
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Three: Chief Disciple, Ziwei Emperor Sword Art

Nine orifices and exquisite sword heart, supreme body!

As soon as this remark came out, it fell into the crowd like a bomb, causing an uproar, and all the elders ran in front of Madman Chu.

"It's really Nine Apertures Exquisite Sword Heart, it's really wonderful."

"Haha, God bless my Xuantianzong!"

"With this supreme Dao body, Xuantianzong can fight for the throne for a lifetime!"

"Three thousand physiques, the nine-orifice exquisite sword heart can be ranked in the top ten, it is the supreme physique of swordsmanship, and my Xuantianzong has established itself in the world with swordsmanship, hahaha, what is it if it is not God's will?!"

"Although this child is from an outer sect, he must be cultivated vigorously to awaken the Supreme Dao Body at this moment. Why not list him as a true disciple."

"Where is the true biography enough? It must be sealed as a Daozi!"

"I am the nine disciples of the Xuantian Sect, and I will have one more."

Looking at the elders who surrounded him happily like children, Madman Chu felt a little happy in his heart. Sure enough, the way of showing his physique was correct, and he could win the best resources for himself.

At this time, Jianshan in the distance suddenly shook.

The swords hovering in the air flew back one after another as if summoned.

Those holy artifacts reluctantly circled around Madman Chu for a few times, but in the end they still plundered towards Jianshan.

Madman Chu froze for a moment.

Hey, don't go.

Anyway, leave me one too.

Come as you say, leave as you say, just play with me.

Just now it was like I didn't recognize it, but now it has changed.

Hmph, sword slag.

"It was the suzerain who urged Jianshan to take back the sword."

The white-browed old man said.

"Bring this son to see me."

A deep and magnetic middle-aged voice came from a distance.

The white-browed old man smiled at Madman Chu and said, "Come with me."

"Yes, elder."

I saw the white-browed old man flicking his sleeves, and an invisible force enveloped Chu Kuangren's body, and he involuntarily rose into the air.

Several elders led Madman Chu into a stream of light and swept away into the distance, and soon came to a magnificent hall.

In this hall stood a middle-aged man in a white robe.

The middle-aged man has a handsome face, gray temples, and a sense of immortality. This person is the current suzerain of the Xuantian Sect... the Venerable Xuan Qi.

"I have seen the suzerain."

Several elders stepped forward to salute.

Venerable Xuan Qi nodded slightly, then his eyes fell on Chu Kuangren, he looked him up and down, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

"What a supreme Taoist body, it is really charming."

"Sovereign praise."

"Oh, don't be humble, I want to accept you as a disciple, from now on you will be the chief disciple of Xuantian Sect, I don't know if you are willing."

Hearing this, not only Madman Chu was a little surprised, but the rest of the disciples were also taken aback. They didn't expect the suzerain to value Madman Chu so much.

He was directly promised the position of chief disciple!

But think about it too.

This is the first example of the Supreme Dao Body in the history of Xuantian Sect.

"Disciple pays homage to Master."

Madman Chu saluted immediately.

He had no reason to refuse. Originally, he thought that it would be good to be a Daoist, but he didn't expect Venerable Xuan Qi to be so generous and directly let him be everyone's senior brother. Such a good thing should not be in vain.


Venerable Xuan Qi laughed, very happy.

Accepting a supreme Dao body as an apprentice, in the future, when Madman Chu grows up, he will also be honored. If Madman Chu becomes the emperor, then he will be the emperor's teacher. How many people can have this honor throughout the ages?

"From tomorrow, you will practice with me."


After becoming the disciple of Venerable Xuan Qi, Madman Chu's treatment almost increased gradually, and he was directly transferred from a small courtyard to a magnificent Taoist palace, and there were several personal maids to wait on him.

the next day.

Kuangren Chu woke up from the big soft bed, opened his eyes and looked at the spacious room, "I'm not dreaming, it seems that I have really time-traveled."

He got up and called out the fantasy roulette in his heart.

"Let's start today's lottery."

In the field of vision, the brilliance flowed, and a huge roulette emerged.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Madman Chu said calmly.

A graceful girl with red lips and white teeth came in with a basin of water, "Master, it's time to wash up."

The girl blushed and glanced at Madman Chu. She is also an outer disciple of Xuantianzong and was chosen to serve Madman Chu yesterday.

In this regard, she has no opinion.

After all, Madman Chu is not what he used to be now, he is the suzerain's direct disciple, the head of Xuantian Sect, and his status is even higher than that of Daozi.

For her, following Kuangren Chu is tantamount to ascending to the sky in one step.

"Not to mention that Mr. Chu is so handsome."

The girl thought to herself.

"What's your name?" Madman Chu asked.

"My name is Liu Bing."

"Liu Bing...then I'll call you Xiaobing from now on."

"As long as the son likes it."

Madman Chu can be sure that Xiaobing did not see the fantasy roulette, and it seems that no one else can see this roulette except himself.

Saying a lottery draw silently in my heart, the roulette wheel started to spin.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the black iron-grade pill Juling Pill."


Still black iron level?

Chu Kuangren's mouth twitched twice.

Compared with yesterday's lucky ten consecutive draws, this spirit gathering pill is nothing worth mentioning, to him now, it is more or less worthless.

Well, it's a question of probability.

Putting the Spirit Gathering Pill in the roulette space and ignoring it for the time being, Madman Chu washed his face and put on brand new clothes.

"Young master looks really good in this dress."

Xiaobing looked at Madman Chu, and couldn't help showing a look of amazement.

Wearing a jade crown, a white wide-sleeved robe with a unicorn pattern woven with gold silk, tassels on the waist, and black boots on the feet.

Coupled with that ethereal temperament, the Chu madman at this time is no different from a banished fairy, and Xiaobing can't find any words to describe it.

"It's okay." Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction.

After tidying up his appearance, Madman Chu went to find Venerable Xuan Qi.

Xuantianzong, the Hall of Eternal Life.

Venerable Xuan Qi sat on a futon.

Madman Chu came and saluted slightly, "I have seen Master."

"Well, here you are, sit down."

Venerable Xuan Qi pointed to the futon next to him, and after leading Madman Chu to finish, he said: "Madman, you were an outer disciple before, and you could only learn the basic techniques of the Xuantian Sect. Now, you are the chief, and you have the qualifications." To learn the sage method, my Xuantian sect has three sage methods...

Ziwei Huangtian Sword Art can cultivate supreme and domineering sword energy.

Hunyuan Golden Light Jue, after the completion of the practice, the spiritual power will be continuous, and there will be golden light to protect the body, all magic will not invade, and the offense and defense will be integrated.

There is also the Nine Suns Divine Jue, which has strong and domineering spiritual power. After it has been cultivated to great success, it can form the vision of the nine suns in the same sky, arousing the power of the sun.

I don't know these three, which one do you want to learn? "

"I want to learn Ziwei Huangtian Sword Art."

Madman Chu chose his target almost without any hesitation.

He is the Nine-Aperture Linglong Sword Heart, and his talent in the way of swordsmanship is unparalleled. There is no need to go far and learn other methods.

Among the three sage methods, Ziwei Huangtian Sword Art is the most suitable for him.

"Well, your choice is as expected."

Venerable Xuan Qi nodded, then took out a jade slip and handed it to Madman Chu, "The Ziwei Emperor Tian Sword Art is recorded in it, how much you can comprehend depends on your good fortune, if there is anything you don't understand during the cultivation process , just come and find me."

"Yes, Master." Madman Chu took the jade slip.