
The Ambush

Afoma should have known that her apartment would be swamped by the time she got home from work today. She went to the office on Saturday, to get some files that she needed. When she enters the sitting room, she sees her other friends with Aliya and gulps the moment she sees all her siblings. 

She looks at them, and asks, "Did I forget my own birthday?" They all look at her and her younger brother Andy says, "I saw your message. How come you didn't tell me that the bastard came to your office earlier?" 

She looks at him, rolls her eyes and says, "So that you will come to my rescue? He just wanted to talk, and stop talking like I'm a baby. I am older than you."

"You never fail to remind me," he says. "My point is I wish I knew earlier. Also, I do not like that guy. I do not want you to get close to him again. He could not stand by you, and I saw how much he affected you no matter how strong you are."

She glares at Andy, and says, "I am twenty-six years old. I should know what I'm doing. Do not worry. Plus, Nonso's company coming to sign a contract under my firm is huge business for real. Especially because I led that meeting." She notices how everyone is looking at the both of them. This has always been their dynamic. Andy's height makes him think he should be protecting her like their older brother does, but he needs to remember she is a grown woman. She knows she was  heartbroken after she and Nonso's breakup, but she has come a long way since then. She is over it.

She and Andy have a staring contest, and he is the first to break eye contact. He then sighs, and says, "I am not doubting your strength. I just did not like what he did to you three years ago. I did/do not like what you passed through. Well, if you ever need help, I am here." He says that, and opens his hand wide to hug her, and she hugs him back. She understands where he is coming from, and why he reacted like that. He was nineteen when she started dating Nonso, but wished he could protect her.  Every other person choruses, "Awww." 

"Shut up," Andy and Afoma say. 

Her older sister, Ada then says, "Well, as much as we enjoyed the touching sibling resolution, we still want an explanation." 

She sits down and tells them all about what happened. Her older brother then says, "Absolutely not. You denied right."

"I mean, I did, at first…"

They look at her in shock, and Tiwa says, "My own is that you should not fall for that guy again. He has always been a smooth talker, but he is three years late." My friends including Aliya concur. Afoma roll my eyes, and says, "Why are you guys so hell-bent on believing I'll fall for this guy again? It is over. It has been for over three years. I am over him, and I have been for awhile." 

Aliya then says, "We know, you are over him, and have been for awhile, but he was your first love. It is hard to get over that." 

Her heart beats a little bit faster, and she says, "Maybe, it was, but I am over it. I will not make the same mistake twice." 

They all chorus, "We hope so."  Heryounger sister Annie looks at her and asks, "But is he still as handsome as before?" At that, Andy hits her head, and she flips him off. They all laugh at their interaction, and her siblings finally leave her alone after hugging her as if she is in pain.

 Her friends all turn to look at her immediately, and Amanda says, "You are playing a dangerous game, and yes, I know you are a lawyer so, it is what you all like. But this is Nonso we are talking about. Do you really think ten dates will be enough? He is probably planning 10 dates that will happen in two months or more so, you will be dating him for over two months. Even you should not be that brave. This is your first love. The first guy who treated you like an angel, and a queen. Explain to us right now, how you will reject him after all that. If he proves he is really all-in, what are you going to do babe? Are you going to take that risk again? Are you going to fight for him again? Are you going to fight for a relationship he might not fight for? Are you going to continue butting heads with that mother of his? What exactly is your game plan babe?because all I see are warning signs. He did not ask for two dates, but ten. What are you going to do about your heart?" 

Afoma bites her lips and really lets what she said sink in. Amanda has always been the mother of their group, and she knows she is right. It is dangerous to be playing this game, but Afoma did not even bargain the number of dates she wanted. All she could think about was that she should have at least bargained four dates. 

"God!" she rubs her face while thinking about what to do to get out of this. "I know you are right Amanda. I should have at least bargained with him to reduce the number of dates. Ten dates is a long one, but we did not agree to  exclusivity because this is not what you guys think it is. At least I hope so." 

Tiwa then chimes in, "I know it must have been hard to see your first love like that, and whether you are over it, it is still a hard sight. We are always hear for you though." Aliya, Amanda and Tiwa come closer. Tiwa says, "At least you will be eating in this arrangement, and knowing Nonso, there will be gifts involved. A win is a win. Although, I have not yet forgiven you for giving your work friend the flowers and chocolate  when you have me here. I was hurt, and my heart has been in shambles." 

Afoma hits the back of her head, and she Tiwa says, "What now? Do you think it is easy? The betrayal was crazy. I was hurt. I had to reassure myself that she has not canceled our friendship yet." We all roll our eyes at her dramatics, and Aliya says, "I am still wondering how you ended up being an accountant when you could have easily been an actress."

Tiwa laughs, "You want my parents to faint? Plus to be honest, I will rather not subject myself to doing literature-in-English. I can barely handle reading romance novels without sleeping. How will I handle William Shakespeare and Wole Soyinka?" They all laugh at her because Tiwa always hated the thought of reading literature books or novels. 

As the girls and Afoma are talking, Afoma gets a notification which makes them all turn their heads in anticipation. The notification is from none other than Nonso. 

Nonso: Hey beautiful. How have you been? I wanted to inform you that we will be coming to your firm on Monday to finalize the details. I just wanted to let you know so that you will not be overwhelmed. Also, our date is on Friday next week. I know you are not excited about the date, but you will enjoy it. I promise.

She rolls her eyes and likes his message. He then sends a broken heart emoji, which causes her to roll her eyes again. He then sends another message. 

Nonso: Stop rolling your eye, sweetheart.


She glares at the message, and Tiwa snatches the phone  from her hand, and the girls read it simultaneously.

"What?" I ask. 

Amanda says, "You are in big trouble. This guy apparently wants to really give this a go." 

Afoma changes the topic, but they all give her the stink eye because she did not continue their interrogation, and opinions. When her phone starts ringing, the girls finally give her phone. She notices it is an unknown number. Afoma picks the call, and the interest of her friends are piqued. The unknown caller tells her that she has a special delivery. 

She raises her eyebrows, and wears her slides to go downstairs. Once she sees a big packaged box, she knows who sent it. She rolls her eyes, signs t and collects the 'package.' As she comes back upstairs to update the girls on what happened, their eyes widen when they see what is in her hand. The package consists of a book bouquet, earrings, necklace, bracelet, a beautiful long black gown, a gold purse, and gold shoes. In the book bouquet, She sees a card which says:

My Afoma, 

              I had to make some changes knowing that there is no way you will be giving a book bouquet out. I know I caused you a lot of pain, but I want you to know that I will not be the cause of your sadness anymore. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I hope you will wear the gown on our date, but if you do not, I'm sure you will look beautiful in whatever you choose.        


The girls read the letter and scream. Aliya laughs and says, "Damn. He really got you there knowing fully well that you will not be giving these books out." 

Amanda grins, and says, "If you don't want the books, please I am available." 

Tiwa says, "Same for the jewelry. Honestly the best thing about what he wrote was the fact he didn't pressurize you to wear what he got for you. You are wearing it though right?"

She groans and says, "Guys I do not know. Ugh. I am tired of this conversation already."

They all look at her, and say, "God forbid. You can never be tired of this gist. This guy is treating you like a queen."

She rolls her eyes, and says, "Don't tell me you all have forgotten how Nonso and I ended things."

Aliya replies, "We can never forget, but the way he is doing all these fictional things, it is difficult to stay angry at him." They all nod, and Amanda replies, "But do not worry. You are always our priority, and whether or not you want to be with Nonso, we will still have your back. Even if it means beating up his mother. If my mother should hear me saying I will beat someone's mother, she will kill me. I am just saying it will be hard to you to reject this guy. You are stronger than me for real. You must be God's strongest soldier, but if you don't want the book bouquet, please do not forget me. I have been dying to read The Governor's Son by Abby for a while."

Afoma hisses, and Tiwa asks, "Did you guys notice that the outfit he brought for her is similar to what Afoma wore on their first date? Like black gown, gold jewelry, and a gold bag."  At that, our eyes widen, and Afoma says, "Oh my God that is true. Do you think he might be re-enacting our first date? I hope not."


"Because I do not want that."

Amanda says, "You think you will find it hard to not forgive him right?"

Afoma frowns, and says, "If hell likes, it should freeze, but me, Afomachukwu Grace Obi, will never not find it hard to forgive Nonso for his abandonment. You guys don't know how his mother insulted my parents simply because we are not as wealthy as them. Only God can make me forgive that man, and even then, I still will not forget."

They all sigh, and Tiwa says, "We understand. Don't mind us please. The gesture really blinded us for a minute, but we have regained our sight."

They all laugh, and continue talking.