
Tensura: Reincarnated As A Larva

In the heart of a dark and unforgiving city, a young woman finds herself abandoned and alone in a cruel world. Haunted by the dreams of heroes from the stories she loves, she longs for someone to notice her, to save her from the shadows that threaten to consume her soul. But fate has other plans... As her consciousness began to wane, a mysterious voice pierced through the darkness, capturing her attention. Despite the dire circumstances, she couldn't help but find the strange voice oddly amusing, its familiarity reminiscent of the countless novels and anime she had immersed herself in... [NOTICE! Processing requirements...] ___________________________________ Note: This is a straight ship. Other Tags: #NO HAREM #NO YURI #OVERPOWERED #FEMALE LEAD #ISEKAI #R-18 #SMUT #DASH OF DEPRAVITY #ISEKAI #Slice of Life #NON-HUMAN MC PPS. English is my third language, so be lenient and give constructive criticisms so I can edit any errors. However, it should be readable... I give ALL credit to the referenced pics since it is the art that inspired me to continue the story, and I can't draw for the life of me. If you own the pictures and art referenced, please notify me if it bothers you, and I shall take it down. Thank you!

JuicyGrape · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Gone With The Breeze... {Part 2}

Note: Been busy for a while and still am, but here's a chapter... I recommend reading a few chapters back to refresh you on the events. ALSO, the updates/announcement chapters must be annoying both for me and you, so I'll be transferring them to the auxiliary and I'll be adding the MC's skill list for ref~

||Short Recap||


[Notice. Conditions met...]

Suddenly, I could feel my energy value decrease a bit..., and with bated breath, I awaited eagerly for my good news!~

'Ahh~ I knew it. Good people are always rewarded~' I thought giddily.


[Notice! Individual {Lilith} has obtained the Unique Skill 『Calendar』...]




*Inhales deeply~*


"WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN THAT?!" I yelled, exasperated.


I stood below the world tree sapling's shade, dumbfounded... 

Slightly annoyed at the stupid-sounding unique skill, I immediately cast identify on it...



『[US] Calendar:

 Allows the user to perceive time on a larger or smaller scale; as if an ordinary year was just a minute and vice versa. It also enables the user to perceive certain points in time in the past and future in a calendar-like format, allowing the user to view events in history and the future with incredible detail.

Sub Skills: [Thought Acceleration], [Attention To Detail], [Clock], and [Scheduling] 』




With an inaudible sigh, I muttered under my breath, "I guess it's not as trashy as I initially thought." Finally, one of my problems had been taken care of - my horrible time perception.

Back when I was still human, having known I had a limited lifespan allowed me to live in the moment, make snappy decisions, and appreciate every second. But now, with my unique skill 『Ageless』, time seemed to pass by in a flash, and the sense of urgency in life had vanished; I didn't need to get up early to go to school, nor did I need to work so I could provide for myself. Without the need to drink, eat, or sleep, I can basically lie down and do nothing in this new world and still not die...

It was both comforting and unnerving not to feel the pressure..., the sense of urgency to make something of my life, study for a job that would bring food to the table, or strive for a better future.

However, as I pondered over my newfound infinite lifespan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Time seemed to slip away from me, and I couldn't keep up with it. It was as if my mind had changed to match my infinite lifespan - slow, steady, and... -uncaring...

A chill ran down my spine as I realized how little I cared about the passing of time... sure, I was confused and disoriented. I wanted an answer, an explanation, but now that I think of it, I didn't really care much...

At that moment, my mind wandered to the long-lived races of elves and dragons from the fantasy stories I had read and watched back in my previous world... They lived for mere thousands of years, yet they were always described as aloof and prideful, owing to their sense of superiority over other races and their longevous lives. And as I thought about it, I realized that I might be experiencing a similar situation. My mind catered to the infinite lifespan ahead, registering the thousands of years that passed into mere hours - a fleeting moment.

As for how I discovered how much time had passed since I came back from the Astral Domain, it was thanks to an inconspicuous time and date that popped up in the corner of my vision whenever I willed it to - a subset skill called [Clock]. I couldn't help but feel grateful for its usefulness in keeping track of time in this new life of mine.


The sun's rays pierced through the world sapling's canopy as it landed on my body, warm and soothing... I nestled myself near its roots, leaning my huge larval body on the tree's thick roots. It was then that I used my new unique skill - the calendar - that could help me deal with this feeling of time blindness... Slowly; the skill began to take effect as the time that once felt fleeting began to slow and calm in a tranquil state...

'With this skill, I could change my perception of time to be fast or slow and use the subset skill scheduling to set up reminders for important events that may occur! ...maybe I could even use it as an alarm clock if I wanted to sleep for a few years...?' I pondered slightly before focusing my attention on the situation at hand, something I'd set aside as I didn't think it was worth the rush...


Four magicule sources...

As I focused my mana sense on the four incoming auras, I could feel a sense of recognition. I had felt their presence earlier in the tunnels, and it seemed they'd been following me, only to find their way here one way or the other...

Their auras appeared to be familiar, yet I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I had a feeling that I had seen them before, but I couldn't recall where or when. As I continued to observe them, a cloud of dust in the air caught my eye. The dust particles danced in the light, creating a mesmerizing effect. I couldn't help but wonder what was causing the disturbance in the air...

A few moments later,

The first culprit came running - or rather crawling - my way. It was a young woman with dark-colored skin and long, silky-smooth white hair. She was adorned in a tattered golden dress and dragging behind her a huge abdomen - a termite queen? As she got closer, I could see the intricate patterns on her dress.

She had an elated expression on her face like a child seeing their favorite person, but also panic and determination, as if she thought I would just disappear from her sight... Weirdly enough, I couldn't help but think it was stupidly cute how desperate and scared she was...

'...woah... I sound like a sadistic killer...'

But she was not alone... Behind her, three other figures followed closely behind. The first was a bipedal ant with a metallic sheen to her exoskeleton and fierce, determined eyes. She carried herself with a sense of purpose that made her impossible to ignore. The second was a bee girl, with vibrant yellow and black stripes covering her body. Her wings had a delicate, lacy pattern that made her look almost ethereal. Finally, there was another "bee," which looked more mature than the others. She had a sleeker body, sharper claws, and more streamlined wings - indicating that she was perhaps a wasp? Built for speed and hunting.

Funnily enough, only the wasp wasn't in a rush, she seemed to only be following the others. She had been staring my way; her gaze passing through me, rather confused and annoyed. "Strange..." I whispered. It was the opposite of the first three who were staring directly at me, albeit crazed and desperate; like someone who was lost in a desert finding their oasis... 

As they approached, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity...


The first one that had termite features arrived a few meters in front of me moments ago...

I continued to just lay down on the ground, enjoying the warm rays of sunlight and the soft carpet of grass lazily...

She stood there, staring at me, polite and meek...

'Cute...' I thought.

A few seconds later, the others also arrived, forming a semicircle around me... The termite, ant, and bee were staring at me red-eyed, behaving quietly while the wasp on the other hand looked at the ground near me and then at her peers, confused...

'That one is strange...'

Having seen them this close, I could already confirm their identities, who these four were, and what their names are..., but that's to be expected... after all..., I was the one who named them~


Out of nowhere, they began to prostrate themselves; their heads pressed against the ground, their visage expressing their deep faith, devotion, and relief... Slightly raising their heads, only enough for their eyes to gaze at my very visage, they chanted in a crazed and fanatical tone; deep and ominous, "May everything fade to oblivion as all light comes to an end... unto darkness, it shall become... Until darkness becomes Nothing... For Nothing is the beginning of Everything and so Nothing it shall become... The [First Born Of The Void]! Mother Of All Insects, The [Primordial Insect]! and [The Pioneer of Life]! We greet Her Majesty... Lilith!~"



'...fuck... is this a cult...?'


End Note: Hi guys I'm sorry I can't edit this chapter much, especially that last part as Grammarly sees it as occult lol, anyway I was free today so I did a chapter~ Love ya'll <3< p>