to do!??? Mom didn't know what happened to dad and mom have heart disease.