
Chapter 4 - Tired

I stopped when I saw her starting to tear up. "I'm not using it because it has no point! I can keep using the treatment, but it doesn't help! Refusing the treatment is preparing me and it doesn't keep giving me false hope that after this treatment my cancer is going to disappear. It doesn't work anymore, Bells. Don't spend anything more, please. I'm begging you. Just spend time with me."

Never in my twenty-two years of living did my mom ever raise her voice at me. Well, I guess it's true what they say... There's a first time for everything.

But as soon as Mom raised her voice in anger I began to cry. The tears fell onto my cheek and kept rolling until they met the corner of my lips. People always told me that my blue eyes become even bluer from crying. "Mom," I said and ran into her arms. I knew Mom felt the sadness knocking my body up and down as I sobbed. Not long after that, I realized that she began crying too.

"Please, Mom. Please, don't leave me. I don't have anyone left if you're gone. Please, keep fighting. Use the treatments. Take your meds. Don't give up hope."

"Bells, I am tired. And as much as I would like to keep fighting, it's exhausting me. I don't have any more strength left to fight. Hope is a useless four-letter word..." I kept shaking my head. Not just because I didn't want to hear what she is saying, that she won't fight for life anymore but also because I am so fucking angry.

I cried more and listened to her heartbeat. With each sob, it picked up, but after a while, it became slow and even. When I looked up, Mom was asleep. I got up and kissed her on her forehead. And then I decided to leave for home.

As I walked home, the purple clouds began to hover over the city. I couldn't stop hearing those words...

I'm tired... I don't have any more strength left to fight...

Gwen's POV

I heard keys jiggle in the door and saw Amabel coming home. "Hey, you're home. Klaus was just about to take Stefan with him. Where have you b..." Before I could continue, I saw the look on her face as she dropped next to me on the couch that was in front of the kitchen counter and faced the television. When I looked at Amabel I saw that she was soaked in rain and redness in her eyes. I knew that she'd been crying and stood up from the couch, in my pink silk short and top - a.k.a my pajamas, and hugged her. I didn't want to force her to talk to me, so I just held her.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. Silence makes me uncomfortable. So, I broke it. "Wanna watch TVD with me?" I asked. "I'll get us some ice cream..." I explained with a goofy smile that transferred to Amabel.

"Sure. But I kinda want to get out. I need to get out."

"Well, there's this club. One of my friends is the DJ, so I can text him, and then he'll grant us entry. Whatcha say?"

Amabel sighed and then a smile appeared on her face. I got so excited. I grabbed the remote and paused the episode.

"Let's get ready... Oh and uh, you're wearing one of my dresses and shoes," I suddenly gasped and then added, "I have the perfect outfit for you... Come on!" I was jumping with excitement.

We got into my bedroom. "Music?" Amabel asked with a sassy and excited smile on her lips. We burst into giggles and then she hit the button on my stereo next to my bed, it played our favorite song. That's My Girl by Fifth Harmony played as we did each other's make-up and hair and sang to the top of our lungs. "Here," I said, pushing a short sparkling reef-blue dress against Bell's chest and said, "Go, get dressed. Oh, I already put the shoes in the bathroom. Goooo."

When Amabel came out from the bathroom it fit like the silk, smooth skin of a woman as if this dress was made for her, and then she put the matching high heels on. The dress sparkled in the lights and acted as a party ball, breaking the light into colors of the rainbow across the floor. She slid the thin lace straps over her shoulder and zipped the dress at the back. The dress complimented all of her curves and showed off her eyes. Even if I have to say so myself, she does look good. To be honest, I got a bit jealous...

I put on my white heels. "I knew it! That's your dress, my friend. You rock it!" I could see Amabel felt like she was wearing too little, but the feeling that dress had against my skin when I wore it once made me feel more confident and powerful. Imagine the confidence Amabel would glow out now that she's in that dress.

"You look like a billion bucks," Amabel said to me, pointing at my short white lace dress. I took a spin around. Amabel made a low and messy ponytail. I really don't want her lifting her hair in the same boring way she always does. "Oh, no, no, no. We are twinsies tonight. Come on. Amabel, let down your hair," I said in a deep voice, mimicking Rapunzel as I took out Bell's ponytail. I spread her hair out and asked, "Ready?"

Amabel nodded her head, feeling a little nervous. We put our phones in tiny and invisible pockets in our dresses. Switched off the light. Closed the door. Locked up. Got a cab.

Final destination: Club LA...

Awwww... Don't you just love Gwen and Amabel's friendship?

Comment if you have a cute "shipname" for Gwen and Amabel...

Oh, and what do you think about the logo for the company? If you have any other designs, feel free to share them with me. I might use it... :) .')

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