
The Storm Dragon Veldora

"Onii-san, what are you doing? Come play with us will you!!" '

Hearing 'Shion's words snapped me out of my thought. "Sure, what do you want to play, 'Shion', 'Benimaru'?" Deciding to postpone my trip till night time, I started to play with them, which after a little while the other kids decided to join us.

-- A few hours later --

Heading home after hours of playing with the kids, I had dinner with my parents and went back into my room for a little rest to get ready for my journey. Deciding to get some shut eye, I set up a small rune that would trigger during midnight and wake me up. Then I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Waking up after a few hours, I immediately spread out my magic sense to figure out if anyone was still awake. Feeling that it was safe, I quickly grabbed the small bag I had prepared for my journey and my katana, then I reigned in my aura as much as possible since I didn't want anyone to wake up due to feeling my aura leaving the village. Sneaking out of the house and avoiding the nightly patrols set up, I ran as quickly as possible out of the village and into the Jura Forest while occasionally spreading my magic sense to see if anyone was following me. Finally deciding it was safe, I transformed my whole body into lighting and flew into the sky. Feeling Veldora's aura, I quickly flew towards that direction at my top speed whilst avoiding any monster that I encountered. Considering that I don't know much about the location of the cave where the mighty dragon was sealed, only it's general location I can make out due to the massive aura that everyone could feel, I needed to be fast since I don't really want anyone to find out about my plan to get a name, at least until I succeeded. Reaching the mountain in which I felt Veldora's aura to be the strongest in just a few minutes, I again spread out my senses to find the gate that leads into the cave. Searching for a few more minutes, I finally found it and zipped straight towards it. Arriving at the huge metal door, I just phased through it since it was made out of metal.

( If you didn't know, Enel in one piece can phase through metal objects when he is in his lightning form )

Taking out my katana from it's sheath, I coated it in lightning just incase I stumbled upon any monsters, not that I couldn't take care of it without my blade. Anyways, with my blade in hand, I started to make my way through the massive cave system towards Veldora. While making my way down, I came across a few different monsters to which I slayed quite easily. Though that doesn't mean that said monsters were weak, considering that they continuously soaked up the excess magicules that Veldora was constantly leaking out from his aura, combined with the complete darkness of the cave made them quite lethally for anyone without sensing type skills, or just idiots who were full of themselves and not possessing enough strength.

Going down towards Veldora, I started to feel increasingly nervous due to the fact that his aura was getting larger and larger at an exponential rate, which should have been obvious. Veldora was considered a catastrophe class monster, who was a threat that no single nation could even hope to handle. If went up against him, it would require an international effort between all western countries for even a hope of survival. And that was if they had a hero to lead them, if not, then they could only pray to god for humanities survival.

(Ahemm, Veldanava's dead so... Ahem)

Because Veldora was sealed in the hero form 300 years ago's skill, "Unlimited Imprisonment", his aura while leaking was not as dense as it should have been. But closing the distance between us, his aura that was limited to the imprisonment was slowly rising.

After about an hour of walking, I finally arrived on the other side of the lake to where Veldora was sealed and I couldn't help but freeze up due to the sheer terror that I felt upon sight. Staring at me were a pair of glowing orange eyes that belonged to a huge dragon, so big in fact that it could easily squash my whole village with it's mere size, and that wasn't including the sheer power I felt, alongside it's dragon scales that looked so tough that not even 'Kurobe's finest shields could even hope to compare to, and claws that looked so sharp they could easily slice through magic steel without even trying. Seeing those eyes that was closely watching me, I gritted my teeth as hard as I could and slowly made my way across the lake by walking across it. ( I forgot to mention this but he enchanted a few of his equipment, one of them being shoes with the "Frost Walker" enchantment. And yes it's the enchantment from Minecraft that freezes water when you walk across or near it. )

Finally arriving in front of his imprisonment, he said, "Hoh, so somebody, a mere child at that actually dared to come find me, the most handsome and strongest dragon of them all, THE GREAT STORM DRAGON VELDORA!!!! What is your purpose here, to deliver yourself to your own demise?!?!"

"Well, not exactly" I said whilst ignoring the massive amounts of magicules surging with every word he said. "I came here to see you actually. I was always curious about the huge aura I felt from my village. Mother told me that this was where our guardian deity Veldora was held, and always told me to no matter what never come near here."

Hearing my words, Veldora actually seemed a bit sad, which was normal since it's probably been 300 years since he actually had someone to talk to. Though he quickly cast it aside, he said "So all you're here for is to satiate your curiosity, aren't you afraid to die? Even though I might be sealed as you can see, the monsters nearby should be quite strong no?"

"Well, even if they were strong, I'm stronger than them so it's fine. Besides, you said you were sealed?? Who could have sealed someone as strong as you? Is there a story behind it? Can you tell me?" Hearing my praise, it seemed to have lifted his spirit a little so he decided to share with me about the hero who sealed him and the battle they fought. He even connected his thought to mine through I'm guessing "Thought Communication" and replayed his memory of it so I could see their battle, which admittedly was incredible. With this, we continued to talk for I don't know how long until I finally asked the question "Say, do you want to be friends with me?" To which he replied "WHAT, A MERE CHILD WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME, THE GREAT VELDORA!!!"

Honestly, when he screamed this, it would have been terrifying if not for the fact that I could tell he was actually happy about it. So I just used Rimuru's tactic of "Fine, if you don't want to I'll just leave" And this seemed to do the trick since he immediately became tsundere Veldora. "Wh-who said I don't want to....."

"Hehe, so that settles it then, from now on we're friends." I replied. "Yes, I guess so, I guess I should give you a name, and you give me a name that symbolizes our friendship." "Hmmm, since you are the Storm Dragon, How about tempest, Veldora Tempest." "Hoho, Veldora Tempest huh, I like that a lot....." "Hmmmmmm, with what I've learned about you, you seem to use lightning as your main power, how about Raiden, Raiden Tempest"

When those words left his mouth, I immediately felt a wave of magicules hitting me, then surrounding me to form a cocoon.....

Hehe, just one chapter for today. Enjoy =)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also, go vote for the love interest at the auxiliary volume!!

Nobodyaskedcreators' thoughts