
Ten days later

Just when I thought it was a normal day, I found myself in a bind. When I thought I could escape by simply playing the game of death, I found that people began to awaken to supernatural powers. When I thought this was "where God was made," everything was forgotten.

LovetoNunnery · Oriental
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111 Chs

Chapter 96: A Pity

An old tungsten lamp hung by black wires in the center of the room, glistening dimly.

The quiet atmosphere, like ink dripping into water, is spreading in the room.

As the clock on the table pointed to "twelve," a muffled bell rang from far away.

Ten people around the table woke up suddenly and looked at the strange scene.

Qixia stared wide eyes, looking at this familiar scene, the heart is like ten thousand horses galloping generally can not calm down.

He's back.

Everyone's back.

The goat's head still stood by the crowd, giving off a distinctive smell of decay and smelling of mutton.

Although he had long thought he would come back, when Qixia sat down at the round table again, his heart was filled with despair.

"Good morning, nine." "It's a pleasure to meet you here. You've been asleep in front of me for twelve hours."

Qixia took the opportunity to look calmly at the familiar faces and found that they behaved as they did when she first met them.

Qiao Jiajin looked at the sheep and asked, "You... Who is it?"

After this question, Qixia frowned.

What the fuck? Doesn't everyone remember what happened before?

If that's the case, why do you remember?

"Since you all have this question, let me introduce it to the nine..."

When Ren Yang was about to wave his hands and make a plea, Lawyer Zhang opened his mouth and said, "There is no need to introduce you to us, I advise you to stop your behavior early, I suspect that you have detained us for more than 24 hours, which constitutes the crime of illegal detention, and every word you say now will be recorded by me and form a testimony against you."

Qixia looked at the lawyer at a loss, and looked at the doctor Zhao.

It's his turn to ask questions.

Sure enough, Dr. Zhao said, "Wait, we have just woken up, how do you know we have been imprisoned for" 24 hours "?"

"What the hell is going on..." Qixia's lips moved slightly, these people were as if they did not know each other, they were saying the same things as the last time, doing the same actions as the last time.

It was as if nothing had changed, just started all over again.

Zhang lawyer high and lofty and Zhao doctor explained some, caused everyone to look sideways.

Yes, in Qixia's impression, lawyer Zhang's performance was very suspicious at the beginning, and she was using every opportunity to publicize her strength, which was probably the protective color under her calm appearance.

When she finished her explanation, the crowd fell silent.

The silence lasted a full dozen seconds.

Qixia felt a little strange, last time, it seemed that someone said something at this moment, but this time he did not say, so the following series of things did not happen.

This sense of separation between reality and memory makes Qixia very confused.

"As you may have noticed, there are obviously ten people in this room, but I call you" nine."

"冚 home shovel... I don't care how many people are here, I advise you to be sensible!" Qiao Jiajin said fiercely, "You may not know what will happen if you mess with me, I really will kill you!"

Qixia suddenly thought of something and turned to look at the young man on his right.

It was a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

The tenth person in the room that Qixia had only met once.

He still looked at the crowd with a strange smile on his face.

Having been here once, Qixia had some understanding.

Almost all the people with this kind of smile on their faces are "indigenous people". Is this tenth person just brought in by people and sheep to make up the number?

The man walked up to the young man and put his hand on the back of his head.

Qixia was taken aback and quickly turned her face to the other side without emotion.

The last time the young man's brains had splashed in his face, he did not want to experience that warm feeling again.

Just listen to "bang" a dull sound, the young man's head on the table opened flowers.

At the same moment, a bell rang in the distance.

And it is this bell, let Qixia suddenly thought of something.

The man who has just died may not be a "native" but a "reseller"!

But why is his performance so sluggish? Why is his role so absurd?

"The reason we have ten people is to use one of them to calm you down." The man and the sheep shook the blood off their hands and said.

The shriek came at the exact same moment as last time.

Qixia should have thought that the moment they woke up, they heard the bell, indicating that at least one person had obtained an "echo" at this time.

When the young man dies, the bell rings again, and the "reverberation" ends.

If it happened only once, it could be considered a coincidence, but the bell rang when a young man died twice in succession.

He must be the "reseller."

The shriek of the trees stopped abruptly and the Faun laughed:

"Very well, nine, I see you are all quiet. "."

"You have been brought together now to participate in a 'game' and ultimately to create a 'God.'"

This time, Qixia was not frightened by the dead, so his attention was all focused on the explanation of the people and sheep.

But there was silence again.

Qixia forgot who had spoken at that time, and only remembered that someone had asked the sheep "What God was created?"

But why won't he talk?

"Aren't you curious about what God we're going to create?" People and sheep stared at the crowd.

"Do you like to speak!" Qiaojia Jin gritted his teeth with a cold hum, "Kill someone in front of me and I will obey you?"

"Just..." The sheep shook his head and said, "We want to create a God just like Nuwa, who can do everything we want!" A great task waiting to be done by God!"

Looking at the silent crowd, goat head sighed helplessly: "You are not interesting ah, are there no problems?"

Several of the girls were clearly frightened, and Qixia looked at the rest of the men.

Officer Li stared at the people and sheep with a serious face, no different from last time.

Zhao doctor and Han Yi Mo also after seeing the dead trembling, with a look of some fear on his face.

And Qiaojia strength is a face disdain, showing his unique expression.

See no one to speak, Joe's home strength anonymous fire, others are afraid of people sheep, he is not afraid.

"冚 home shovel," the "cult" is it? We win a game with you, and you make us a god? What if we don't win?"

"Can't win..." The man and the sheep looked at the blood on their hands, and said in a lost tone, "It would be a pity not to win..."

"Pity for whom?" Qixia suddenly asked.

Man sheep turned back to look at Qixia, eyes extremely cold.

"Pity for the world."

"For the world?" Qixia a leng, seems to understand what, but the question in my mind more.

That is to say, if God cannot be created, the greatest loss is the "end of the land"?