
Tender trifles of desire

A story about a boy named Claude Wilson who was in love with a girl and they were happy just to be together but life had other plans for the boy and he met the tragedy of his life when he met a car accident and lost his ability to Walk and at the moment he came to his senses he was struck with reality that he can no longer live a normal life and the love of his life also left him after knowing all about the accident. He had lost all the hope for life and was ready to accept his Destiny untill he met the girl Luna jam who was like gift send to him from heaven. Luna was cheerful ,kind and tender person and Claude was shocked to met a person selfless like her. It seems like life has other plans for him.

Atiafiona · Fantasía
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14 Chs


If relations lose trust, life becomes very difficult...

When Melissa entered the lounge, she saw Miss Roise sitting on the sofa, having tea. When miss roise see Melissa she was very happy and she stand from the sofa hug Melissa her happy her happiness keeps looking on her face ....

Melissa was very happy to see her and sat with her, exclaiming, 'What a pleasant surprise, dear! When did you come from Paris?' Melissa told her that she had returned a few days ago and couldn't meet earlier due to some work, but now that it's done, I am missing you very much and I came to surprise you but if you told me I arranged a meal for you don't need to worry whatever in the meal at home I will eat I just

wanted to surprise you . Whatever how is Ella when did she come Paris ? Mom face some business issues in France that why she didn't come with me you know mom don't have any time for her family don't talk like this dear you know your mom is alone after your father death and she needs to manage this business you need to understand your mother .

Anti talk this issue any more if want to talk so I need to leave .

Melissa got a bit upset during the conversation,

Ok dear don't go I wanted to talk you about Claude Melissa is little upset what do you mean anti is Claude okey?

You don't need to upset Claude is fine

She stopped talking. Do you marry with Claude?

Anti are you okay Claude is already married with Luna . Melissa got shocked to hear this question . She didn't understand this is question or a wish ..... If Luna leave Claude..... In this situation you want to marry with Claude ?

Luna love's Claude very deep and she doesn't Claude.....

Talk clearly anti what do you want to say .

Be continued ....