
24_Crowned mannerism

Chapter 24: Sovereign's responsibilities


- Anti dotum: a variation of the healing spell 'heal', the uses vary but to summarize it is an evil-influenced warding spell, effective again minor curses and natural venom that is lesser than immortal fatality.

- Anti dodimi: an upgraded version of 'Anti dotum', the meaning is returned what has been given, it's a greater warding spell that targets any harmful influence that may cause the target distress. It cures great curses and any poison produced from lesser than high magic. It can delay an immortal fatality but it can't cure it entirely.


[ Dear Mikhail

I won't be able to attend your coronation so as you read this I guess it should as has been close to an evening as I ask Ash. If you so too wish to hear the ramble of this previous loser, please come to the water fountain at the center of the market at midnight.


That troublesome incubus was still the sovereign no matter what, so that was unnecessary drama. It's a pain, but at least it's more reasonable than that unexpected vendetta.

"How did you find it, your Majesty? The old prince even rubs his perfume on it." The royal messenger approaches me, his yellow eyes glittering in a birdlike manner. The name Ash lingers in the letter as if it's a codename or something.

"Is your name Ash, royal messenger?" As his excitement fades into a sigh, I wonder if my prediction was correct.

"No, just a phony name like the military minister. That name comes from my wardrobe and the ash dust specks I left behind." In exhaustion, the royal messager explains. I see feathers covering diamond dust that looks like ashes, as he mentions now. I can't think of anything, but perhaps something in the book of demon kind knows something. When I put him in normal harpy or calamity harpy, something strange misplaced about him doesn't suit their characteristics at all.

"I see...tell him I'll be there if you cross him again." I defuse the situation, which somehow rekindles his excitement.

"You must be joking, hahaha. Isn't it a forbidden love story? Both majesties are certainly fascinating." As Ash prepares to depart, the coal dust on his feathers glows to a brilliant glaring grey.

"I'll inform the old prince of your acceptance. With a ball dedicated to you, I believe you must be dull." I turn around and go to the office to prepare for the small office celebration. In a nutshell, it's just wine and roasted meat; as long as it boosts morale in our ranks, I'll have to partake.

I can hold my liquor well, so by the time the clock strikes 11, they've all fallen asleep while I prepare for the meeting. I take a bath because I'm afraid of the smell of alcohol and roasting meat lingers still. The clock had passed another half hour by the time I finished. It's still early, but my curiosity compels me to go there before it's too late.

Passing through the palace gates, I find the usual market for a large feast, the street no longer silent as it is every day.

"Illusio," I cast a normal illusion of the old green cloak I got from Blood Claw. Even though it was lost in the battle against Andromalius, the memory of a first gift is something I cherish.

Waltzing through the crowded, illuminated light that surrounded an infinite number of market stalls. Songs are being sung, and laughter from the audience causes the step to turn in a circle. I don't get to the water fountain until just before midnight.

The market becomes quiet as night falls, and the water fountain is designed in a hurried manner, with flimsy holes and uneven tiles stacked beside each other.

"Are you single on this lovely night, fair maiden?" A red rose in his hand, an elegy bard approaches me. This is too funny to miss, so I'll just keep playing until Kryos arrives.

"Oh, I was expecting someone. However, I would not refuse a conversation." With a sweet tone, I say. Kryos appears menacingly behind him shortly after. Do I touch a nerve? "Even if the one who has been waiting for you is already beside you?" Kryos scoffs at the bard's advancement while staring me down with daggers. After that dreadful villain performance, it's worth eliciting an honest reaction from him.

"I didn't realize you were the prince's woman; please accept my apologies for the intrusion." In fear, the bard grabs his tail and flees. "What a hilarious-" Kryos drags my hand into a dark alley where no one can see us, not letting me finish my sentence.

Kryos covers my mouth as he strikes me closer to the wall: "Going around and flirting like that, so you're interested in more than their stories, aren't you?" He expresses his envy.

Kryos releases his grip on my mouth after a light knocks on the head. "You're assaulting little angel, my prince. Do you want me to alert the guards?" Blood Claw steps out of the shadows with a sigh. It would take a close examination to conclude they are associated with royalty in the adventurous clothes they wear.

"They are the ones who are bothering, flirting with those bards. Ugh, and I were expecting to have a heartfelt conversation." Kroys scratches his wounds and licks the blood from the back of his head like a cat. 'Mitis tenebrae' for the blood to stop bleeding and 'Anti dodimi' for wound disinfection Even if his licking is adorable, the consequences of such a flaw are unforgivable.

"Oh, I came here to please your sarcasm, as you are still my majesty." But I have to put on a brave face; I know things are irreversible now, so the least I can do is live up to his expectations.

"Ugh, don't my resignation and your coronation make us at all equal?" Kroys growls boringly.

"No, I don't believe so," I respond sarcastically. He returns with a glare as if my response was offensive.

"All right, because you so convincingly portray it. This resignation is simply a sharing of responsibility. I did it so that you would have the full authority of a sovereign rather than being my replacement." Kryos carefully explains what he was planning, the meeting of those supportive demons, and how he kept the dark bishop from intervening through false prophecy. I was wrong about him being unnecessarily dramatic, but...

"Well, I can guess as much but why the disappointing villain acting of yours, Kryos? You could have stated the plan without coming across as a villain." I inquire, and there was no need for the over-the-top performance of making him look bad if he was confident that they would back me up.

"Oh, that was my thought, and that battle with uncle was me marching to my grave. At the very least, I could have some pride while doing so." Kryos says grudgingly, looking down as if guilt had eaten him whole.

"I'm at a loss for words. Could you at least tell me where you're going before you drag Blood Claw into this mess?" I inquire quickly because losing someone tasked with the kingdom's defense will have an impact on my reign.

"Ah, from now on, the prince and I will travel and work as the kingdom's information force. Don't be concerned, Mikhail." Blood Claw responds sincerely as he pats my straight white hair; unlike previous puffed ones, Blood Claw makes every effort not to damage my hair.

"Aren't we partners now, Eugen? Please stop your overly formal speech." Kryos says cheerfully. It's refreshing to see us like this; those who guard the kingdom and its shadow rarely get a break.

"Aren't we partners now Eugen, drop your overly formal speech." Kryos cheerfully says. It is a breather to see us like this, those who protect the kingdom and its shadow rarely get a moment like this at least for now.

"All right, then, pr-I mean Kryos. Anyway, we should leave before the boat leaves without us." Blood Claw turns around and walks into the alleys on the other side. The stars begin to fade in their brilliance, indicating that the night performance of heartfelt goodbye should end soon.

"Well, your Majesty, I bid you farewell. Remember who you are now, and don't bow too much; it's bad for a king's posture." Before we part ways, Kryos says his final farewell. I should go back to the palace before anyone notices my absence.

Streets are being cleaned up after last night's night market, as merchants no longer act as amazed greeters but meticulously count their stock and slivers. I walk into the desolate palace, disillusioned with the cloak, where everyone is fast asleep from last night's feast.

I should get ready for another day of document work with an hour until dawn. On my way past the garden, I come across Andromalius, who is honing his spear skills once more. Because he is more aware of the dangers of his spells, the polearm does not appear to be dipped in poison.

"Good day, your Majesty." Andromalius comes to a halt as the ground settles. Looking down at the freshly laid ceramic tiles. Those laid previously were shattered with those powerful swings.

"You're practicing this early, before the risen dawn? Will you not require some rest? I thought the alcohol had taken its toll on you." I inquire as he wipes away his sweat. This place still smells like alcohol from last night; if I recall correctly, he was second only to the agriculture minister in terms of drinking.

"I'm just honing my skills as your caregiver," Andromalius responds naturally as if it were common knowledge. The servants are rushing around the palace, preparing it for the best possible images. As the annoying light shines on the east corner, it is dawn.

"When was that determined?" You should be treated equally as the protector of this kingdom." I am irritated by his statement; why was his complete devotion so sudden?

"As its protector, I will first and foremost protect its ruler." Andromalius laughs, his joking reminds me of someone who has strayed... What exactly is this hollow feeling?

"I'm not going to argue with your logic," I say dismissively. I turn around and go to the office, but Andromalius beckons me shortly after I leave.

"Could you spare me your precious time and accept my humble request?" Andromalius says this sincerely. As disgusted as I am by the sickening formality, I must maintain my high and mighty demeanor of a sovereign. I fantasized about having normal friends, but it wasn't meant to be.

"Please, sir Andromalius, do not place that formality with me. I suppose the day can be postponed until the evening or so due to the weather." I sigh. I suppose there are fewer and fewer things to do now that the kingdom is adjusting to my reign. The dust documents will gradually fade away, and I will have them stacked almost every day. Then I'll take the day off.

"Let us pay a visit to my village to finish what we started." Andromalius bows to make his request, and as I predicted, those enhancements are only temporary. I'm going to be done with them anyway, so this counts as a business trip.

"I have no objections if that is your request. Like last time, I suppose?"

"No, this time we'll teleport." Your majesty, I have confirmation of your trustworthiness."

'Collocatione,' and we are at the entrance; the snow has melted since our last visit. When I come close, the children easily crowd me, and they offer many pipping hot potatoes as their breakfast from early morning. How can I say no to those innocent eyes? I accept about three before Andromalius separates them.

"Your Majesty, since when have you become the madame of the village?" While caring for the youth, Andromalius laughs. They appear to be in better health than on the previous visit.

"Please don't make fun of me like that." I disagree.

Because of the villagers' cooperation, I am able to completely rune the entire village with heat resistance runes this time. I suppose I'm free to roam before making my next move. I prefer to spend my pre-noon relaxation time at the training grounds.

Warriors specialize in axe, polearm, or archery as their primary training. I don't see swords or knuckles being thrown around very often; perhaps Andromalius's teaching is limited to those three fields.

Because the axe is effective at slicing through battalions of enemies, warriors in this field avail of physical enhancement spells, which is not a bad strategy but leaves a lot of weakness.

The polearm is the most versatile of the three, as it can be used for close combat or range combat with the spear and javelin. Poison magic is used perhaps out of habit; it is mana-intensive and damaging once the enemies gain the upper hand.

Archery...the group's supporting cast. Arrows are made from a variety of materials and are easily enchanted, so this is a replacement for the typical mage battalion. Aside from utility, they are weak in both defense and offense, so a breach through the front line would result in the entire formation collapsing.

I give the youngling some notes in exchange for their attention with little influence. I assigned the axe to the frontline, the polearm to provide protection and rear attack, and archery to focus on support and landing the finishing move.

"So you're also advising the military? Your generosity is truly limitless."

Andromalius appears from behind, accompanied by three of his descendants, one dressed as a scholar, the other as a merchant, and the last...The grabs are tightly knitted with daggers and a bottle of unknown liquid, whether it is medicine or poison, making it difficult to guess whether the purpose of those clothes isn't the same as those warriors on the training ground.

"I greet your Majesty. My name is Akan Andromalius, and I am the one who looks after this village in terms of merit and education," the scholar-looking one says.

"My name is Bikan, and I am the civil administrator in this village." The merchant-looking one cues in pushing Akan aside. "My, I see your radiance better awake than collapsed," Bikan laughs, his hissing sound complementing the jester's appearance.

"Shin...I heal villagers...and kill," says the last one. He matched my half-conscious description, so Shin is both the town executioner and the town doctor? What a combination of roles that one can play.

"Do not be like that, Shin!" Akan chastised the threatening-looking snake. "Shin is our doctor, and he spends his time hunting beasts and training the younglings. Please accept my apologies for his shyness."

So he was saying that he was going to hunt beasts and treat the villagers. I was about to criticize Andromalius' strict aristocratic manner and rules at this point. Shyness? Did I mishear something? Is it just me, or are my ears playing tricks on me?

"It was a pleasure to meet you all. Sir Andromalius, I have completed the heat resistance rune and altered the fundamentals of your village training." The three descendants bow their way out of the way for Andromalius and me to talk; they should stay at a time like this, but it's almost dusk now, and everyone must be tired.

"I appreciate it, your Majesty." Andromalius bows, and with nothing else to say, we must bid farewell.

"I'm going back to the palace now, so maybe we'll meet again." I wave goodbye to Andromalius but am stopped by his large hand.

"Before that, could you give the village its own name?" Andromalius asks. Shouldn't this village have a name or something, or else it will be named after the dark wood? I guess it was too arrogant to associate with the "Andromalius" surname, so Saudade took a name other than the demon monarch who guarded it.

"A name…" The best thought is of his unwavering devotion. "From now on, this place will be Aeterna to reflect your unwavering devotion." I declare.

"Aeterna...what a lovely name; I will treasure it. Allow me to accompany you back, your Majesty."

As we return to the palace, the last twilight of the day dwindles. Today was too much for words, but the future is more chaotic than ever. So please allow me to enjoy this night as a sweet dream only.

The end


The loyalty of a servant.

Masters will never understand.

Of those world possessions, vain promises.

May simply a heartfelt happened once upon a time.