
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Nascent Soul Cultivation, Suppression of Nangong Huang

"Nangong Huang is here to visit!!"

Just as Chu Kuangren was having fun with a few Daoists, an extremely powerful coercion suddenly erupted outside Ling Tiandao Palace.

The expressions of Murong Xuan, Junyi and the others couldn't help changing slightly.

"It was him."

"He actually came too."

Madman Chu naturally also felt the coercion, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he said with a faint smile: "Nangong Huang, the first son, he has finally come."

On the surface, the status of the Nine Daozi is not high or low, but there are strengths and weaknesses, and Nangong Huang is the strongest one.

Although it was not clearly announced, before Chu Kuangren, Nangong Huang was the elder brother of all the disciples in Xuantian Sect.

But now, Madman Chu suddenly appeared, and Venerable Xuan Qi made a decree, and he was confirmed as the senior brother of Xuan Tianzong.

It's no wonder Nangong Huang didn't come to look for him.

"Let's go, let's meet... Junior Brother Nangong."

Madman Chu laughed.

He pronounced the four words of Junior Brother Nangong very heavily, with a little playfulness.

Outside Ling Tiandao Palace.

Nangong Huang stood with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a purple robe, his face was as jade-like, and he was handsome and elegant. Many young disciples around him showed their splendor in their eyes.

"Is he Senior Brother Nangong? He's so handsome."

"I heard that senior brother Nangong was recognized by the holy sword when he was in the golden core state, and he has yin and yang pupils, which is very extraordinary."

"He came here to find Chu Kuangren, could it be because of the identity of the other party's senior brother? Is he seeking revenge?"

"Hmph, that Senior Brother's position should belong to Senior Brother Nangong, what kind of guy is that Madman Chu?"

"Shh...be careful with your words."

"Hey, what are you talking about, Senior Brother Chu offended you? You don't have the slightest sense of propriety when you speak, be careful that I will tear your mouth apart."

"Hey, madman Chu fed you ecstasy soup? Everyone is so determined, is it just because he is handsome?"

As the number one disciple, Nangong Huang naturally had a group of supporters in the Xuantian Sect, and although Madman Chu hadn't shown up much in the past few days, he had also gained a group of fans with his good looks.

For a while, the two sides had a heated argument.

After a while.

A figure in white clothes walked out of Ling Tiandao Palace.

Madman Chu showed up with Lan Yu and the others, and their appearance immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Especially the Chu madman who walked at the forefront, wearing a wide-sleeved white robe, is outstanding, with a fairy face, and an ethereal temperament like a banished fairy.

Everyone couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

Even some of the people who slandered him before turned black into fans.

"Is this our new chief? Love love love love."

"Too beautiful."

"Peerless in white clothes, it's nothing more than a fairy descending to the mortal world."

"There are such men in this world?"

"Wait, look at the woman next to the senior brother, who is she, such a peerless beauty, why haven't I heard of it before."

"I don't know who I envy when these two stand together."

"Could she be the Taoist partner of the elder brother?"

"Woooo, senior brother has a Taoist partner? I'm broken in love."

Everyone talked about it and were amazed.

And Nangong Huang, who was standing in front of the Dao Palace, also had a strange expression on his face, and then he hummed softly in his heart, "It's just a skin, what's the use of it?"

"Junior Brother Nangong, since you are here to visit, please come in."

Madman Chu laughed.

But after hearing his address, Nangong Huang frowned slightly, and said indifferently, "Why did you call me just now?"

"Junior Brother Nangong, what's wrong?"

Madman Chu blinked and said.

"It's not that simple to be my senior brother."

Nangong Huang said lightly, the coercion on his body became stronger and stronger.

"It seems that the junior brother is a little dissatisfied with my senior brother."

"There are indeed some opinions. Xuantianzong is a sage orthodoxy. The chief disciple is related to Xuantianzong's face. Not everyone can be it. I came here today to verify whether you are qualified."

"That's what came to challenge me."


Nangong Huang spoke bluntly.

This is indeed his goal today, he wants to defeat Chu Kuangren in front of everyone, and let everyone see who is the real big brother!

Madman Chu smiled, "You really want to do this?"

"If you are afraid, you can admit defeat."

Nangong Huang said indifferently.

The Daozi beside Chu Kuangren looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Senior brother, Nangong Huang's cultivation has reached half a step of Dongxu, which is much stronger than the ordinary Nascent Soul Consummation, plus he has Yin-Yang pupils, even compared to a real Dongxu cultivator. "

Murong Xuan said softly next to Madman Chu.

Even a few Taoists are not very optimistic about Chu Kuangren, no matter what, Chu Kuangren is just a golden core realm.

Compared with Nangong Huang, his cultivation was far behind.

"Young master, let me fight for you." Lan Yu said, staring at Nangong Huang, his eyes were like sharp knives, full of hostility.

Anyone who offends Madman Chu is her enemy!

Nangong Huang frowned slightly.

He actually felt a sense of oppression from Lan Yu.

Who is this woman?

"No, the person I want to challenge is me."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then he took a few steps forward, walked up to Nangong Huang, and said with a smile, "Then ask my junior brother for advice."

Nangong Huang got a little annoyed when he heard about his junior brother.

"I'll let you see who is the real big brother!"

After Nangong Huang finished speaking, a white light flashed in front of him, and a simple long sword suddenly appeared, and a powerful sword intent erupted.

"It's the holy sword Yuanhong!!"

"What a strong sword intent, worthy of being a holy sword!"

The holy sword appeared, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

And Madman Chu also directly took out the Kunwu Holy Sword.

The two holy swords collided in the void, and invisible pressure spread out. Many onlookers felt that the surrounding air seemed to be filled with countless small swords, cutting their bodies.

"Heavenly Waterfall Sword Art!"

Nangong Huang grasped the holy sword Yuanhong and took the lead.

The silver-white sword light flew out, like a waterfall in the void, and the vast sword power enveloped the world and rushed towards Chu Kuangren.

A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Chu Kuangren's body.

He is holding the holy sword Kunwu, exuding a mysterious and mysterious aura. At this moment, the sword and the person seem to be indistinguishable from each other! !

Man and sword unite!

This is the realm where countless swordsmen dream of the unity of man and sword!

Madman Chu slashed out with a sword, and the purple domineering sword light spewed out mightily, and the silver-white sword light was shattered in an instant!

Under this terrifying sword aura, Nangong Huang stepped back several steps.

He looked at Madman Chu in disbelief, "How is that possible!"

He was forced back by a sword! !

"Cultivation of Nascent Soul!!"

"Eldest brother's cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul Realm!"

The expressions of Murong Xuan and Junyi changed slightly.

At this time, the cultivation base displayed by Chu Kuangren is impressively Nascent Soul Realm!

The spiritual power of the Nascent Soul Realm, combined with the blessing of the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Sword Heart and the Human Sword, was the only way for Madman Chu to force Nangong Huang back with a single strike!

"Fortunately, I got the Nascent Soul Cultivation Experience Card today, otherwise it would not be so easy to deal with Nangong Huang."

Madman Chu thought to himself as he felt the surging spiritual power in his body.

Just now, he used the Nascent Soul Cultivation Experience Card, which raised his strength to the Nascent Soul realm.

The effect of the experience card can only last for half an hour, that is, one hour, but this is enough for Chu Kuangren.