
Tensura: Abstract of Void

Hey guys, this is my first time writing a Fanfic. I'm mostly writing this fanfic to improve my english writing and grammar skill, so there could be some or many grammatical mistake as I'm not good at it yet. You could ignore them but, if it breaks the flow of story, write that in paragraph comment section. Also about criticisms, you can do that if I do something unreasonable with the story as I've seen many good story ideas wasted like that. Otherwise if it you who's comment is unreasonable then I may delete that. If you guys have some good creative ideas to add to the novel you can write in review section or in chapter comments. Oh! and chapter will be irregular as its depends on my mood to write(laziness & procrastination...* embarrassingly chuckle*), sorry about that.. ______________________________________________ After waking up in a mysterious Void, a soul realized most of its memories are missing. As it begun to wander the void to search for answers or maybe a way out, it stumble upon mysterious crystal. After going near the crystal it begin to feel familiar presence. As he can't recall anything in his memories he touch the crystal and everything went blank... ...What is the mysterious crystal? ...What is its connection to the lone soul? Follow the soul on its adventure in one of the most Overpowered fiction_verse -- Tensura. _____________________________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own "The time I reincarnate as a slime" I haven't decided if I want this fanfic to include multiverse travel( travel to other fictional work),harem or non-harem, we'll see what I decide in future.. .....Anyway, sayonara!!*wave hands*

Magus_Of_Flower · Cómic
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5 Chs

A familiar Woman



'....Um?! ...where am I?' I thought while trying to recall why was I sleeping here, laying on a super soft bed in the middle of grassland. As I got up from the bed and sat at the bed's edge dangling my legs downwards, I suddenly realise I have a proper body now.

Ok...maybe a bit too perfect for a proper human body. Breathing, sensation of touch, smell, hear, sight ...everything is so perfect that it's making me a bit uncomfortable.

I can't see what my face looks like. Is it still same from my previous life or it's different..?

Even if I'm able to check, I probably couldn't tell the answer... It's been many years since the last time I saw myself in a mirror. Those unimportant memories became hazy from a lack of thinking over the years.

Maybe once I've seen my face again, I would remember ...who knows ~

Oh right, now that I have a body, I should be able to talk right..? Its been millennia since I have talked. Eh~ whatever! I'll check later..

While thinking about those things, I begun to examine my body thoroughly. And thats when I have discover an alarming issue...

"I don't have a sexual organ!?"I panicky exclaimed, and a cute gender neutral voice came out that shocked me again.

After I calm down a little, I realised it's not that important for me anymore, if I was just dead for a few years, I might have mind the gender change.

(A/n- Don't worry, it's temporary)

Now after I have waited for almost a millennia, I don't care about it that much anymore. The panic was probably just because of my sudden change.

"Now then, about my body...

from what I can observe without a mirro-... wait a moment! how did I forgot about my bastardized version of observation haki?"

I asked myself while trying to feel my surroundings without my senses like how I did in void. I think it's because I suddenly have my normal five senses back that I subconsciously turn off my passive one. Makes sense, its probably a force of habit..

" I can feel it!" I said in small joy for manually activating my passive sense for the first time.

I begin to feel my surroundings....

...There is something different about this place from the void I'm used to. I feel the same familiar presence I felt from that crystal...

....wait! I remember now. After I touched the smaller crystal I fall unconscious. Then I arrived here...somehow.

Its definitely because of the crystal...maybe I have to do something here. Is it like those quest where you have to prove your if you are worthy it to get power..? probably not!

But I will wait here for something to happen while checking the place and my new body with my sense..

From what I can tell, my new body is a mix between that of a shota and a loli. My height is about 146cm. A cute oval shaped face that you can't tell the gender of, soft and squishy alabaster skin like a new born, small pink lips and a small button nose, silky void black hair with streaks of purple at the end flowing straight over my shoulder, two captivating phoenix eyes with royal purple Iris inside, in which sat two glowing pinkish-purple cross shape pupils...

"yeah! a cuteness incarnate...thats what I am!" I tell myself while nodding my head in sagely manner..

'Now let's see what I can find about this place...'

When I begin to scan the area, I immediately pick up a heavy and deep aura to my right. As I focus more on that aura, I feel a deep urge to go there and my body started move on its own. I jump down from the bed with a natural cat like grace and begin to walking in that direction.

At first I was panicking because of the unnatural event, but quickly overcome it due to my ever increasing curiosity.

Only after walking ten steps, I suddenly started to glitch and when it stopped I was in a new place.

In front of me is a giant tall tree full of glowing purple leaves. There is a mid sized crystal like the one from void in the middle of it's abyss black trunk. Many different colours of glowing ball of lights floating around it. The sight is stright out of a fairy tale.

As I slowly move near the tree and place my hand on the crystal. It begin to glow more brightly than before but this time I didn't blank out, rather i found myself in a black space not like the void.



"...So you finally arrived!..."

As I curiously looking everywhere a melodious voice suddenly echo through this space from behind me, making me jump a bit from fright as I turn around.

In my line of sight appeared a busty women dressed in form fitting long black dress that highlight her curves embroidered with pinkish golden threads depicting stars and nebulous with a snug collar exposing her upper arms and a slit on the sides of the dress starting from her waist.

She wore black sleeves running from her arms to the back of her hand exposing the palm and fingers and knee high socks exposing the sole of her feet, they too were embroidered with pinkish golden threads. 

Her presence alone demand attention from those who can feel it. She had a soft smile on her face while looking at me.


... I think I know this woman... but from where?... there's something familiar about that smile that making me just want to go and hug her...

'but I don't even know her!! what if she take it negatively' I hesitated.

Seeing as though I don't know what's going on, the women's smile faltered a bit as a sad smile form on her face. Seeing her like this made my hesitation lower a bit, for some reason I don't want to see her in that expression, so I made an impulsive decision right that moment, I lunge forward towards her for a hug.

'I don't care if I may offend her for this, but I want her to smile like before.' I thought while wrapping my arm around her body tightly. She stood there I like a frozen statue due to my abrupt action.

Her body is so erotically soft and warm that I unconsciously begin to snaggle my face closer to her breast.

As I caught a whiff of her sweet womanly scent, my imagination begin to drift to imagining her in sexy pose doing naughty things.(hey, don't blame me, I think I was still a virgin when I died)

She face conveyed how much my action shocked her as she obviously don't expected something like this to happened...




After a moment, she finally recover from it with a huge blush and a deep red face.



She cough to get my attention, I wake up from my dirty imagination and realise what I have done..


'shit! shit!...what do I do now ..!?' I panicky raised my head expecting angry expression on her face with a hand coming for my cheek with force, but what I got was a dazzling happy smile and a deep red face full of embarrassment...

Seeing this, a sudden thought struck me.."is she into shots and lolis!?"

