
That Time I've Fall In Love.

There's a guy named zeke and fall inlove with a girl named ailiyah. Zeke loved ailiyah and ailiyah fell inlove but she didn't notice until that time comes.

LORD_GRIM_5365 · Ciudad
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6 Chs

1. Love at First Sight

"Walking At the School"

Zeke's Pov.

Man..... What a beautiful day. Maybe i should skip class right? Oh yeah!! I remember there's a new transfer student coming in class maybe I'll go check it out. Oh yeah i almost forgot even tho i go there, no one wants to be my friend. Am i going to be a loner forever? "Walks towards the classroom and sit"

Writer's Pov.

While waiting, zeke wished that the new transfer student is a girl.

"Girl stands in front and introduced herself"

Ailiyah's pov.

Hi i'm ailiyah, i came from overseas, im here to study with all of you, i hope we can all be good friends.

Zeke: (starring at ailiyah's smile)

Teacher: You can go sit there.

Ailiyah: (sits beside zeke) Hi, nice to meet you! (smiles)

Zeke: (still starring)

Ailyah: H-hello? (ailiyah's mind) "weirdo"

Zeke: o-oh hi..... (shy)

"Lunch Break"

Zeke go to canteen followed by ailyah(stalking)

Ailiyah: (whisper) he's weird, following him might help me to know what his problem.

Zeke: (feels someone following)(whisper) maybe i should go at the cafe nearby to lure.

Zeke go to cafe nearby and go inside, he stand in front of the door and wait who will come.

Ailiyah: (comes inside)...

Zeke: oh hey miss stalker (smirk)

Ailiyah: uhmm.... (how long did he notice)

Zeke: you must be thinking how long did i notice right? I've already notice you at the hallway and lure you here. And yeah i know why you're following me, it is because i am weird? Everyone knows that and everyone stays away from me.

Ailiyah: (blush) i didn't mean to.....

Zeke: you should stop. If you're going to bully me then you can do that in school. I'm just a son of a slave and I'm just a poor student (fake smile) I'm used to it so.....

Ailiyah: stop.(feels bad at the same time mad at him) I'm here to help you not to bully you.

Zeke: want to help me? Then be my Girlfriend no one will bully me with a rich beautiful girl like you.

Ailiyah: beautif... Ehem! I accept, starting today im yours. But i have one condition you.....

Zeke: w-w-wait! Did i hear that right? Am i dreaming?

Ailiyah: you're not so cheer up. My condition is that we should keep this a secret in our family and dont talk to other girls.

Zeke: isn't that two? No problem no one wants me so there's no problem. Having a handsome face like me is a god gift but every girl wants rich man so even tho im hansome no one will love me. And i hope you'll love me not just feeling bad for me.

Ailiyah: there's no problem. I'll love you when i feel your love.