
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Two: The Holy Artifacts Fight to Recognize the Lord

Inside the Xuantian Sect, thousands of swords whistled.

And in the courtyard where Madman Chu was located, a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, surrounded by countless avenue runes, and there were bursts of Dao sounds.

In the beam of light, the runes were intertwined and turned into a heart.

This heart has nine orifices, and every time it beats, there is sword energy shuttling back and forth, and there is the sound of gold and iron clashing among the pounding heartbeat.

"This, what is the situation!"

"Such visions, could it be that some kind of dao body has awakened!"

"The heart is born with nine apertures and contains sword energy. Could it be the rumored supreme body... the exquisite sword heart with nine apertures?!"

"Hiss, this Dao body has not appeared in the world for nearly ten thousand years, how could it appear suddenly, and it is still within the boundary of Xuantian Sect."

"That direction is... the outer courtyard."

"Could it be that the one who awakened this physique was an outer disciple?"

"How can this be!"

In Xuantian Sect, everyone from senior elders to outer disciples was frightened by this sudden vision.

And as Chu Kuangren and Jian Xin became more integrated, the power of that vision also continued to increase, spreading towards Xuantianzong.

For a while, most of the powerhouses in the Azure Dragon Region felt it.

In a magnificent city.

The white-clothed man sitting on the tall building suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Xuantianzong, "This aura is the birth of the Supreme Dao Body!"

The Supreme Dao Body has never appeared a few times throughout the ages.

Either one has the potential to become an emperor.

But in the history of Cang Qiongxing, there are very few great powers in the Emperor Realm.

"That direction is Xuantianzong. Is it possible that there will be a young emperor in this era of Xuantianzong? It's interesting."

The man in white chuckled and then closed his eyes slightly, ignoring it.


A magnificent palace.

A domineering man sat on the throne, looked in the direction of Xuantianzong and murmured: "Supreme Dao Body! I didn't expect another Supreme Dao Body to appear in this era, heh, it really is a world of great struggle! "

"But no matter who it is, the throne in this life must belong to a single person!"

"Whoever fights against loneliness will die!"


In a tumbling sea of blood, there was an old man sitting on the blood-colored lotus platform. He noticed something, looked into the distance, and his face suddenly sank.

"Supreme Dao body breath!"

"This direction, could it be that Xuantianzong, hmph, it seems that I have to speed up my pace and hatch the blood spirit embryo earlier."

"Only in this way can we compete for the throne in that life."

"The competition is really getting bigger."


Inside the Xuantian Sect.

Accompanied by the strengthening of the vision power of Jiuqiao Linglong Jianxin.

I saw that a group of swordsmen could no longer control the swords in their hands, and countless swords came out of their hands, turning into streamers and flying towards the place of Madman Chu.

In the distance, there is a mountain full of swords.

Suddenly, the mountain peak rumbled and shook!

One after another, the swords flew up into the air, and flew towards where the madman Chu was.

"Damn it, that's the sword weapon from Xuantian Sword Mountain!"

"Xuantian Sword Mountain is the treasure of my Xuantian Sect. It contains all the swords and magic swords collected or forged by the Xuantian Sect's predecessors. None of them are mortal. Today, these swords all flew out by themselves!"

"Look, that's the sacred weapon, the Zixiao Sword!!"

"No, it's not just the Zixiao Sword, it's also Ivy, Chilian, Longyin, Taiah...these are all holy weapons!!"

"Xuantianzong is good at swordsmanship. To get started, disciples need to go to Jianshan to choose a sword. According to rumors, there are ten swords at the level of holy weapons in Jianshan. Very few disciples can be recognized by them! And this generation only Daozi Nangonghuang was recognized by the holy soldier Yuanhong."

"But now, these holy artifacts have all flown out by themselves. It looks like they can't wait to recognize their master automatically. It's incredible. Who is the master of this vision!"

"The holy artifact automatically recognizes its owner? Horror!"

In the sky above the courtyard, countless sword weapons hovered, which was extremely magnificent.

One after another figures came around the courtyard, and one of the old men with white eyebrows said loudly: "Which disciple is in the courtyard, please show up."

With a creak, the door of the room opened.

Madman Chu, who was wearing the uniform of a white outer disciple, walked out slowly. His handsome face, ethereal demeanor, and the peerless swords hovering around him made him look like a sword fairy.

Everyone who saw him stared intently.

"Who is this man? He looks so handsome."

"It's so handsome, and with such a dusty temperament, I believe that he is the reincarnation of any immortal, but there are such outstanding people in the outer sect?"

"Moshang is like jade, you are unparalleled in the world."

"It's him, Madman Chu."

"No way, he's really a madman from Chu. He used to be handsome and handsome, but he didn't reach the point of exaggeration. Why did he change so much after only two days? Is it because he has awakened the Supreme Dao Body? "

"I heard that a true senior sister wanted to take care of him, but he refused. The senior sister was so angry that he was severely injured. He should be lying on the bed now. I didn't expect to make such a noise."

"Wow, it's no wonder that the real senior sister wants to take care of this person. If it were me, I couldn't help but want to take care of him."

"Wake up, you are a man."

The disciples talked a lot, some were surprised, some were shocked, and some were obsessed. Obviously, Chu's madman's aura of banishing immortals shocked many people.

High in the sky, a handsome elder couldn't help showing strange colors when he saw Madman Chu, and Gu Jing Wubo's state of mind also had a rippling, "This kind of temperament and appearance is too foul."

At this time, Madman Chu has completely fused the Nine-Aperture Linglong Sword Heart, and the vision above the courtyard has disappeared, but the countless swords are still hovering above him, and have not dispersed for a long time.

Among them, a few swords are the most outstanding, with precious light circulating on their bodies, and the avenue rune manifesting, they are also the closest to the Chu madman. Under the pressure of these swords, the rest of the swords dare not get too close.

Is this trying to recognize me as the master? ?

The sacred artifacts have spirits, and Madman Chu seems to be able to sense the thoughts of these swords. He can't help but be surprised, the charm of the Nine-Aperture Linglong Sword Heart is so great?

Or is it the superimposed effect of Jianxin and Banished Immortal Temperament?

But no matter what, Madman Chu dare not act recklessly now, these holy soldiers are all the treasures of Xuantianzong, if they all recognize him as master, what will other disciples and elders think?

As soon as he awakened the Taoist body, he couldn't wait to collect the holy artifact.

This kind of mind is embarrassing and useful.

Madman Chu ignored the sacred artifacts around him, but went straight to the white-browed old man and the others, and bowed in salute.

"Outer disciple Chu Kuangren has met all the elders."

The white-browed old man nodded in satisfaction, he was able to resist the temptation of the holy artifact, yes, yes, this son has a bit of heart.

Seeing the expression on the face of the white-browed old man, Chu Kuangren immediately guessed what the other person was thinking, heh, it was all a routine.

"Madman Chu, did you create this vision?"


Madman Chu pretended to be hesitant.

"Should? What do you mean?"

"Back to Elder, this disciple was resting in the house today, but suddenly my body was in unbearable pain, as if I was cut into pieces by thousands of knives. Immediately afterwards, a beam of light emanated from my body, and that's it."

Chu Kuangren said that the fantasizing about the roulette cannot be exposed, and now he can only temporarily pretend to suddenly awaken the Taoist body.

"Oh." The white-browed old man came to Madman Chu in a flash, grabbed his arm, and injected a wave of spiritual power to investigate.

Madman Chu let the opponent do what he did, not daring to move.

After a while, the white-browed old man looked ecstatic, laughed loudly, and said excitedly: "It really is the Nine-Aperture Linglong Sword Heart, God bless my Xuantian Sect! I have a supreme Dao body in this life!!"
