
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Ten: Suppress Murong Xuan, Be Good, Call Senior Brother


Murong Xuan who was blown away by the Renshan Yinjue slowly stood up from the ground.

His face was a little pale, and his shawl was in a state of embarrassment. He stared at Chu Kuangren not far away, and the anger surging in his eyes almost turned into substance, and his face was even twitching with anger.

He was a dignified Taoist, a dignified Nascent Soul Realm, who was beaten down by a golden core, and was still in front of the other Taoists.

If he doesn't get back this scene today, how can he establish the majesty of Daozi in front of others in the future?

"Madman Chu, I underestimated you."

"Didn't you want me to do my best? Well, then I'll let you see how big the gap is between Jindan and Nascent Soul!"

Murong Xuan no longer suppressed his cultivation, and the spiritual power of Lingxu in his body was fully activated, and the surging spiritual power poured out, turning into flames and flying into the air.

I saw the scorching red sun rising into the sky, and the vision of the Taoist body opened again.

Not only that, but the flame of spiritual power also turned into four golden suns.

It turned out to be a vision of forming five suns in one sky!

Unparalleled coercion covered the world, and the scorching high temperature directly caused the surface to crack continuously, and the moisture in the air was rapidly lost.

With a radius of hundreds of feet, it actually formed a scorching heat hell!

One is the unique vision of the Dao Body, and the other is the vision brought about by practicing the Nine Suns God Art. The blessing of the two major visions, coupled with the perfect cultivation of Murong Xuan's own Nascent Soul, made his aura extremely terrifying.

Endless flames surrounded Murong Xuan's body, and the flames made his face red, making him look like a god who controls the sun.

Facing Murong Xuan with full firepower, Chu Kuangren, who had just advanced to Jindan, felt the pressure. No matter how you say it, the gap between the realms of the two sides is still too big.

One has just stepped into the golden core, and the other has consummated the Nascent Soul. No matter who looks at it, this is a battle that can be crushed.

"I'm afraid I can't stop this person with the Human Mountain Seal, but in addition to the Human Mountain Seal, I also have... the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Sword Heart!!"

Madman Chu's eyes were full of purple sword lights, and he took a step forward, with brilliance flowing around his body, surrounded by avenue runes, and the surrounding swords made humming sounds, and the boundless sword energy gathered towards Madman Chu.

A lavender divine sword phantom slowly rose from Kuangren Chu's body, hovering above his head.

The purple divine sword is nine feet long, and there are nine small holes on the body of the sword. Countless mysterious runes shuttle back and forth through these small holes.

For a moment, the entire Sword Mountain was shaken.

Countless sword weapons buzzed endlessly.

"The sword of heaven!!"

Madman Chu spoke indifferently.

The body of the Nine-Aperture Linglong Sword has three phenomena.

The Sword of Heaven is one of them.

At this moment, he had a feeling that as long as he wanted, all the sword weapons on this entire sword mountain could be used by him!

With a thought.

Immediately, all the long swords inserted on the mountain, including those holy swords, rose into the air and surrounded the sword of heaven.

The boundless coercion of the sword enveloped the world.

Under this coercion, Chu Kuangren didn't even need to do anything, just with a thought, the five rounds of scorching sun on Murong Xuan's head exploded on the spot!

Not only that, the boundless coercion imposed on Murong Xuan made him unable to hold on for even a second, and was crushed to the ground in an instant!


"This is impossible!!"

Murong Xuan's pupils shrank sharply, his face full of disbelief!

He practiced the sage law, he had the vision of Taoism, and he was a great monk of the Nascent Soul Consummation, but he was suppressed by the madman Chu in a single thought!

And Madman Chu is nothing more than a golden core!

Is the Supreme Dao Body really so terrifying?

Not just Murong Xuan.

The rest of the Taoists also had a trace of fear in their hearts!

Only Jindan has this level of combat power, so in the future, when the Chu madman advances to Yuanying, how terrifying will it be to display the Taoist vision in the hole?

far away.

Several Xuantianzong elders had a panoramic view of what happened in Jianshan.

"Supreme Dao Body, it's really terrifying!"

"It's a bit too exaggerated. Murong Xuan is a Nascent Soul with a perfect cultivation base, and with the Saint Law, how could he lose so badly?"

"No exaggeration." The white-browed old man smiled and said, "You don't even look at the place there. It's Jianshan, and there is a world of nine-orifice and exquisite sword hearts. Consummation is not an easy task."

The rest of the people suddenly realized, and one of them said: "That's right, this madman from Chu is still in his infancy, and the power of the vision is far from complete. If his cultivation is higher, let alone a Nascent Soul, even a Nascent Soul The venerable come, and you will be suppressed by him even if you fight in Jianshan!"

"Not bad, this is the horror of the Supreme Dao Body."

"With this person, my Xuantian Sect can fight for the throne in this world!"

"Do you need to stop Madman Chu?"

At this time, an elder said worriedly: "After all, he is young and vigorous, what if he kills Murong Xuan?"

Anyway, Murong Xuan is also a Daoist.

He is one of the top talents in Xuantian Sect.

The white-browed old man pondered for a while, "Let's have a look again."

On the sword mountain.

On the head of Madman Chu is the sword of heaven, and thousands of sword qi are hovering. With the blessing of countless sword intents, he is like a supreme sword god.

He walked slowly in front of Murong Xuan, stood with his hands behind his back, looked down at him, and said indifferently, "Are you convinced?"

"I don't accept it!!"

"You suppress me with the help of Jianshan Sword Intent, I refuse to accept it!!"

Murong Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

Madman Chu thought it was funny, "As Yuanying, you have the nerve to successfully deal with my golden elixir, and you are so embarrassed to say that I use the Sword Mountain Sword Intent? Then tell me, why can I use the Sword Mountain Sword Intent?"

"Nonsense, it's not because you are the Supreme Dao Body!"

"That's it. I am a Dao body, and I can use the Sword Mountain Sword Intent. This is also my ability. Now I will ask you whether to accept it or not!"

Madman Chu asked again, and the pressure of the sword intent suddenly increased.

The ground where Murong Xuan was sitting sank suddenly, he felt like a mountain was pressing on him, and it was difficult to even move his fingers.

"Do you dare to kill me?"

"Oh, look how dare I dare."

The pressure of the sword will be urged again!

The bones in Murong Xuan's body creaked, as if they were about to shatter.

"I am the Supreme Dao Body, a follower of the suzerain, believe it or not, if I kill you, at most I will be reprimanded and imprisoned for a few days."

Madman Chu said calmly.

There have not been many examples of the supreme Taoism since ancient times.

Although the Chiyang Dao body is precious, it is far inferior to the Nine-Aperture Linglong Sword Heart. Even if the madman Chu killed Murong Xuan, no one would do anything to him, because Xuantianzong needed him to fight for the throne in this world!

Once it is done, Xuantianzong will achieve unprecedented glory!

In comparison, what is a Murong Xuan?

Murong Xuan is not an idiot either, he knew what Chu Kuangren said was true, so he quickly said: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced!!"

"Oral dissatisfaction?"

"No, I am convinced, I am really convinced."

"Oh, call senior brother twice to listen."

Madman Chu said playfully.

Murong Xuan couldn't help crying.

What else can he do?

call chant.

"Senior Brother, Murong Xuan pays respects to Senior Brother!"


Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then with a thought, the pressure of the sword intent dissipated. Murong Xuan felt his body relax, as if he had narrowly escaped death, lying on the ground panting, his chest rising and falling.

Then, Kuangren Chu looked at the other Taoists in the sky, and said with a smile: "If the senior brothers and sisters above are dissatisfied, they can come down to discuss and learn from each other. I will accompany you to the end."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then fell down the sword mountain one after another.

"Brother was joking, how can I be dissatisfied with waiting?"

"I heard that senior brother is charming, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation. Senior brother, I admire him so much."

"To tell you the truth, brother, in fact, my sister has admired you for a long time."

Several Daozi smiled and looked respectful.

What else?

Didn't you see that Murong Xuan was lying on the ground?