
The Truth (4)

"What about modern weapons? Why don't the indigenous people of Terra Nova use it?" Leo asked, as his question made both Raya and Raven feel uncomfortable.

If they were not contract bound to answer all of his doubts, they would under no circumstance reveal this information, however, currently they had no other option but to comply.

"Of-course we have many modern weapons under our arsenal, some that are way more powerful than the nuclear weapons on Earth, however, the weapons that we wield are still not the strongest or most destructive forces in the universe….

While on Earth, a mere human can never hope to replicate the strength of a nuclear missile, within the rainbow stream, a Grandmaster mage can cast a spell which is as powerful as a nuclear missile, destroying an entire city with one attack.

However, a Grandmaster Mage is nowhere close to the strongest being in the universe.