
The arrival of prince lee

It was a beautiful morning in the city of San were a beautiful young man by the name of kui wo who was around the age of 16 to 17 ,he had long blue hair,sky blue eyes and to add more to has elegant and delicate features he had snow white skin which would get swellen if was touched to roughly

,he was the youngest son of the king Wong yei and his wife qween Guo who who had two alpha sons named Chen yei and lou yei who shared there father's middle name and one omega Son who is kui wo and one omega daughter who was named Lin wo, who shared there mother's middle name

Now back to the story, Has kui wo was sitting he was hearing his sister happily speaking have u had

"I am getting married to prince lee San fuo he is so handsome have seen his eyes o my god they are so beautiful like Star"she said

But she was surprised to see her brother looking out side the window and not listening to her

" why are you looking outside the window, what is more important than me"

but before she could continue she has she saw prince lee and his family entering the palace oh no I forget the fuo family was coming today

I am a new writer so plz leave comments to correct me

Vicky_Mukecreators' thoughts