
Thalias Beast

Thalia is an independent woman living a regular life as a tourist guide in the Philippines. Growing up away from her parent's superstitious beliefs & traditions, She became used to being just the typical and normal person-- or so she thought. Until an incident happened in Monaco which will take her own life. But little did she know that fates has realigned her path the moment she set her foot back to the world of living. Incarnating an ancient demi Goddess, Thalia has risen with a purpose to restore the failing balance of heaven & earth, as well as to rekindle an old impermissible romance from centuries past. Determine to find other answers from all the weird stuff happening around her, Thalia will soon find out how once an old myth binds her fate with her most hated man, Stefano - a man fighting over his beast inside from wanting to devour her.

Amedrianne · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter V

The Centre Hospitalier Princess Grace,

Avenue Pasteur, Monaco

The bright fluorescent beams around when I open my eyes, causing me mild blindness. My vision started as blur, slowly clearing up when I look around to see where I am. I rose from what appears like a hospital bed and immediately scrutinize myself, I'm dumbfounded to discover that I am well and fine. I am indeed at a hospital now. The quadrate ward is quite spacious for me alone. Adjacent to me is a wide glass window with sky blue see-through curtain, overlooking a mountain night lights view from here.

Miraculously, I didn't get drown, and more importantly, my wound is nowhere to be found. It's as if, I've never been stabbed at all. Part of me still ponder, I'm dead for real yet here I am so alive. Could there be any hospital in the afterlife as well? That's why I'm here?

I am completely puzzled and wondering if I'm being fooled by life and death.

It is still fresh in my memory how I got drowned along with that Pandaki who forced me to drink something from the luminescent goblet moments before we submerge deep down.

How did I possibly get here?

I hang half of my right face unto my palm trying to remember everything that happened after the tidal waves hit us. Unfortunately, I could not recall a single thing except Pandaki's last few words, 'Open your eyes, Mayari. Find Dalikamata Immediately. Open your eyes!'

Who is she talking about?

She keeps mentioning names I have no idea who could they be in the very first place. Thinking about it over and over gave me minor headaches. The other side of my face remains to rest on my palm until the door creaks open, "Thalia! Goodness gracious, finally you are awake." Emalia rushed to my side after putting some packed meals beside the white table.

Divina and Gab followed Emalia's reaction, most especially Gab whose face shows an obvious sign of guilt for ditching me. He took a step closer and suddenly parted his lips, "I was really surprised seeing you lying on the floor of the lobby when I arrive. I was worried when you fainted, thankfully some attendants help me bring you here." which bothers me. Why is he telling lies?

How can he say that when it wasn't what really happened. I removed my hand from my face and swiftly look at them, focusing on Gab specifically, "That's not what really happened! You ditched me, I waited for you for like hours and things got worst when I got inside the auction hall, then I even got stabbed by a thief somewhere from the outskirts of Monte Carlo after running away from a pervert during the after-party!" my wide-open eyes were glued at him. I hate to react indifferently, I wish to know he didn't try ditching me, that he had other urgent or important matters to run to or that he would be considerate enough to say he was late, but no--he retold everything, cleansing his slate, when in fact he has no idea what I've been through last night.

As my rage dilutes, I suddenly notice the odd way they all look at me. Their stares don't show any sign of fright from my sudden uproar, no not really, it is more like shock than horror. My forehead starts to furrow once more until Emalia, took the courage to tell me, "Thalia, what's wrong with your eyes?"

My brow creases, "Why? What's with my eyes?" I asked her but she barely moves her lips.

I look at Gab next who is still stammering as he points my right eye, "Why do you have different eye color?" he asks. What does he mean about my eye color? different color? Is he or are they pranking me?

"This isn't a good joke, guys." I blurted.

Divina then quickly grabs a compact mirror from her sling bag and hands it over saying, "Here, see for yourself."

I wasn't sure why but my skin's thin hairs are beginning to rise as I grab it from Divina, little bumps of my skin surges leading to goosebumps. And when I faced the small compact mirror, I saw that they were not kidding at all. I originally have Asian almond eyes with hazel brown colors, so how did my right eye hued into crystal blue.

How did this happen?

With great dismay, I angrily toss the compact mirror away from my sight, enough to crash on the concrete wall beside me. I buried my face into my hands and began crying. A hand gently strokes my spine, patting me gently. "Thalia, I'm sure the doctor has something to say about this." I heard Emalia convincing me that everything will be explained well by the doctor.

The door creaks open again and we all inclined our heads to the nurses coming towards me, following them is a middle-aged blonde white guy in red corporate sleeves and cream trousers buckled with a black belt, his stethoscope hangs over his nape--he must be the doctor.

As the nurses check on the drop flow from my IV cord, the other one monitors my blood pressure through her apparatus after taking my body temperature. The doctor who's buried on my patient chart inches near me, "Well, how are you feeling today Ms. Esguerra?" he asks with a little bit exaggeration of pronouncing my surname, making it sounding 'gay'.

"I'm not sure, will I become blind?"

The doctor looks at me with a query, "Who said?" his lips lift us for a sarcasm.

He slips his fingers inside his chest pocket and took out a penlight, he drew closer and simultaneously examined my left and right eyes, "Um-hmm... I see. It looks like your condition falls for Complete heterochromia,"

"What's that?"

"This means one iris is a different color than the other. For example, now, you have one blue eye and one brown eye. What's your original eye color?"

"It's Hazel brown."

"It's very rare for Asians who usually have brown eye color to acquire such cases unless it is hereditary. As this case is unlikely to occur since brown-eyed Asians have more melanin in their iris. Compared to those who were born with blue eyes, well, those cases are prone to such." He looks back to my patient chart once more before returning back to me, "did you happen to have some kind of a traumatic experience like an accident causing any harm with your eyes?" he asks.

And I promptly answered, "I don't."

While the two of us are discussing, Gab just suddenly butts in, "I actually saw her fainted last night, perhaps it could've been the impact from her fall."

Here go his lies again. "I didn't, Gab. so stop saying I fainted." my teeth clenching from temper.

Yet, Gab did not renounce to it, "Girl, check this photo and tell me I keep on lying on to you." He actually showed me a picture of me lying on the lobby floor surrounded by some receptionist. I don't remember it ever happen, no, that really didn't happen.

Was I being fooled? It can't be possible, why would Gab waste his time coming with all these acts, and by the look on his face now, I can sense that perhaps he isn't lying at all.

I'm on the verge of immersing deep into my thoughts when the doctor chimes in, "Hate to disturb your tension but I'll just leave these prescriptions at the nurse station and make sure you drink them accordingly." he said as he continues scribbling some notes I can barely read.

I realized if we stay here for further whatsoever tests, that would also mean we would miss our flight. Our boss told us that we will be the ones to shoulder our expenses had we missed our flight and needed to book for a new one. I immediately called out the Doctor who was already heading his way out, "Doc, when can I be discharged? You see, our flight is scheduled tomorrow."

The Doctor cleared his throat before answering me, "We still need to observe your eye condition though, but apart from that, I don't see other serious problems based on the initial findings endorsed by the emergency room. If you intend to be discharged, your immediate guardian or family may sign the waiver." he said as he walks back to me. He took one glance on the dextrose hanging on the steel IV stand and wrote additional notes on my patient chart.

"Perhaps I can sign the waiver, After all, I am her husband." Gab suddenly volunteered that almost made me throw up. I believe it's a bit too late for him to do that. Mrs. Landers, the old creep, is nowhere around anyway, and besides, I don't need it anymore.

Another person did it in his stead and apparently, it appears that that man is imposing he bought me the same time he bought the fragrance I made. All these happenings make me further want to go back to the Philippines, I'm scared that if we stayed longer in Monaco, I might just come across them again and worst is that I might get into another problem once it happens.

It wasn't long when the doctor left with Gab to talk about the waiver. It wouldn't help if I protested against Gab swearing he is my husband, he could only be thinking that's the only option we wouldn't have to stay for too long and miss our flight.

Thinking only about it makes me puke though. I mean, I've know Gab ever since and I know our taste for guys is the same. we're both girls as he always says. I remember how he did me a favor last night doing my curls and make up for the auction and after-party. And even though, he ditches me and prompted a new story about last night, I am still indebted to him.


Bars & Restaurant lounge,

Charles de Gaulle Airport,

Paris, France

It will take two connecting trips from Monaco to Paris, where a layover of three hours is apparent before our next flight back to the Philippines, and it sure is making us all hungry. Airport foods are quite expensive and I don't think I have enough cash to buy that much.

After our dinner, my friends and I took a short stroll and bought some smoothies from Pret A Manger. The Roissy Airport's floors are covered with red floormats making it appear like a long runway for us four while we drag our trollies, and the concave structure of ceiling across the terminals just left me mesmerized. Luxury brands of course are at present which is only an eye reach for us since prices are too much for our pocket money to afford.

Emalia and I made a short stop at the comfort room to freshen up before our next flight. And as I was toning my face with powder, I suddenly notice how normal I look. The hazel-brown contact lens that Divina bought for me looks so natural. Perfect how it actually hides the sudden colorization of my right eye. It proportionately fits my beige skin stone and natural brown-black wavy locks.

My hands were about to retouch my lip tint when Emalia suddenly appears beside me, "It's amazing how Gab was able to persuade the attending doctor." she commends.

I lift one side of my lips to at least agree.

"There are moments when I thought, what if Gab didn't become gay? would he be an ideal partner?"

I reverted an eye roll as I faced Emalia, "Seriously? I can't even imagine him being my partner at all, even if he suddenly choose to be a man. I mean he has the looks but I don't see me and Gab will ever agree to be in a relationship. He has some interest I don't find amusing."

"like?" Emalia raises an eyebrow.

I thought about it and just before I open my mouth, Divina barge in with a sneering face, "what happened with the 'just five minutes' eh? Go find Gab, I need to pee. He said he won't wait to attend to your luggage." she said before going straight to a cubicle.

With the swift stain of tint into my lips, a glide of a thin eyeliner to revamp my almond eyes, and I'm finally set to go with Emalia. As I settle all my stuff inside my backpack, I took out the leftover sample of the perfume I made back in Monte Carlo, sprayed two on my wrist, and damp it on my neck before exiting the comfort room.

Gab looks at us in disbelief, "We're boarding the plane not entering the club, bitches." He comments soon after observing the retouches we made. I tried to make my look more natural but Gab just loves scrutinizing almost everything.

I just ignored him and pulled our bags towards the baggage check-in.

As we are waiting at the airport scanner line, as a foreigner tries to pass over me. I hated such kind of scenery. Can't they see there's a proper line?

"Excuse me sir, but I believe you should fall in line?" I can't help myself but complain.

The blonde guy faced me, I swore I heard Gab swoon a bit from behind me. This blonde has the face but the tiniest of good attitude as he looks at me down his nose, "¿Tiene un problema?"

I don't understand his language but it sounded like Spanish and from his word problema which is similar to our language, I assume he is sarcastically asking me what could be my problem with him.

"Looks like you can't speak English, how unfortunate of you!" I provoked him with my best effort.

His sharp eyes retain like it was torturing me, I could feel a strange odd feeling as my right eye begins to sting. I look away from him and so as the sting. And then another male voice intervene, "¿Qué está pasando, Fabián?" It was a deeper tone compared to the blonde guy.

When I lean back to look, the man who meddled just now made me pause a bit. I witness how he inhaled a deep whiff of air almost like smelling something. It instantly had me thinking, how his deep-set eyes look appealing to me.

I moistened my lips from the frustration seeing the blonde guy who still placed his luggage on the scanner and that's when I blurted on the other man, "If you are not going to move forward then at least move aside, will you?" moving steadfastly after them and taking my spot back.

I laid my luggage inside the scanner and move towards the body scanner. As a winning gesture, I toss my lengthy curls while passing by them. My eyes saw how the blonde guy was hindered by the tall tanned guy beside him.

"Excuse me," The tall tanned guy called out to me. I lean back and return him a questioning look. he was shortly paused before answering back a grin as he says, "Have a safe trip."

Those words were like an avenge for his friend as it left me annoyed entering the scanner. I completely ignored them and move along for the check-in of our luggage. What an irritating experience to leave Paris.


Hacienda Esperanza,

San Ildefonso, Philippines

A week after the extravagant yet traumatic escapade in Monte Carlo, Monaco, here I am standing before the arch that welcomes me back to my hometown.

We all got back to the Philippines receiving the news that the new owner of La Sobelle Travel Agency—where we are working from—has ordered our transfer to their regional office in Luzon. And apparently, I am relocated back to my home town in San Ildefonso.

It's already nearing pitch dark and foot loads rushing to get home are apparent. Part of me doesn't want to set foot anywhere in this place anymore. It has been three years ever since I left my life in San Ildefonso to find a new one in Pasay City.

Life is indeed full of surprises. Who would've thought that my current workplace would send me back here again?

"Thalia! I know you don't miss San Ildefonso that much but would you care to worry who will carry your luggage first before anything else?" Gab ruined my momentum. He drags the Luggage's pulley and let it glide towards me, "It's not just you who hates the news, girl. We all hate it too. I mean, who would be happy being transferred to this old-fashioned town? plus our salary rates are cut down to nearly half because of some stupid provincial rates!" Gab can't contain his frustration and I feel for him. Because I, too, don't feel glad coming back here.

"At least they have done something to retain us, done being fired after being spoiled with the free travel." Divina chimes as she leans her head outside the passenger seat's window.

Gab return back in his car and I bid them goodbye. He still has to drop the two at their residences. What a kind bitch.

I let out a heavy sigh. How shall I face my family after telling them I'd be successful again once I return here? It was just nothing but one of my easy mouth works caused by too much pride.

From my dropping point, I took a ride from a local tricycle to where I live. San Ildefonso hasn't changed at all. It still has its vast property of farm fields far from the scenery of the urban view in Pasay. Across each side of the road were parallel century-old acacia trees in their blooming season, looking like cherry blossom version of San Ildefonso. houses here are still phased out model design from the early days of year two thousand.

The tricycle stops in front of a hundred and fifty years old two-story house, barricaded by a rustic maroon gate. As expected, my parents who were so eager to see me are already at the front porch.

"Thalia, we miss you so much, my dear!" My mother instantly hugged me tight, next to her is my father who joins the embrace.

I can't feel any excitement seeing them, unfortunately, I can't even return the same beam they have greeted me. As soon as I got away from their embrace, I unload my two luggage and went inside the house.

When I step inside the wooden flooring of the ancestral house, I saw my grandfather near the long table, highly anticipating for me as well. I just ignored him and the big painting of a smile from his face. My feet quickly move to the room and as expected, they have revamped the linens and curtains. The study table is cleaned but the arrangement from where I left is still intact. My drawers are still placed where they are. Only the fluorescent light and air condition were the things new to my sight.

My hand scrapes into my temple for all these burdens. I really shouldn't have told my cousin about my arrival.

Two knocks on my door barely startled me, "Who is it?" I ask.

"Thalia, I just thought maybe you'd like to join us for dinner?" heard my mom trying to persuade me to eat with them. It such a waste to disregard the meal but I really had no appetite to eat with them. Yet I ended up telling her, "I'll just change my clothes. I'll come down later." to stop her from insisting beyond my door.

After changing into my pajamas, I set aside the big luggage I have and pulled the one I used in Monaco. It has been over a week, and frankly, this would be the first time I am unloading my luggage from that trip. I don't have much time to do it back at the staff quarters since I'm pretty much occupied with accepting bookings.

I lifted the heavy luggage on my bed and tried opening it. Surprisingly, I can't open my lock combination. Did someone from the quarters touch my things? Emalia is my roommate and she would never do that. We've been roommates since we both started working for La Sobelle and never did she dared touching any of my stuff.

Desperate to open it up, I tried looking for a sharp object and used it to ruin the combination lock. Luckily, I found my swiss knife, which was something I secretly took from my father's old stuff and used it to wreck open the luggage.

But to my horror, I opened the luggage that wasn't even mine. Exposed inside were overcoats, long sleeves, Envelopes containing some confidential files, other folios, and a transparent glass box. Inside the box was the same two red glass dice I saw at the auction hall.

Seeing it again just made me recall the incidents I had back in Monaco. I took it out from the luggage and it still gives me the same strange feeling to touch it. I immediately shook my head to withdraw from all those thoughts.

I just placed the transparent box on my working table and look for any possible names to contact for the luggage. I also need to call the airport for an incident report. But heck, where would I start looking for my missing luggage?

Moreover, who could possibly own this luggage?


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