
Ten days later

Just when I thought it was a normal day, I found myself in a bind. When I thought I could escape by simply playing the game of death, I found that people began to awaken to supernatural powers. When I thought this was "where God was made," everything was forgotten.

LovetoNunnery · Oriental
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111 Chs

Chapter 15 An Open wave

Qixia expression is a little difficult, just he has tried to try, this harpoon barb is very delicate, it is difficult to pull out of the body.

Looking at the gurgling blood, Qixia was in a trance.

Are they really dead?

The dead people... Will it hurt, too?

Now was not the time to think about it, but to cut the rope at once.

Now that all the harpoons are slowly backing away, how do you cut his rope with the others?

The only thing that is certain is that when the rope is all back into the wall, the harpoon will all disappear and Han Yimo will die.

"To get a harpoon... But what is to be done..." Qixia frowned slightly and looked around quickly.

I have to take another gamble.

He grabbed the two harpoons slowly retreating from the ground and quickly tied their ropes together in a dead knot.

"Hey! Don't surround Han Yimo anymore." Qixia began, "All do as I do! We must leave at least one harpoon."

Ngo Ngo immediately understood his meaning. She also found two harpoons and tied a knot neatly.

But the knot she tied was of a strange shape, and Qixia had never seen it before.

He had no time to think, but could only stare at the two harpoons in front of him.

With the continuous contraction of the rope, the two ropes are now tightly pulled together.

At this rate, it won't be long before one of the ropes breaks, leaving one of them.

Qixia slowly back back, the two ropes now made a terrible sound, if he guessed right, in this huge pull under the break of the rope may hurt people.

Sure enough, the next second, one of the ropes made a loud noise and broke.

The other rope also took the harpoon in the air without rules for a few disorderly dance, and then violently dumped on the ground, leaving a deep mark.

Qixia ran forward, trying to untie the broken rope before the harpoon reached the wall.

But now it was found that the two ropes previously tied together had been completely deformed due to the huge pulling force, and it was not necessary to untie the rope, even the shape of the rope was difficult to identify.

'I'm all right! "Whoever is strong, please go and help me cut the writer's rope."

"All right?

Looking back, Qixia found that the knots the trees had made were so ingenious that they separated automatically when the ropes broke.

Officer Li had not even tied the knot at the beginning, and after hearing this sentence, he quickly put down his harpoon and said, "I'll cut it, give it to me!"

After taking the harpoon, Officer Li took three steps and made two steps, and came behind Han Yimo just as he was about to be pulled against the wall.

Fortunately, although the harpoon in this hand looks pointed, it also has a small blade at the tip, enough to be used as a knife.

Qiaojia strength also came forward to help, although Qixia has thought of the way in the first time, but Han Yi ink has been less than half a meter from the wall.

The pain of this tear makes Han Yi Mo unable to resist, he can only follow the rope slowly back, otherwise the barb in the chest will make him miserable.

Officer Li grabbed the rope behind him, thought briefly, aimed at the rope closest to Han's body, and began cutting it with a sharp harpoon.

His hand was steady, and every cut was right on the rope.

But the rope was stronger than expected, and after several cuts only a small gap was left.

He did a quick eye survey and found things a little tricky.

This rope is bound to be cut sooner or later, but time is the last thing we need.

In less than a minute, Han Yimo's body will come into contact with the wall, making it impossible to cut the rope from behind.

"I lost, still not good?" Qiaojia strength some anxious asked, "you slow, to kill this sausage!"

"Don't beep! Officer Li gave a cold drink, and then continued to increase his strength.

As Han Yimo's body got closer and closer to the wall, Officer Li's face was already full of fine sweat.

It has to be said that his psychological quality is very strong, although the air is full of tension and depression, but he used that small harpoon not even a mistake, each knife cut on the previous gap.

But seeing Han Yimo less than 30 centimeters away from the wall, Officer Li's arm has been difficult to move.

Qiaojia strong eyes and hands, directly block behind Han Yi ink, with his own body cushion him. In this way, although Han Yimo will be hurt prematurely, the distance between him and the wall will not change in a short time.

"A cop! Quickly!"

Officer Lee caught his breath and continued to cut. The rope was now mostly broken, but still held together.

Han Yimo constantly wailed in pain, and the harpoon pierced his chest with a barb after running through his body, at this time his blood had been stained with clothes, which looked very frightening.

"Am I going to die..." Han Yimo gritted his teeth and said, "I really am going to die... Who is trying to kill us..."

"Be a man!" Officer Li said seriously, "So many people are trying to save you, don't give me crying!"

Han Yi Mo heard this sentence immediately stopped, he knew that Officer Li was right, now everyone is running around here, he can not drag everyone's back legs.

Barb deep into Han Yi Mo's flesh and blood, he issued a dull hum, constantly gnawing teeth.

Doctor Zhao immediately picked up a piece of cloth and shoved it in his mouth.

After all, people may break their teeth in extreme pain.

All around Han Yi Mo side.

Twenty seconds seemed like hours, and Officer Lee cut the rope without any trouble.

Finally, with the last hand rise and fall of the knife, the strong rope was divided.

At the same moment, Han Yi ink and Qiao Jia Jin all because of the loss of strength and fall to the ground.

People around them immediately stepped forward to help them.

Looks like Han Yimo saved his life.

Zhao doctor immediately took Han Yi Mo to one side, began to examine his wound. At this point, his wounds are as expected, and the harpoon still needs to be removed from the front.

Now the most difficult problem is to stop the bleeding.

Zhao doctor thought for a long time, and finally used a few pieces of cloth to block the wound near Han Yi ink harpoon.

"Well, Doctor, aren't you going to take the harpoon off?" Qiao Jia Jin asked.

"You can't take it. He'll die if you do." Doctor Zhao looked grim said.

"Dead?" Qiaojia strength some doubts, went forward to push a doctor Zhao, "what?" We went to all this trouble, and you didn't help?"