
Tensura: Reborn as a Daemon.

Reborn as a Daemon without any knowledge of the future or the world, completely clueless other than the fact that he must be alert at all times at this red dyed realm, to survive. That time I got reincarnated as a slime is by no means my property and this is only fanfiction. The cover is also not mine, if the artist wants me to take it down, please contact me.

Vedora_Tempest · Cómic
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10 Chs

Demon lord.

I know Devil Lord evolution is exclusive to primordial demons, but don't mind me. No one is going to evolve into a Devil Lord after the MC other than the primordials.


<<Harvest festival has begun.>>

<<Confirmed... Super evolving from Daemon Peer to Devil Lord... Successful.>>

<<New resistances: pain nullification, natural elemental ailment spiritual attack resistance, and holy resistance acquisition successful.>>

<<New intrinsic skill: universal detect, Demon lord's ambition, and Universal Shapeshift acquisition successful.>>

<<Next, all physical abilities have been significantly improved. The individual can now freely change between his material and spiritual body.>>

<<Acquisition of Ultimate Skill 'Lord Malice: Ravana' successful.>>

<<<Unique skill 'Berserker' will be integrated into Ultimate Skill 'Lord of Malice: Ravana'.>>

<<Unique skill 'Heartless One' will be integrated into Ultimate Skill 'Lord of Malice: Ravana'.>>

I woke up from my bed with a jolt, feeling a lot more powerful, too powerful even. Only now I see how foolish past me was, because the present me could easily—I mean, in a snap—destroy the previous me.

I also have too much energy now, possibly because I used a million souls for my evolution. Even before that, I had too much energy for an Arch daemon. Now, though, I might have ten times, no, fifteen times more than before.

I am officially Demon Lord Lucifer. And I am an ultimate skill holder. From what I knew of skills, the last stage of skill grade was unique. Only now did I even find out there was an ultimate grade.

Which means that I'm now one of the ultimate skill holders in the world, which translates to being one of the strongest beings in this world.

And oh boy, does my ultimate skill give me an advantage? I'd say it's unfair to everyone who fights me from now on, I'm not only unkillable, but I can also fight forever without worrying about magicule expenditure.

I look around the room, everything seemingly frozen in time. The door was frozen halfway, and I could see a worried Arch daemon outside.

I turned off the thought acceleration, and everything resumed. The door opened with a bang, and the Arch daemon rushed in with a worried expression.

"We've been waiting for your awakening, master," he said quickly. The other one also burst in, his face etched with the same worried look.

"Why are you guys worried? It's not like I'm dead or anything," I asked as I stood up, feeling the overwhelming power coursing through my body. Aha! I should name these two!

"We've acquired the sword you asked for, my lord. It is a grade higher than unique; it's a legendary-class sword," the second one said with reverence. Like the first one, he had a sharp jawline, blue eyes with black sclera, and mostly white hair with a few black strands.

"We were just excited to present you with your sword," the first one added before looking at me, silently asking for permission. I nodded.

He clapped his hands twice, and a greater daemon walked in front of the door and waited there while he took the box from the greater daemon's hand. He then nodded, signaling the greater daemon to leave.

Walking back next to his fellow Arch daemon, he knelt on one knee again and placed the box on top of his knee, opening it up and presenting me with a sword.

The sword has an intricate hilt adorned with carvings or embellishments. It has a curved blade, similar to a scimitar, with a slightly wider point. The blade is adorned with intricate engravings and patterns. Taking the sword by its hilt, it felt perfect for me. Its blade shines with a silvery pale blue light, similar to the moon, and it feels indestructible.

"I will name you 'Chandrahasa,' which means 'the laughter of the moon,' and you shall serve me well." And I named the blade, feeding it magicules as it disappeared into my Spatial storage. It will feed on my magicules there and then slowly evolve into a god-class blade over the years.

"You guys impressed me, and as a reward, i will now name you two," I said, walking in front of them. They both still stayed kneeled, heads bowed and hands on their chests, accepting my decision with reverence, without saying anything.

I looked at the one with mostly black and few white strands of hair and said, "From now on, your name shall be Saturn." He was instantly covered by a black cocoon and fell asleep as well.

I then looked at the white-haired one with a few black strands and said, "From now on, your name shall be Neptune." He was also covered by a black cocoon and fell asleep instantly, just like the other one.

I snapped my fingers, and both of them were covered by a small blue light, then vanished as I used my space-time domination to teleport them to their rooms. Checking with universal sense, it was as easy as blinking.

Anyways, I used universal sense to sense the entirety of the island and slowly began injecting magicules into the ground, pushing it through the ground until the edge of the island.

In the future, this entire island would just turn into a big cluster of magic ore down to the core, and then I can dig them up and use them to make unique-grade weapons for my army, even though my current army is just one hundred.

I can already sense the island beginning to change color, with stones now a darker shade of purple. I probably need to inject magicules for a year to turn the entire island into a big chunk of magic ore.

Now onto other matters, I could feel another daemon on my island, and it's not one of my daemons. This one's an Arch Daemon, and I only had two of them.

"Now, who are you?" I arrived behind the daemon with blue hair, startling him with my abrupt arrival. I guess he could sense the difference in power, as he just bowed slightly before speaking.

"I'm here by the order of Lord Guy. My lord has sent me to keep tabs on a new daemon who incarnated into the central world," he said, his voice reflecting no emotions, though I could sense fear in his heart.

"Hm, Demon Lord Guy Crimson, huh?" I pondered out loud. 'Now, why would he send his subordinate to snoop around my island? Does he want me to join the Demon Lord Council? If I joined them, there would be eight demon lords, including Kazaream.

Even with my ultimate skill, I don't think I can fight him. Well, he has the True Dragon Velzard with him too. It would be good if I don't antagonize him.'

"I will let you leave. Inform Guy Crimson that I don't appreciate unannounced guests on my land," I said. He nodded before disappearing as a dark cocoon covered him before dissipating.

'I need to visit him personally one of these days; I'm going to Jistav anyway, might as well,' I thought before noticing something interesting.

Some mutated grass was growing on the ground, seemingly affected by my magicules. I looked at it with my Analytical Appraisal and saw something more intriguing.

'Hipokute herbs, huh? It seems they can be used as a healing potion once extracted and made into a liquid state. They also appear to have drug-like pleasure-inducing qualities if extracted in a specific way. I might have just found a jackpot.'

An idea began to form in my mind. I crouched down and took one of the herbs from the root, along with some of the soil. I disappeared from there to my throne room, created a high-quality pot, and filled it with the soil before planting the herb in it.

'I need to find a way to extract this—no, not that. I need to find a way for my subordinates to extract this so I don't have to. Then I will flood the human market with this drug.'

"Heh! Hehehehe!" A maniacal expression took over me as a wide smile appeared on my face, my green eyes glinting.


Short chapter, check the new auxiliary chapter, it contains information about his skills and abilities after he became a demon lord.

Thank you HELL_RAISER_8468 for the sword idea, I didn't have any plans for the sword to be associated with Ravana at all.