
That demon Princess

The demon Princess is soon to be queen, but other misfortunes say otherwise.

thatthiccqueen · Adolescente
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8 Chs


Oh god this is so weird..I honestly just want to get out of here and get drunk. I say in my head.

Hmm this food is really good. Says Alex in his head.

"Lord Frank, w-when shall we host the wedding?" Asks the queen of Dark Wing Kingdom.

"I was thinking that we might need to-"

I finally got out of there! now it's time to go drink. I say in my head.

As I look back in the dining room I make sure that no one saw me leave. I turn all the way- BAM. I ran into my Fiance!

"Oh! ow..... H-hi." I say.

The Prince is silent and stares down at me.

Oh god why is he so tall!? He looks at least 6ft..and his hair is pitch black! his eyes are beautiful. Hasel looking? I cant tell, they look blue but then green and brown..Oh goodness..those horns sure are intimidating. They look so long and scary..That's the gorgeous thing about them! I say in my head.

I stare in disbelief.

....Why is she staring? this is so weird...Her eyes are ocean blue..and her gorgeous dark purple hair is so long and amazing, it even touches her knees. For a girl Demon her horns are really big. She has a cute tail too! I wonder what kind of demon she is. Alex says in his head.

"So you must be my Fiance? Haha..so um, let's go and have a couple drinks?" I say nervously.

"Oh. What? Sure." Alex says while looking at the ground.

Me and Alex lean against a table in the back room with whiskey.

"So..I have some drugs in my room.."*Hiccup* I tell Alex.

"Cool." Alex says. "Hold on." I say.

I walk off and accidentally run into a wall but then forget and turn back.

"I-*Hiccup* I forgot what I was doing." *Hiccup* I say.

Shoot she's drunk...really drunk..this is not good, it makes us both look bad. Alex says in his head.

"Let's get to know *Hiccup* eachother." I say.

"What? Why?" Alex says.

"Because we're going to be stuck with eachother for awhile."*Hiccup*

"...Fine, ask away."

"Really?! Okay! *Hiccup* What-what is your favorite color?"

....What in the hell? Alex says in his head.

"I like Red alot."

"Oh cool *Hiccup* mine is purple."

Okay, I'm really bored and we're not really talking about anyth- Alex tries to say on his head.

"I was gonna confess my love for my bestfriend, *Hiccup* Lance today." I say.

"Why didn't you then?" Alex asks.

"I had to cancel those plans with him and come dine with you and your family."

It gets quiet, Alex stares at the ground.

"And now I have to marry you. What a world we live in..." I say.

"I'm sorry that happened, but we need to just get this wedding thing out of the way. Okay?" Alex says.

"But we dont even match. We don't know eachother either."

"Then let's get to know eachother now."

"Okay." I say awkwardly.

"First off, why is your Kingdom called "Death 11th?"

"I think *Hiccup* it's because we only have 11 lives in hell." *Hiccup*

"....Sooo..what kind of demon are you?" Alex asks.

"I'm called a "Pitch Demon"... we're really rare. We're called "Pitch Demons" because we have oddly loud voices when we "howl" at night and we grow wings when we want. we also have super strength. What kind of Demon are you?" I say with confidence.

"I'm a "Fere Demon."

"What the hell *Hiccup*is that?" I say.

Alex's eyes grow wide for a second.

"Well my type of Demon can become just a shadow whenever. We also transform into a 50ft creature. I can't really explain but once you see me you'll understand."

"....That was alot of words...*Hiccup*...I didn't listen to even one of them." I say with my eyes wide.

Oh god..I feel like I'm gonna...I'm gonna!- I say in my head.


AHH!! Oh god she threw up! This is so gross! Alex says in his head.