
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: The Three Visions Come Together, Everyone Convinced

Nangong Huang looked at Madman Chu in disbelief.

a sword.

He was forced back with just one sword strike!

He had never thought of this kind of situation. He took a deep breath and looked at the madman Chu in front of him very solemnly.

"Your strength is stronger than I imagined, but if you think that you can become the senior brother of Xuantianzong, then you are wrong!!"

"Let's see my trick!!"

"Hunyuan golden light!" Nangong Huang's body surged with spiritual power, and a layer of mysterious golden light flowing with dao patterns emerged on his body surface.

Madman Chu couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

"Hundred Yuan Golden Light Art!"

In Xuantianzong, there are three sage laws.

Ziwei Huangtian Sword Jue, Nine Sun God Jue, Hunyuan Golden Light Jue.

Among them, the Hunyuan Golden Light Jue allows people to master a supernatural power called Hunyuan Golden Light, which can be attacked or defended, and is extremely mysterious.

Nangong Huang's body was covered with golden light, holding the holy sword of Yuanhong in his hand, and he was extremely majestic. He suddenly slashed out with a sword, and the golden light on his body also burst out.

The golden light covered the sword energy and slashed towards Madman Chu.

"Human mountain seal formula!"

Madman Chu laughed.

Mysterious dao rhyme flowed from his body, and the surrounding earth qi roared.

Squeezing the mysterious method with his hands, the spiritual power gushed out and turned into an ancient sacred mountain, and the terrifying sacred mountain directly hit the golden light sword aura.

With a bang, the void shook.

The dissipated energy smashed potholes and sword marks on the ground.

Chu Kuangren and Nan Gonghuang were the first to bear the brunt of the attack, and each retreated.

"What kind of method is this?"

Nangong Huang, who saw the Renshan Yinjue for the first time, was in palpitations.

But in the next moment, Madman Chu had come to his side, his palms rolling with black and yellow vigor, and he struck out the Renshanyin Jue again.

The terrifying impact caused the golden light on Nangong Huang's body to explode directly, and the bones on his body even made a cracking sound.


Nangong Huang vomited blood and flew out backwards.

And Madman Chu stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of Nangonghuang, dressed in peerless white clothes, with a charming demeanor, as high as a god.

"Good... so strong!"

"Hunyuan golden light has been broken!!"

"For so many years, apart from those well-known masters of practice, even Daozi can't break the golden light of senior brother Nangong!"

"This madman Chu is actually so powerful."

"The style is moving, it is fascinating."

Kuangren Chu stood not far from Nangong Huang, and smiled faintly, "Junior Brother Nangong, you are... a bit different from what I thought."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's worse than I thought."


Nangong Huang's face darkened, and he was furious.

The spiritual power in his body circulated crazily, driven to the extreme, his eyes suddenly burst into brilliant light, and a mysterious dao rhyme permeated.

"Madman Chu, take my strongest move!"

"Yin Yang divine light!"

Yin-Yang Divine Light, Yin-Yang Divine Pupils have their own supernatural powers, and the way that divine light evolves into Yin-Yang good fortune is incomparably mysterious. If it is used to attack the enemy, even a monk whose realm is higher than Nangong Huang will find it difficult to resist it.

Madman Chu only saw black and white divine light flowing in Nangong Huang's eyes, and then formed a vortex, emitting a mixed black and white divine light, and a yin and yang feeling enveloped him immediately.

"Sword of Heavenly Dao!" Madman Chu was as immovable as a mountain, and a majestic sword intent suddenly erupted, purple brilliance soared into the sky, and evolved into the highest sword way above his head, turning into a sword of Heavenly Dao with nine holes.

The vision of the Dao body appeared, and the combat power of Chu Kuangren rose again.

Holding the Kunwu holy sword, he suddenly slashed towards the black and white divine light.

Man and sword unite!

The domineering purple sword light collided violently with the Yin-Yang divine light, and the terrifying impact made the surrounding void constantly turbulent.

It seems to collapse! !

Gradually, the yin and yang divine light was eroded by the sword light!

The Yin-Yang God Pupil is indeed the most advanced existence among the three thousand physiques, but it is far behind the supreme Dao physique such as Jiuqiao Linglong Jianxin.

The sword of heaven broke through the yin and yang divine light!

Nangong Huang was blown back tens of feet by the sword light again. When the golden light on his body came into contact with the sword energy, he was directly torn apart. The sword energy penetrated into his body and shuttled through his body like countless small needles, as if to smash his flesh and blood!

"This is the Supreme Dao Body!!"

Nangong Huang's pupils shrank, and his face trembled in shock.

"Nine Heavens Sword Prison!"

At this time, I heard that Chu Kuangren gave another light drink.

The overwhelming sword energy vented from his body, covering everything within a thousand feet, and the boundless sword intent enveloped the sky and the earth!

It's like a prison!

Nine Orifices Linglong Sword Heart The second largest vision, Nine Heavens Sword Prison!

Feeling the sword energy around him, Nangong Huang's face was a little pale, and he, who had been wounded one after another, was already conscious and powerless in the face of this vision.

But that's not all.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

The sword energy in the sky shuttled under the feet of Madman Chu, and it intertwined and turned into a huge green lotus. The lotus had thirty-six petals, and there were mysterious lines on each petal, as if interpreting the truth of the sword.

There was also bursts of sword sounds echoing in the void, arousing thousands of sword weapons in the Xuantian Sect, and the sword mountain in the distance issued a shocking sword chant as if inspired.

Madman Chu has the sword of heaven on his head, stepping on the green lotus of the thirty-sixth grade of sword energy, unfolding the Nine Heavens Sword Prison, and the three great visions of the Tao body are all opened!

He walked towards Nangong Huang step by step, like a peerless sword fairy!

Countless disciples were extremely shocked watching this scene, but Nangong Huang, who was facing the pressure of the three visions, was already trembling all over! !

"This is impossible!!"

"How could he be so strong!"

In Nangong Huang's left and right eyes, one is black and the other is white, two kinds of divine light are constantly flashing, trying to urge the yin and yang pupils to resist the three great visions of the Tao body.

But this is completely useless!

His eyes were extremely sour, and his divine light could not be displayed at all.

Among the three thousand physiques in the world, Jiuqiao Linglong Jianxin is the supreme Taoist physique that ranks in the top ten, and the yin and yang pupils cannot be compared with it at all!

Only now did Nangong Huang realize how big the gap between the two was!


Murong Xuan who was not far away swallowed.

Not long ago, when Madman Chu dealt with him in Jianshan, he only used the vision of the sword of heaven, but he could use the sword intent of Jianshan sword weapon for his own use. If this place is also in Jianshan Mountain, how terrifying would it be?

Murong Xuan didn't dare to imagine.

But he is more and more in awe of Chu Kuangren.

The same goes for the rest of the Daozi.

And the disciples watching around looked at Madman Chu who looked like a peerless sword fairy, and they truly recognized his identity as a big brother in their hearts.

"No wonder, no wonder the head of the sect will issue a decree to make Chu Kuangren the chief senior brother, he really has such a natural beauty!!"

"I'm really convinced."

"Such a peerless posture, who can compare with it?"

"I'm afraid that the younger generation in the entire Azure Dragon Region will not be able to find a few talents who can compete with the big brother."

"Let's not talk about the Qinglong domain, even if you look at the entire sky star, the eldest brother's celestial appearance is definitely one of the best."

The disciples onlookers discussed and were convinced by Kuang Chu.

Especially those young female disciples, looking at Kuangren Chu's divine face and beauty, his beautiful eyes are full of splendor, and they are so yearning.

"No matter what others say, he is my elder brother."

"God, how can he be so good-looking."

"Handsome and strong, it's simply irresistible."