
Tensura: Abstract of Void

Hey guys, this is my first time writing a Fanfic. I'm mostly writing this fanfic to improve my english writing and grammar skill, so there could be some or many grammatical mistake as I'm not good at it yet. You could ignore them but, if it breaks the flow of story, write that in paragraph comment section. Also about criticisms, you can do that if I do something unreasonable with the story as I've seen many good story ideas wasted like that. Otherwise if it you who's comment is unreasonable then I may delete that. If you guys have some good creative ideas to add to the novel you can write in review section or in chapter comments. Oh! and chapter will be irregular as its depends on my mood to write(laziness & procrastination...* embarrassingly chuckle*), sorry about that.. ______________________________________________ After waking up in a mysterious Void, a soul realized most of its memories are missing. As it begun to wander the void to search for answers or maybe a way out, it stumble upon mysterious crystal. After going near the crystal it begin to feel familiar presence. As he can't recall anything in his memories he touch the crystal and everything went blank... ...What is the mysterious crystal? ...What is its connection to the lone soul? Follow the soul on its adventure in one of the most Overpowered fiction_verse -- Tensura. _____________________________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own "The time I reincarnate as a slime" I haven't decided if I want this fanfic to include multiverse travel( travel to other fictional work),harem or non-harem, we'll see what I decide in future.. .....Anyway, sayonara!!*wave hands*

Magus_Of_Flower · Cómic
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5 Chs

The Nexus Dimension

Nava: "Anyway, let's get back to the cause of your current state. So, as I was saying, you bribed me in helping you with a new idea of yours by a promise of sex where you will listen to my every demands.

It was too good of an opportunity to pass on, so I agree without hearing the details of the plan.

And that was a big mistake on my part."

"When you told me what you are gonna do, we had a huge argument because of the risk involved in doing it.

Basically you will be separating your consciousness from your conceptual body while suppressing your connection to concept of End.

Remember the smaller crystal you touched in the void, yeah! thats your conceptual body's in it's core form, and that bigger one is a conceptual suppressor we made, its job is to keep our pure essence in bay, while scattering a small amount of it throughout the Omniverse.

After you leave, we don't want the omniverse to be in imbalance because of your absence from the concepts, so we set the concepts to run by themselves without your input.

Yep! like a computer program. While it lack the fine adjustment of a consciousness it would do the job. As for why we don't create a soul for this, thats mainly because, without an outer- versal soul, it would collapse by the pressure from concept of end."

"After that, you will seal your memories, when I asked you why you would do such risky thing, you told me,

"It would take away the fun of adventuring and discovering the unknown. Don't worry, I would seal it in a way that when certain requirements are met it would unlock itself. And if there are some problem in the future, with you power, you should be able to unlock it quite easily."

The plan went quite successful, and you were able to reborn in a relatively simple world where evolution of lower life form went in the direction of discovering the laws of the physical plane. You were born as an cybernetic humanoid creature as space pirates. That journey was soo fun! I to was there with you on every one of your adventure as a spectator."

Nava suddenly stop talking as her aura change to a wrathful one. Her eyes are radiating cold fury.

She then snap out of it and let out a sigh.


"Sorry about that, I just remembered something unpleasant!" She said with a smile that cause me to shiver. Now I feel sorry for the receiving party of this anger.

But curiosity got the better of me and I ended up asking, " What is it about, for you to be this angry?"

She got silent for a moment then angrily said, "They tortured you. How!..how dare they?! if not for you telling me before your reincarnation to not erase some multiverse in anger, that section of the void would have erased from everything."

Ok!.... note to self, Don't ever piss her of and I mean it.

"So you let it go?" I asked hesitantly.

"Let go?~ He-he~! don't worry, there universe is in good hands!"She reply with a creepy giggle. Fuck! I had to ask that. I wanna kick my previous self.


"So, what happened after that?" I decided its best to forget about this whole thing. So I changed the subject..

And it seems to work, as she continued,

"On your second life, you reborn in the Nexus dimension. The memories you have now is of that incarnation." Again the dimension's name came up.

"What is this Nexus dimension you keep talking about?"So I asked.

Nava: "Oh! You see, a 'Nexus dimension' is unique among other multiverses. It works as an information hub for the totality of omniverse. This type of dimensions houses a sub-core of Akashic Records, the concept of omniscience. As a side effect, that multiverse can't house any type of ethereal energy like Mana, Ki, etc."

"Then what about nasuverse? it has mage in it even with [Root] or Akashic Record being there!"I asked if that verse is an exception from the norm.

Hearing my query, she tilted her head and gazed at something that I can't see. After a moment she nod her head seemingly finding what she was looking for, then looked at me and answered, "Its all about compatibility. Those type of multiverse are rare to find. During it's creation, it formed a direct link with the Akashic Record, and formed itself around it. So its compatibility is highest there can be as its created that way. This is why there's no side effect."

Hearing this, I nod my head in understanding.

"Anyway, including your second life, you have been reborn a total of nine times, so this is your last journey. After that as you promised, you would take back the status of 'Abstract of End' and spend time with me." Nava inform me with a smile filled with affection and longing.

Seeing her smile like this just from the thought of my returning here after this reincarnation made me realise, how lonely she must have felt here by herself.

'How much of a jerk was I to leave such caring partner here alone, while I was having fun traveling the world?' I am seriously ashamed of my previous self now.

"Ok! I have decided!" I determinedly mutter to myself, and look at Nava's eyes and asked, "When I am not here, what do you do?"

She was first taken aback by my intense gaze on her, but slowly replied, "Nothing much! looking out for any anomaly in omniverse, checking on your concepts if its working like how its suppose to and the remaining time I spend spectating your journey."

(A/n: This is too pitiful!...Oi! mc, do somthing you bastard!!)

"Why not talk to me sometimes? this should be easy with our bond, right?" I asked.

She stood silent for a moment, then look a me with moist eyes and a sad smile on her lips. Seeing her expression made my heart ache and I was feeling guilty, I don't know why!

"You told me not to contact you unless necessary, as you don't want to remember who you were." she said with a depressed tone.

This is the first time I seriously want to kill someone this bad. And worst is its my previous self.

(A/n: yep! and you are not the only one!)

"Then, this time you can contact me anytime you want, be it in form of dream or telepathy, I wouldn't mind. Got it?"I command her.

"Really?! you wouldn't mind?" She asked in confirmation, while particularly jumping in happiness. Seeing her like this made me smile unconsciously.

"Really!" I replied.

"You are the best!! love you~" She came Infront of me and said that in a husky tone while breathing on my ears then give me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Then let's quickly start your reincarnation process....*whisper* After your tenth journey ends, I will have you all to myself, he-he~, I can't wait. I will not let you off me for a single moment." She informed me while clingy wrapping her body around my own but I don't quite hear the second part. Well, its not important now. It's time for my Isekai adventure!

"So how am I going to do this?" I asked impatiently..


Merry Christmas guys!

I had free time today, so today i am posting two chapters.

Have any idea where I can improve this fic?

Comment and let me know.

If you like the fanfic, add it to yout library.

Also gimme some power stones.

Thank you!

Magus_Of_Flowercreators' thoughts