
Ten Times Rebate: Spend Money on My Wife and Get 10

Olivia stole her ID and secretly married Michael Anderson! Michael, who was expecting to be under a lot of pressure, was accidentally tied to the "10X Rebate for Spending Money on Your Wife" system! 【Ding! You spent 5,000 dollars on a fancy dinner for your wife. The tenfold rebate of 50,000 dollars has arrived. Please check.】 【Ding! You bought your wife a Porsche, costing 2 million dollars, 10 times rebate: 20 million dollars has arrived, please check. And trigger an extra lucky reward: a Ferrari.】 From then on, Michael lived a life of frantically buying things for his wife.

Julian_000318 · Ciudad
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16 Chs

You're Too Fortunate, Little Girl

"Sandra, your delivery collection point seems to be doing quite well. You must be making a decent income just from handling parcels every day, right?"

A customer at the convenience store commented enviously, looking at the abundance of parcels piled up inside.

Sandra shook her head, "This small convenience store of mine is only so big. How much business could I possibly have?"

"I see a lot of parcels in your store, at least a hundred, right?"

Helping with parcel collection at a convenience store like this couldn't be free. For private stores providing this service, they usually charged one dollar per package.

Although it was just one dollar per package, the cumulative total could become quite substantial over time.

"Seventy out of the hundred are from this girl..."

Sandra helplessly glanced at Olivia and curiously asked, "Are you striking it rich? Why are you buying so many things?"

As Sandra was the one handling and organizing all the parcels, she couldn't help but notice the various high-end clothing, shoes, bags, as well as cosmetics and makeup products among them.

These cosmetics and makeup items were all internationally renowned brands, each one quite expensive. To buy all of these, it would cost tens of thousands at least!

This amount of spending on luxury items, what kind of household was this?

"Well... my husband bought them for me."

Olivia glanced at Michael with a touch of helplessness, feeling a bit embarrassed. Buying things should be done gradually, right? Buying so much at once, what was going on?


After hearing Olivia's explanation, Sandra paused for a moment, and her eyes almost overflowed with envy.

Olivia and Michael had been living here for a year, and she was well aware that they were just ordinary office workers who rarely indulged in shopping.

Receiving so many parcels all of a sudden, she initially thought they were hers. However, after thinking for a while, she found it unlikely.

Because there were just too many parcels!

Who would buy so many things for no reason?

Most likely, Olivia had engaged in some small business, reselling items online or doing some form of e-commerce, which was quite popular nowadays.

However, she never expected that these items were actually Olivia's own belongings!

The sheer quantity was beyond comprehension!

And... all of them were bought by Michael!

"You people of this generation really know how to pamper your wives..."

Sandra sighed and shook her head. "However, it's not necessarily the case. I have several nieces around your age, and I haven't seen their husbands being as good. You, little girl, are really fortunate."

"Thank you, Sandra~~"

Being envied naturally made Olivia very happy. As she checked her parcels, she sneakily looked back at Michael.

Their eyes happened to meet.

"Cough, how can I move all these parcels back by myself? Hurry up and come help."

After the moment of joy, Olivia faced a headache.

Moving such a large number of parcels upstairs at once was impossible. At least a dozen trips were needed.

They had decided to move to Serenity Cove the next day. Moving the parcels upstairs today and then back down tomorrow was too troublesome.

After a moment of thought, Olivia decided to only take a few parcels she liked, leaving the rest to be moved tomorrow.

"Oh, to be young is truly wonderful..."

Watching Olivia and Michael leave, Sandra was also full of envy. She took a picture of the mountain of parcels and posted it in a nearby gossip group.

"See this? If you're going to get married, marry a man who's willing to clear your shopping cart!"

Initially, when everyone saw Sandra's picture, they didn't think much of it. After all, Sandra worked at a delivery collection point, and having dozens of parcels in the store was normal.

However, when they realized all these parcels belonged to the same person, envy crept in!

"Sandra? Are there really men who clear their wives' shopping carts?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, it's true!"

"So there are actually good men like this! If I ever meet one, I'll build a zoo to protect him!"

Looking at the picture in the group, many people were envious, lamenting their own clumsy husbands.

"Alright, everyone, disperse. This kind of great man is probably not in our league!"


"Olivia, hehe, this might be the post with the most likes on my Instagram recently. Even more than the nine-grid selfie I posted. Indeed, in this era, beauty has no competition against money!"

Back at home, Olivia chatted with Hanna while packing. Hanna complained about Olivia posting her Porsche Cayenne on social media yesterday.

"Too bad, too bad. This car isn't mine. If it were, I would post a nine-grid every day."

"Oh, Olivia, why are you replying so slowly? Have you fallen out of love with me?"

Seeing Hanna's message, Olivia laughed helplessly. "I'm packing. We're moving tomorrow."

"Moving? Oh, right, you've been living there for a year, and the lease is probably up."

Hanna immediately offered her help, "Where are you moving to? I'll take a day off tomorrow and come help you move."

"It's embarrassing to let you take a day off..."

"No problem at all. You're my best friend, how can I let you work hard!"

Olivia hesitated for a moment and said, "You can take the day off if you want, but you don't need to come help me move."

"... "

After a pause, Olivia said helplessly, "If you want to take the day off, just say it directly. Don't pretend to come help me move!"

"Wuwuwu, Olivia, how can you say that about me? I love you so much, that's why I want to help you move. If you won't let me help, I won't treat you to dinner, and you'll have to let me help with moving!"

Under Hanna's cajoling, Olivia had no choice but to agree to her coming the next day.

The next day, sure enough,

 Hanna appeared downstairs in her car.

"I'm here to help you move! Haha, today I'm in sportswear. See? I've transformed into a strongwoman ready for heavy lifting!"

Hanna was quite straightforward. Although she wanted to avoid going to work by helping Olivia move, she genuinely came prepared to help.

They didn't need her help with moving things this time. Michael was not being polite, all their belongings were already packed the night before. As for moving them downstairs, he had hired a moving company to take care of it. Olivia and Hanna didn't need to worry about a thing.

"There's nothing in the house that needs your help... but there's something here."

Olivia pointed downstairs at the convenience store run by Sandra.

Hanna was momentarily puzzled, "What's wrong? Are you planning to take the convenience store with you when you move?"

I wrote this novel to practice my English and hope to capture your attention. If you have any ideas, please leave me a message. I trust you will enjoy my story and consider adding it to your library.

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