
That day.

A really short story. Read without questioning...

Evidence_Okwunna · Real
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That day.

It was a graceful Saturday afternoon, Mike had just concluded a silent-time session- his regular Saturday routine to know more about God. While meditating on what he had just studied, he felt a warm wind. This caused him to open his eyes and see three figures like men, they seemed to have luminous abilities, their faces formed as his eyes adjusted to the intensity of the light that radiated from them. He was a bit moved as this was the first time such an event had ever happened to him, fixing his gaze at them, he made short quick movements to adjust his posture on his couch as they approached him.

They were donned in robe-like white apparels, having the faces of humans, except there was no blemish, their faces looked perfectly edited, like a filter on Snapchat, but this time, radiating light as of a star. Mike was still trying to come to terms with this reality when one of them- the one preceding, said to him: "Rise, Son of God, the time has come".

Mike was startled.

Mike: Huh?

Preceding being: "The time to witness that which holds for all life that dies"

Mike: I'm…very sorry right now, umm…please just give me three seconds…so…like…you guys are actual angels?

The Second being: As identified in your means of communication, yes we are.

Mike: Wow…I…I'm just, I don't really know what to say…but I...wow…I have a whole lot of questions right now…

The First Angel: Don't be afraid, All your questions will be answered in the journey"

Mike: Well…I…okay, where are we going then?

The Third Angel: We are going to witness the events that take place after death, the events that await you, together with all humans that exist within space-time.

The First Angel: Now we must go, for you are limited by time.

Mike: (Man this is crazy) Alright then.

He was taken past the boundaries of life and afterlife through the 4th spatial coordinate in direction, the first stop was the known Heaven.

The place was grand in all senses of the word, having beautiful structures and satisfying sceneries…he was shown all the believers who had died and made it to Heaven…he also met some of the Apostles that were matryed living happily, it was so beautiful he was already feeling at home, he wanted to be there forever, while Mike was still amazed at this encounter, The First Angel spoke and said:

"But this journey is not complete until we visit the other side to the coin, the Hell world"

Mike agreed, though reluctantly, as he was so excited at all Heaven had to offer.

He joined the three as they warped themselves to Hell…

Hell was all that was not Heaven, it was really discomforting, sad, hot, dark, boisterous and filled.

He saw some of the people he did not expect to be there, some famed pastors, some of his dead relatives , late friends an all kinds of people, he saw some dead celebrities and politicians too. It was too sad a sight.

He said:

"This place is just too bad, I can't even handle the sight, the darkness is tangible, I can feel the heat despite the fact that we are resistant, there are just too many things wrong with this place, let's just get back{He walks towards where he believed they(him and the angels) emerged from}"

Immediately, the Second angel said:

"Where are you going Mike?"

Mike: Er?

First Angel: Look at your belt!!!

Mike{Looks at his belt}: Er…what…eh??...wait, my…

Third Angel: That is the belt of lies!!!!

Mike{So confounded right now}: Wait… you guys…the wha…it's…what's going on here?

The First Angel: Look at it!!!

Mike{Now scared}: I'm sorry…I think there's a very serious misunderstanding right now…I…I like…I had the belt while I was…like…when you met me…I had this belt...even when we were...Heaven.

The Third Angel: Do you see that we are spotless?

Mike: …You guys cannot really do this right now{tears forming in his eyes}…please you cannot be allowed to do this…really…please {a tear drops}…

(Am I dreaming right now?)

*The three angels dissapear*

Almost immediately, Mike was taken to inner hell by a group of demons.

Don't ask questions.