
The pink haired Daemon




[Somewhere in the spirit realm]

After vanishing and appearing in random the pink haired Daemon appeared in a opening somewhere in the spirit realm

The pink haired Daemon then travelled straight with no destination on his head

"ROAR!!" A Roar was heard before a goat head Daemon was seen jumping to the pink haired Daemon

The pink haired just slapped the Lesser Daemon's head before it died and turned into magicules and dropped what looked like a core

The pink haired Daemon touched the core and the core then turned into magicules that went inside the pink haired Daemon, making the pink haired Daemon astonished, he then checked on what it do before being disappointed at the miniscule amount of increase in magicules

The pink haired Daemon walked and killed random Lesser Daemon and collecting the cores that were dropped from the Lesser Daemons

"ROAR!!" A Roar was heard from a distance

The pink haired Daemon went ahead and then stopped when he heard the roar and looked where it came from and saw two Lesser Daemon fighting

The pink haired Daemon then watched the fight of the two Lesser daemon, The first one had a more human figure and a tad bit smaller than the other Lesser Daemon making the pink haired Daemon stop and look at it with intrigue

The other one is the typical Lesser Daemon you could see anywhere in this part of the spirit realm

The goat Daemon rushed to the masked Daemon with its claws, The smaller Daemon titled its head to the side dodging the, claw the smaller Daemon then touched the hand of the Lesser Daemon, The hand then turned darker before crumbling to dust

"ROAR" the Lesser Daemon Roared making it open for attacks

The Smaller Daemon Then used the opening and touched the other Daemons chest, The Lesser Daemon crumbled into dust before what looked like a core

The Smaller Daemon grabbed it, the core didn't crumble but turned into magicules and into the Smaller Daemon

Then an aura was suddenly burst out from the Smaller Daemon and creating cracks in the body of the Smaller Daemon after a while the aura gradually calmed down and what can be seen is the Smaller Daemon but full of cracks

The cracked body shattered and what came out is a Daemon with a more humanoid shape and the most notable change was the Daemon now had haired and the colors of the eyes that turned pink

The pink haired Daemon then felt a connection to the Daemon which from the aura alone can be seen that it evolved into a Greater Daemon

The pink haired Daemon then jumped down from the platform he made during the fight

The Greater Daemon saw the pink haired Daemon then saw the pink haired Daemon and the Greater Daemon felt an oppressive aura coming from the pink haired Daemon

The pink haired Daemon then walked to the Greater Daemon with small steps

The Greater Daemon felt for the first time what it feel to be able to feel Fear and went on guard before it felt a connection towards the pink haired Daemon

Making the Greater Daemon feel a bit more at ease but it is still cautious but not cautious enough to use it skill

The skill was gotten from birth, The Greater Daemon was born in the place where the red haired Daemon and the pink haired Daemon fought

The Greater Daemon used its skill to be what it was now, The pink haired Daemon was now In front of the Greater Daemon

They stared at each other for what felt like ages before the pink haired Daemon said a word

"Be my subordinate or die" making the Greater Daemon shiver

The Greater Daemon looked at the pink haired Daemon before kneeling on the ground

The Greater Daemon then felt the connection this time was stronger

The pink haired Daemon also felt the connection becoming stronger when the Greater Daemon accepted to be its subordinate answering his doubt

The pink haired Daemon nods before giving the Greater Daemons the core he was carrying

The Greater Daemon accepted the 1000 cores which made the Greater Daemon shiver and look at the pink haired Daemon with reverence and respect with a tinge of fear if it decided to not accept the offer given by the pink Haired Daemon

It should be noted that the higher the rank of the Daemon the stronger the regeneration and the Greater Daemon's skill helped with negating the regeneration this is also the reason why it is hard to kill a Daemon on the same rank

It took the Greater Daemon 100 cores to evolve from lesser Daemon to a Greater Daemon

The Greater Daemon then Accepted the cores and kneeled to the pink haired Daemon making the pink haired Daemon nod

The Greater Daemon used all of the cores and evolved into Daemon Chevalier

The pink haired Daemon does not know what to call his subordinate and he doesn't want to call the Greater Daemon subordinate so he decided to name the Greater Daemon

The pink haired Daemon then said

"Your name shall be <Stella>" Draining the magicule count of the pink haired Daemon which is considered to be the 2nd highest just behind the yellow haired Daemon





Well the conclusion came from the fact that Carrera's hobby was to throw nuclear magic at el dorado before she became rimuru's subordinate

and it was not confirmed which of the 7 has the most although guy is the strongest it does not mean he has the most magicules


Thanks for Reading
