
TFL (Deleted)

AkuyaFox · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Prolonged Absence and Ongoing Illness

Hello everyone! I am so very sorry for being so absent this entire time! I know many of you have been waiting for updates on my stories and have received no news as to what is going on, I apologize sincerely for leaving you all in the dark for so long :(

To make a long story short, about 6 months ago I was diagnosed with stage one skin cancer and have been in the hospital undergoing treatments ever since. About 4 months ago I had another tragedy strike me when I had to change units and hospital rooms, I left the room for no more than a half hour and my carry-on hospital bag was stolen! Inside was everything I owned pretty much, my phone, laptop, tablet, wallet and all my personal ID. I have been locked out of all of my accounts until now, I've had to cancel all my credit cards and bank cards and have several investigations going on right now that are preventing me from having any downtime or to even recovering.

Unfortunately also during this time, my relationship of over 2 years had ended, the stress of everything was too much for me to handle and I had no choice but to leave my relationship to focus on my health and battling this. As much as I am recovering physically, I am recovering mentally a lot as well which has made it difficult to put myself in the proper headspace and good mental state.

On the good side, I have beaten my skin cancer and am entering the recovery stage, which means I haven't been outside in quite a long time due to the sensitivity of my skin and overall health xD I am really hoping to be back and writing again! I am so sorry again for my long absence and continued absence, I will try my best to be back in tip-top shape soon!

Thank you so much for all your understanding and patience :)


Alice Marie