
Ten Times Investment Rebate System

John, a 19-year-old orphan, grapples with life's harsh realities after being abandoned by his uncle. Despite his efforts, John is deemed talentless by the Francisco's family and is brutally cast out; left with nothing but memories of his stolen inheritance from his father and the pain of rejection. John contemplates ending his suffering but ultimately resolves to survive by wandering the unforgiving streets of Golden City. Living hand-to-mouth, John clings to the little cash he had managed to save before his parents' untimely demise. With grit and relentless determination, he becomes a street vendor, working day and night. It's now two years and John has amassed $5,000, gaining local fame as "Jonte," the resilient vendor whose story continues to inspire many. Fearing the resentment of the Francisco's family in the city, John decision to relocate and move to Greenland City in the eastern was no doubt. Thereafter, capitalizing $4000 on his first investment, who knew that John would receive a prompt with a congratulatory message that echoed in his mind with an irritating mechanical voice! [Congratulations for activating Ten Times Investment Rebate System.] Stunned, John listened as the voice continued... [The Host is entitled to exuberant rewards on any investment made.] Before John could fully grasp what was going on, another messages echoed in his mind severally one after the other. [Congratulations! The Host has received $40,000 Ten Times Investment Rebate applied. The Host can confirm in his personal account.] Immediately, his almost worn out Samsung phone wrang indicating a new message.{ Confirmed. You have received $40,000 from TTIRS.} John opened his mouth agape and his face shown with a hot smile. He quietly returned his phone in the pocket and lowered his head as new messages continued to echo in his mind. [Congratulations! The Host has earned a Honda motorcycle as a reward.] [ The Host rewarding rates will come in this order: Upon making an investment worth $4000 $20,000 $50,000 $100,0000 and above] [Congratulations! The Host will be equipped with driving skills upon any successful achievement.] John's life transforms in an instant, his mind swirling with possibilities and the promise of unimaginable wealth. Would John one day downfall the wealth record history of the Fransisco's family? Find the truth behind his parents demise? Fight for his position in the family for his inheritance before the court of law or focus on his life realities? Let us all join John our hero who is determined to showcase his life realities.

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22 Chs

Business Plan

John stared at the messages, disbelief and curiosity battling within him. What could this mean? He had never heard of such a system before. His thoughts were interrupted as the door chime rang, signaling his first customer.

The man who entered was middle-aged, with a sturdy build and a kind face marked by years of hard work. He glanced around the store, taking in the sparse inventory, before approaching John at the counter.

"Good afternoon," the man said, his voice gruff but friendly as kept scanning the shelves. "Do you have any gaskets and hangers? I need ten units."

John quickly checked his inventory. "I'm afraid I only have five units of gaskets at $28 each. Would you find them helpful as we wait for the upcoming new stock?"

The man nodded. "I'll take those five then. Can I pay by mobile transaction?"

"Sure, that works," John replied, pulling out his Samsung phone. The man took out his own device, and after a few taps, John received a notification of a $140 deposit into his Family Plus bank account.

"Thank you," John said, handing over the gaskets to the old man.

"Thank you. I'll check back soon for the rest," the man replied, giving a nod before heading out. The old man who had been kind took a walk down the street as John kept an eye on him until he disappeared.

As the day progressed, more customers trickled in, each looking for different parts that John didn't have in stock. Some of them grumbled and left shouting that sn empty store should be closed and not to confuse customers.

While others seemed understanding when John assured them that new stock would be arriving soon. They were really optimistic and encouraging that they were eager to shop from John store rather than bypassing his store.

One by one, they came: a woman needing spark plugs, a young mechanic looking for brake pads, and an elderly man searching for a specific type of oil filter. Each time, John could only promise that his inventory would soon expand. John knew that indeed he had to maximize the business.

Despite the setbacks, John's optimism grew. He knew that with the system's rebates, restocking his store wouldn't be an issue. He just needed to draft a solid business plan that would propell and mount on him the business idea.

As evening approached and John prepared to close the store, his stomach growled, reminding him that he needed to find food and some basic house appliances. Just as he was about to lock the door, the robotic voice of the system interrupted his thoughts.

[The Host has to plan for the business. Every investment has to mirror the future.]

John paused, listening intently. Actually, this was in his mind in the entire day.

[The system has detected some importance in hiring a guider to assist the Host in drawing the plan and for future endeavors.]

John remained calm, scanning around the empty store. "A guider again? Is this a form of colonization so that I work for someone?" His contemporary words hung heavily in the air.

John kept a moment of silent and his minds in deep thoughts. He couldn't imagine the fact of the system about hiring a guider to help him in drafting a business plan. " Is this a form of partnership?" John totally couldn't understand and a lot of rhetorical questions raced in him.

[Don't worry! It seems the Host is not aware of how the system functions and its intentions in his life. The system is here to help the Host become a mult-trillionaire and the wealthiest person in the entire world.]

[The system has found your guider. Her name is "Angel Resh." She will communicate with you to guide you in drawing the business plan and allocation. Once you're okay with, the rest will be UpTo you. Incase in future you may be in need of the guider just as the system and all shall be arranged for you.]

John sighed, the weight of the day's events pressing on him. He sat down behind the counter, lost in thought. Memories of his time at Rohit's mansion flitted through his mind. He remembered the disdainful looks, the harsh words, and the feeling of being an outsider in a world of opulence.

"I can't believe turning into a multi-trilionair in the entire world. In fact, before the Rohit family's and the entire Francisco's family at large. Who would be the boss! Me? Ahh...!" Finally, John sighed with an overwhelming smile.

The robotic voice of the system interrupted his thoughts again.

[Let's sit down and discuss your goals,] Angel Resh's voice said through the system. [First, we need to assess what you have and what you need. Let's break it down.]

John felt a bit odd conversing with a voice, but he decided to go along. "I want to turn this into a successful business," John said. "But I need a clear plan and proper investment."

[That's a good start. You need a reliable supplier for automotive parts. We'll allocate a budget for inventory, marketing, and operational costs. This initial phase is crucial.]

John nodded, absorbing the information. "I've got $415,000 in my bank account . How should we divide it?"

[Let's allocate $30,000 for inventory. This will allow you to stock a wide range of parts and cater to your customers' needs.]

John jotted down the figure. "And the rest?"

[We'll use $10,000 for marketing and advertising. You need to let people know you're here and what you offer. The remaining $5,000 can be used for your operational expenses, such as rent, utilities, and any unforeseen costs.]

John felt a sense of clarity as they broke down the numbers. "What about long-term plans?"

[We need to think about expansion. Once your business starts turning a profit, we'll reinvest it into growing the store. Perhaps you could even open additional locations or branch out into related services, like repairs or customizations.]

As they discussed, John couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement. This wasn't just a plan; it was a roadmap to success.

Hours passed as they fine-tuned the details. By the time they finished, John felt more confident and prepared than he had in years.

Passersby began to take notice of the store's renewed activity. Neighbors who had known George for years stopped by, curious about the changes.

"Is George back in action?" one elderly woman asked, peering into the store.

"No, it's a new owner," another man replied, watching John arrange some tools on the shelves.

John greeted them warmly. "Hello, I'm John. I'm the new owner. George had to sell the store due to some personal matters. But don't worry, I'll be restocking soon."

The elderly woman nodded approvingly. "It's good to see someone young taking over. This place has a lot of potential."

Another man, younger and dressed in mechanic's overalls, stepped inside. "Hey there, name's Mike. I run a repair shop down the street. If you need any help or advice, feel free to ask."

John felt a wave of gratitude. "Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it. I'm planning to bring in a lot of new stock soon."

Mike grinned. "Good to hear. This area needs a reliable parts store. Kindly may I know if you have a supplier?"

" Mmmh... Not yet, but soon I will be looking for one." He responded while turning to Mike. " Do you have one or any links?"

Mike cleared hus throat and assured John of the best supplier with mesmerizing discounts and free delivery. " Just save me with your phone contact if you don't mind. I will be hooking you up!"

They exchanged their contacts and promised to meet again and again. John looked at Mike as he strolled down the street to his working station. John scanned the strategical position of his store and knew it will expand. Customer from all side could reach out due to its central location advantage.

As more locals stopped by to introduce themselves and inquire about the store's future, John felt a growing sense of community. This wasn't just a business; it was becoming a part of the neighborhood's fabric.

After the impromptu meet-and-greet, John returned to his planning. Angel's voice guided him through the final details.

[Now, about the inventory investment, you have a $30,000 budget for stocking up on spare parts. We need to find a reliable supplier who can provide quality products at good prices.]

Suddenly, John's phone rung from the pocket. " Who might be calling? It's been long to have someone calling on my phone!" John couldn't guess who was calling and therefore reached out in his pocket to have the phone call.

The incoming call didn't identify who the caller was. The call came as private. John couldn't receive the call. He just ignored the call and returned it in the pocket.

Just as John was contemplating about the unknown caller might be, his phone rung again for a short text message.