

Zach finds himself unexpectedly ensnared in the virtual realm of Territory Lord. His reality merging with the game world, leaving behind his former life as an enigmatic haze. Armed with a mysterious system, he steps into the game's vast expanse, oblivious to the grand tapestry of destiny being woven around him. Unbeknownst to Zach, the game's mechanics are not merely pixels and codes; they are the threads of fate itself, intertwining his existence with the digital landscape. With determination burning in his veins, Zach vows to carve his mark upon this new world, his eyes set on achieving the pinnacle of glory: establishing the greatest territory known to both man and machine. As he delves deeper into the game's intricacies, Zach encounters formidable adversaries, each vying for supremacy in the unforgiving arena of power and influence. Yet, fueled by an unyielding resolve and guided by the enigmatic system, he navigates the treacherous waters of politics, warfare, and diplomacy, forging alliances and dismantling rivals with strategic finesse. But the path to greatness is fraught with peril, and Zach soon discovers that every victory exacts a toll. Betrayal lurks in the shadows, testing the limits of his trust, while the specter of his forgotten past looms ever closer, threatening to unravel the very fabric of his existence. As the stakes escalate and the battlefield shifts, Zach must confront the ultimate question: What does it truly mean to reign supreme in a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur into oblivion?

BlackGodTears · Juegos
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32 Chs

Kadmus City Mirror Plane Ruins 2

The spirit qi crystal could also be used to power formations, spirit tools,like Zach's spirit boats and also as currency.

9ne could also use them to replenish their spirit qi quickly.

With all the Kadmus Coins accumulated,Zach was itching to make the exchange,but held back as he had no means of carrying the chest around. He planned on waiting until he had gathered enough mid ranked spirit herbs and plants. After that,he would leave the mirror plane ruins.

His early plans were to spend three months in exploring the mirror plane ruins,but after realizing that the creatures deeper were way stronger than him and most of the common mid rank spirit herbs were quite plenty in the outer region,he had to revisit his schedule.

That night,Zach spent laying down low ranked formation array he had premade around his hide out.

The array was made up of both a defence and offence formation,a masking formation,a camouflage formation and a spirit qi gathering and channeling formation. And unlike the spirit boats where the spirit qi channeling formation was used to channel spirit qi into the boat,Zach had twinkled it to channel the qi onto him, with a core five times the normal size,he was not afraid of injury himself. Every time the core would fill up,he would compress the spirit qi before covering the cores shell with it. This went on for the whole night.

At dawn,he woke up to the presence of Kadmus creatures wondering round his hideout.

"What's happening?"

Zach wondered as he used his spirit sence to sence an area of ten metres around him.

"What the heck!"

Zach could only sigh as it dawned on him that the Kadmus creatures he had killed had been replaced by more. Gritting his teeth,he decided to use the full extent of his spirit sence,and this made him question his previous assumption.

He had cleared out an area of two hundred metres round him,and the cleared area was now filled with Kadmus creatures,the only difference being that the ratio of creatures within the previously cleared area had changed. What used to be five hundred tier one creatures,fifty tier two creatures and one tier three creature,now had five hundred tier one creatures,a hundred tier two creatures and two tier three creatures.

The ratio of Kadmus creatures in the area he had not cleared was still the same as before. Also,his spirit sence picked up high spirit qi concentration around the tier three Kadmus creatures.

"There must be a treasure there..."

Zach had realized that spirit herb, spirit plant and other resources within the ruins appeared as highly concentrated spirit qi on his spirit sence,the only difference was the level of concentration for the different ranks.

And from the one close to the two tier three creatures,it was so far the highest concentration he had seen.

With the ratio of creatures changing,Zach opted to first clear other areas. He did this for about two week,at which he had already gathered more than enough low ranked spirit herbs to further his pill refinement.

With different combinations of the thousands of low rank spirit herbs with him, refining a hundred different low ranked pills would be a piece of cake. As for mid ranked spirit herbs and plants,he had enough for the refinement of mid rank qi gathering pills,mid rank foundation stabilizing pills,mid rank healing pills and mid rank toxic clearing pills.

Apart from the herbs he had come across other cultivation materials and resources. He had also stumbled upon pill bottles,both common and spirit ores, jewelry,coins, spirit qi crystals, a dozen spirit tools and several spirit weapons.

There were also wooden chest and iron chest hidden within the rumble. Zach had gathered eight wooden chest and two iron chest.

All of his loot was hidden outside the city ruins walls,he had moved his hideout here as it was safer,since the Kadmus creatures never went past the city walls.

He had cleared a two kilometres stretch of the city wall, covering an area of four hundred metres from the city walls. This had netted him sixty thousand Kadmus Coins and ten low ranked spirit qi crystals from the ten tier three creatures he had killed.

He currently had sixteen low ranked spirit qi crystals,the additional six had been part of the treasurers he had gathered.

Looking at his hidden stock of loot,Zach was in a dillema as he did not have a way of carrying them all. He was also afraid of having everything he had worked for disappear after leaving the ruins.

"Guess I have to explore further..."

Zach decided to go after the tier three creatures for their spirit qi crystals drops.

He had heard of spatial storage tools from Senior Jogun,and how convenient they were,and so he decided to try his lack searching for one. Even if it meant taking down tier four creatures.

Ten days later,an exhausted Zach received an unexpected system notification.

<Congratulations, Kadmus City Ruins Exchange Store has upgraded...>


Zach wondered as he accessed the exchange store.



<Wooden 50 Chest: Kadmus Coins>

<Iron 150 Chest: Kadmus Coins>

<Bronze 800 Chest: Kadmus Coins>

<Silver 2000 Chest: Kadmus Coins>

<Gold 5000 Chest: Kadmus Coins>


<Low 50 Ranked Pill Refinement Manual: low ranked spirit qi crystals>

<Low 50 Ranked Spirit Tool Forging Manual: low ranked spirit qi crystals>

<Low 50 Ranked Formation Manual: low ranked spirit qi crystals>

<Mid 200 Ranked Pill Refinement Manual: low ranked spirit qi crystals>

<Mid 200 Ranked Spirit Tool Forging Manual: low ranked spirit qi crystals>

<Mid 200 Ranked Formation Manual: low ranked spirit qi crystals>

<High 100 Ranked Pill Refinement Manual: mid ranked spirit qi crystals>

<High 100 Ranked Spirit Tool Forging Manual: mid ranked spirit qi crystals>

<High 100 Ranked Formation Manual: mid ranked spirit qi crystals>

"No peak ranked manuals,and where am I expected to get mid ranked spirit qi crystals from...?"

"Seems that the requirements for the store upgrade was possessing fifty low ranked spirit qi crystals..."

Zach deduced this as the upgrade had only happened after he collected his fiftieth low ranked spirit qi crystals.

"And the manuals available are only those of the profession I practice...."

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