
That day i realise i was a god

at currently fantasy and demonlord is similar plot but welcome to a new world of fantasy where mc take you to his tragic story so its just starting

Dabi20 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Things wasn't same as it was

The girl was rushing with me, it was second time encountering a human, i was scared cause once a human killed me..." wait a human killed me", what? but how?

The day when when Raven was going to meet the priest in church:

The priest want to save humanity by killing demon race, but he knows they were strong but without their leader they are weak so he decided to kill demonlord. As it was a really a herculean task he reads a book how to kill demons... but in the end he won't find anything good, after he was loosing his hopes an Angel from heaven appeared and ask "Man i k know you want to kill that fucking demonlord raven, but you can't find anything to kill him in this human world. he ain't a demon ain't a human even i can't sense his energy the thing i only know is his power now he using is somehow connected to lifetree in heaven, but god was hiding the fact about this from.. but i found it.. that freaking demon ain't a normal one he is a god by himself he is the life, by demonlord he is holding his trueform but i can't allow it a demon becoming god.... that ain't fair"

The priest ( smiled)

so you are an angel from heaven so what you need is kill that bastard son of demon, i can join you but a condition will you give me that holly grail in heaven...

Angel ( littly shocked, he looking at the eyes of priest )

(Angel in his mind) so god said was right some humans are really evil than demons, anyways i want him only he can help...

Angel (spoke in loud voice) Priest i will give you grail but why did you need that grail?

priest (smiled ) "in that grail there is a way to kill a demon who is supreme to God, i need that book

Angel agree with him and gone to heaven

he managed to steal that grail and give that to priest, priest read that book and find that way to kill raven.. as angel said he was connected with life tree if death poison go inside him he can be killed

Angel ( thinking inside) you humans are really cunny

the priest put deathpoison from hell in that tea... and they killed Raven.. but after the use of holygrail and deathpoison that world cursed by God... and that angel was dismissed from heaven the priest died with cancer... that world was destroyed...

and god decide to make an another one

and give a second life to raven in that world as Zatana