
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Chapter 16

       "There was a cricket bat and he didn't make use of it?" Jada sassed. Her eyes went around the room, observing calmly. "Are you the only one?"

       Still in astonishment about what had just occurred, he answered back, "Yes. He just killed my friend."

       "That wasn't your friend, dude. What kind of friend eats his friend for dinner?"

       "Who are you guys?" Diego assisted him in sitting down. "And how did you get here unharmed?"

       "Survivors just like you. I'm Inspector Fred. Are you alone?" He lifted the table and placed his map. "Gather round, everyone. We have to get out of here no matter what. There's barely enough time to do an introduction or explain anything." Even if we die while trying. He spread the map on the table, as everyone converged around. Bobby hurdled to the table, moaning and mumbling in pain. "This is the map of this state. Apparently, all borders have been closed. Every country and state have blocked all roads leading to and out of California."

       "Please tell me you have a plan." Jada sighed.

       "The only place open for survivors right now is Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona."

       Bobby rested his butt on the table and asked, "How long is a drive from Beverley Hills, CA to Phoenix?"

       "From my estimations, it's approximately 6 hours, 2 minutes. If the roads ain't precluded, We should be able to get there before the sun goes down tomorrow that's if we depart in the morning."

       "We need food and water. I'm empty right now." Jada massaged her abdomen. She paced around, scanning the office. We need weapons as well. "Are there any weapons around here?"

       "It's a computer office so I'm guessing no," Bobby responded. He chewed the last gum in his pocket and restrained his eyes. "I know you. You're Jada. The wild girl dating my buddy, Antonio."

       Meatball? Damn, he just made me hungrier. We need something to use as a defense. "Found it!" Pulling out the broom by the side of the toilet door, she took out the brush part. "Diego, pass me the duct tape over there."

       Intriguing. He marveled. Reaching for the tape, he tossed it over to her and then pulled out the second broom. "Do it slowly. I can't learn if you keep moving swiftly."

       "Wow. You wanted to commit suicide seven days ago. What changed?"

       "You transformed me. You made me see a reason why I should live."

       I might as well cut his head before those things get to him. "Meatball, here." She used the duct tape to tape her utility knife and fork on the lower end of the broom then passed it to Bobby. "You need to aim for their brain. That's the only way they'll die and you'll live."

       "Hold on, there's no way we are bringing this kid along. He can scarcely walk." Inspector Fred said sternly. "He's only going to slow us down. I disagree with this."

       "No one asked if you agree or not." She assisted Diego in taping his knife on the broom. "You're welcome to leave alone. No one will stop you. Meatball, are you okay?"

       "No. I'm very skittish."

       "Good. He's okay." She glanced at the map again, this time moving her index finger slowly on the parts marked X. "Are these the places infected by the virus?"

       Dare gaped out through the window, the living dead were slogging. Their movement was slow and onerous, their stance wide and prudish. Blood trickled down his injured arm. "It doesn't make sense." He noted almost inaudibly.

       "Yes. Each red X represents the cities infected by the virus. That's every damn city in California. It's already clear to us how humans get infected."

       "I used to think California would be the last place to get infected if there was ever a thing like this. I guess I was wrong."

       Diego cracked up. "Aye. That's what happens when you have too many expectations from someone or something." his eyes flickered.

       "So how do we drive down to Phoenix without bumping into those things?"

       "We already know the living dead can't see in the dark."

       "Which is still torturous to escape because the street lights are on. And the noise coming from our car? Dude, we need a plan that doesn't involve stopping in the middle of the road to make another plan."

       This girl. She's getting on my nerves. He unbuttoned his uniform and took it off, hanging it on the bathroom door.

       "Inspector Fred," Dare echoed. When Inspector Fred arrived, he lamented softly, nursing his injured arm then said, "Isn't it strange? No one's coming to save us. Do you think the President has abandoned us?"

       "I was hoping I wouldn't but everything points to that. That doesn't surprise me though." He pulled out a hankie in his pocket and then gave it to Dare. "Use this. Your blood might draw the attention of the living dead outside." Has the President turned his back on us? That's erroneous. A president of a Nation as big as America shouldn't do this.

       "Did you get to find out what's going on?" he untied the piece of material used in bandaging his injury and then threw it into the trash can. "The people would need an explanation when we get out of here. Things like this don't just happen, right?"

       "Crystal Lab," he whispered. "That's the only thing I was able to find out before we got attacked at that restaurant."

       "Crystal Laboratory? Doesn't ring a bell."

       "That's because it's an underground network." he sighed. Pulling out a tiny piece of paper, he squeezed it into Dare's awaiting hand. "Salvation Laboratory is the name of the actual Lab. I only just uncovered they have an underground Lab."

       "But how?" he stared at the tiny paper, trying to figure out anything. "I don't see it."

       "In there." He pointed at the image of a dove. "Look closely, you'll see their logo."

       "Wow. It's so tiny. No one would be able to see this even while holding it up. You're a brainiac." He returned the paper and asked, "How does this answer all our questions? Do you have proof they started this?"

       "No." Inspector Fred's expression dulled. "The owner of Salvation Laboratory was arrested four months ago for carrying out an illegal experiment on an animal. A goat to be accurate."

       Dare's eyebrows snapped, ears highly keen to every sound. He needed to hear more about what Inspector Fred was saying. "A goat!"

       "Yes. I'm not certain they are answerable for what's going on but four months ago, I recall after releasing the goat into the wild, when a tiger tried to attack one of our guys, that goat lunged on it. It's highly inconceivable for a goat to attack a tiger."

       "Very unattainable. To be truthful, if someone else had been in your place I would have presumed they were crazy. How can a goat?"

       "True." he cut in. "But that goat didn't suck its blood or anything like that. It only feasted on its flesh. And its skin didn't look anything like what I'm seeing."

      "Assault and Murder Case of Hillary Steel!" When everyone turned to look at him, he apologized and then whispered, "Hilary Steel was assaulted and murdered around that area, right?"

       Inspector Fred sat on the floor, spreading his legs out. "Who's that?"

       "That's the case Aguilera's been working on." When Inspector Fred snapped his finger, he continued, "The reason Aguilera couldn't find any evidence against the killer is that he didn't murder her. That's exactly why he was charged with only Assault."

       How didn't I think of this? "The court concluded it was food poisoning but there was no evidence that showed the culprit was behind it. This means, while they were out camping, Hillary and the accused must have hunted down the goat and cooked it. But it doesn't make sense still."

       "It does. Hillary was in her final stage of cancer. She presumably was going to die that day or the next. Her skinny body couldn't have handled the infection that's why she died."

       "And what about the accused?" Jada joined in. She folded her legs and sat opposite Inspector Fred. His plan to get her away from them failed as she was more determined to know the truth. Her lips curled up, allowing Dare to beg on her behalf.

       Seeing no other option, he waved his hand angrily and muttered, "We couldn't catch him. Hilary's family sued his family."

       "Cool. This means, all this time he's been in the forest or wherever. So, John must have seen him while driving and tried to help not knowing what it was."

       "John was in an accident. He must have bumped into him with his car and tried to help."

       That's exactly what I said. He's such a baby. "Poor Doc. You guys arrested Doc Chris Preston without getting your facts right. If only you did your mathematics well that day, Doctor Chris would still be alive and California won't be shattered today. You deserve a trophy, Inspector Fred."

       Dare tied his wound with the handkerchief given to him. Jada had a point. But could they be blamed? No one knew zombies could be real. Even in a million years, he wouldn't have guessed a day would come when humans would feast on their fellow humans. "Jada, it's only an assumption. There's no evidence to justify our accusation against Salvation Laboratory. It's also possible that we could be wrong."

       "Well, that possibility could be 2% out of a hundred." Salvation Laboratory. Isn't that where internet sensation, Lizzy Gills's father works? I wonder if she knows something about this. I'll give her a call. "Do you have a phone on you?"

       "I do but it's primarily impracticable. The battery needs to be charged for it to be used."

       Why carry it around? Just toss it in the trash can. "Salvation Laboratory is responsible for what's going on. If they ain't, then explain how a goat killed a tiger. What fiction is that?" How did they even become Inspectors? Her eyes took notice of the Celine Jacket lying on the floor. She picked it up and walked briskly towards Bobby. "Meatball. Meatball, wake up!"

       "Jada, keep your voice down." Diego pleaded. "You'll get us killed. I don't think I can fight off those monsters if I don't eat something." She's amazingly impossible. How can a girl be this fearless?

       How can someone sleep at a time like this? Hardly did she touch his amputated leg, Bobby pushed her away. Not waiting to hear her taunt, he apologized. He used the back of his palm to wipe the tears in his red eyes. "Are you nuts?" she asked in a monotonous tone. Calm down, Jada. Came down. He's already paying for all his sins. It must be tough for him as well. "This." She raised the jacket. "Where's Antonio? He was here, right? Don't even think about lying to me."

       If I tell her he was here, she'll go after him. If something bad happens to her, Antonio would murder me. I can't let that happen. "He wasn't. Ken took the jacket from Antonio before we left Texas."

       That's not possible. This is Antonio's fragrance. I know it's his. "Meatball, I'll cut off your other leg and force you to eat it if you don't tell me the truth right now."

       "I already told you. He's in Texas. Why would you think I'm fibbing? Is it feasible to fib in this condition?" Oh, Antonio. Where are you guys? Your girl is going to kill me before I even get to eat something.

       "Don't bullshit me, Meatball." He's lying. I know he's lying. Antonio must be somewhere around here. If he was really in Texas, he would have called me to know how I'm doing. I hope he isn't in some kind of trouble. Oh no. I hope he isn't dead. "Meatball." She walked back and forth then glared anxiously at the living dead growling directly outside the window. Why are they many? They weren't this plenty earlier. It seems someone opened a door or something for them. Their number is increasing sporadically. "Dare," Just then she took in the sight of Prestige Restaurant. She pulled away from the window and walked back to where Bobby lay. "Did Antonio go into Prestige Restaurant?"

       Oh geez. How do I lie now? She's not just scary but also very shrewd. How did she even figure it out by just looking out through the window? Antonio, where are you? I'm already in a lot of pain and your girlfriend is not sparing me at all. "I already said earlier he's in Texas. Why ain't you believing me? Do you think I'm having fun where I am?"


       "Antonio is also my friend!" he barked. He raised his head and sat uncomfortably on the table. He pulled the map at the end of the table, rolled it, and passed it to Diego. "Antonio is more than just a friend to me. He's like an older brother. Do you think I don't care about him that I'll let him go into Prestige Restaurant alone?"

       Why do I feel so restless? I hope he's okay. I can't stand Meatball right now. I just feel like strangling him. It's not his fault though. Antonio must have told him to lie to me. "Meatball," She bit her lower lip, trying to repress her wrath. "I know you're doing this for him but, Prestige Restaurant is just like a den of Lions. If he's indeed in there, there's no way he would make it out alive."

       "Shoot. She's right. Prestige Restaurant is the worst place to be right now. It used to be the most admired place in the world now it's the only place no one wants to go. It's depressing. I wonder if the owner of Prestige is still alive. If he is, then he must be devastated. Oh no. Will Antonio and the guys die in there? But I can't tell her. What do I do? I've never felt this helpless in my life. "He's not there." He stuttered. The confidence in his voice faded gradually. He wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing or leading his friends to their death bed. "He's not crazy to go in there."


       "Why do you care? You broke up with him two months ago. Do you even know how devastated and depressed he felt when you left? He couldn't even concentrate on anything. First, it was Ken and then you."

       "Don't ever pass judgment on my relationship and my decision to leave. You have zero idea why I left."

       "Isn't it because of that rumor?" Bobby chuckled. For the first time since his leg was cut off, he felt very much alive. He knew the contentment wouldn't last. Sooner or later they were going to face more dangers than before. He sniffed, this time allowing his belly to join in his excitement.

       This kid is asking for death. He doesn't know who he's messing with. Dare smirked.

       She's so gorgeous even with the blood on her body. Diego admired her from where he sat. His eyes examined her behind. She has everything a man finds in a woman.

       I haven't met any girl as cold-hearted as Jada. Inspector Fred thought. He knew exactly what her eyes meant. The look in her eyes. The one that revealed the construction of the heart. He knew if they didn't get her away from Bobby, they might have to bury him before leaving. "Often I wonder if she's a girl or boy. I'm shocked she had a boyfriend.

       "Meatball," She grasped the broom from Diego and held it up to his neck, the knife pointing directly at him.

       Bobby gagged. His laughter had vanished. Nobody said a word. He stammered, begging Inspector Fred to intervene. Inspector Fred and Dare shook their heads simultaneously. Diego turned his gaze away, focusing his attention on the door. "Fine!" He gave in. "You are very correct. Antonio went into Prestige Restaurant along with Michael and Nelson. It wasn't out of choice. We were so hungry and thirsty and didn't know what to do. Ken came up with the idea." He blinked twice at the sight of Ken's body on the wall. It was a miracle he didn't throw up after Ken was split into two. "You don't have to worry. They had a plan." I hope it works.

       "Are you insane? How could you let them go in there?"

       "I find your question very amusing." He moved the knife away from his throat. "I'm the one who lost a leg."

       "Already established. Don't give me that bullshit again."

       "The point is, those guys don't let me make decisions. They make every damn decision and I have to tag along because obviously, I'm Meatball." I thought that point was already established too. "We were going to die either way. Whether it's hunger or those demons outside, there is no way we'll make it out alive."

       "I'm going to Prestige Restaurant and as soon as I set my eyes on Antonio, I'm going to kill him. He doesn't think about himself first."

       "I'm pretty sure he was thinking about himself when he went to get food."

       "You're not going anywhere, Jada."

       "Inspector Fred, it doesn't concern you and honestly, why do you care? It's not like you've ever cared for anyone in your life." She grabbed the machete on the wall. "I'm going and nobody would stop me. I'm surprised you think your words would affect me."

       Isn't he an Officer? How could she speak to a government worker that rudely? Even if California is in crisis, it doesn't change the fact that he's a respected person. Bobby spat his gum out. It had lost its taste. "Jada, the man is right. It's fatuity to go in there. You're a..."

       "I'm a what?" her eyes dilated.

       Oh geez. If I call her a girl she would kill me. "You're a special person to Antonio. If anything should happen to you, he won't forgive himself."

       "And if something happens to him, I won't forgive you or myself. Inspector Fred," She turned to face him. "Make sure you come up with a plan to leave this place. You've caused enough damage to California. Murderer."

       "Jada!" He jumped up, snatched the stick by the door, and moved forward. He didn't get to her when Dare stood up and pulled him back. "Let me go! I'm going to kill her. Who does she think she is to talk to me like that?"

       He's always saying he would kill her but never does. Is he doing it for attention or just trying to make everyone fall at his feet? Diego reasoned. He didn't lift a finger or say anything. He didn't want to get involved in their argument. He got up gently, walked over to where Inspector Fred was, and picked up the piece of paper on the floor. "Crystal Laboratory?" Inspector Fred,

       "She's just a kid."

       "I've had enough of that. She's so rude and insolent."

       "Wow. I wonder where I learned it from. Guess what? A lion doesn't give birth to a goat."

       A lion doesn't give birth to a goat? Dare voiced inaudibly. "Oh, my cinnamon."

       The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Bobby beamed.

       Diego moved towards the door, he gazed at the piece of paper in his hand and at Inspector Fred then unbolted the door.

       "Inspector Fred is your father! She's your daughter?" Dare hollered in disbelief. This explains a lot. I can't believe I didn't see this coming. They are alike in every way. Tremendous. But why does she have so much hate for him and why does he treat her like she's some enemy's daughter? Their relationship is more complex. "Inspector Fred, you didn't think it was essential to tell me about this? I've been with you two for fourteen days and I never knew."

       "Oh please. The only relationship we share it's the blood flowing through our bodies. He's not my dad."

       "You don't get to choose who your dad would be. That's not how life works." Diego added. He used the end of his boot to open the door and strolled away, going towards the bathroom. "He's your dad even if you hate it."

       "I don't know about y'all but I get to choose who stays in my life and who doesn't." He would never be my dad. I can't even stand the sight of him. "I'm going. Don't try to be a good father now. When I needed this affection, you weren't there. I can survive with or without you. Dare, assist Inspector Fred in coming up with a plan. I'm going to get the boys."

       Shit. Why didn't I think of this? Jada's going to be in danger. Diego narrowed his head. "Jada, come over here for a second. There is something I need to tell you." Why does it feel like my stomach is being ripped out? They are nothing to me. I shouldn't have regrets after all we've been together for only fourteen days.

       "What? If it's about Inspector Fred, I'm not interested." I need to save Antonio and his friends. They ain't back yet so they must be in danger.

       He stretched his neck and saw the living dead running for the office, grunting and snarling. "It's not about your dad. I mean, Inspector Fred. Come quickly."

       Now I get it. Her aggressive perkiness may have been the reason Antonio fell in love with her. Bobby agreed. His mouth dropped when he noticed the rotten flesh monsters running towards the door with bulging eyes. He didn't get to alert Dare when one lunged at Inspector Fred.