
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Five: Li Yao's pleading guilty

Ling Tian Dao Palace.

Outside Chu Kuangren's room, Xiaobing is holding a set of women's clothing.

Her mind was muddled and confused.

What kind of women's clothing does this young man want?

And it's a whole set, so don't you have any special hobbies?

"My lord, I've brought you clothes."

Xiaobing knocked on the door, and the door opened with a creak, but Xiaobing noticed that there was another woman in Madman Chu's room.

That is a beautiful woman.

That kind of beauty carries a sense of inviolability, even Xiaobing can't help but feel ashamed when she sees it.


Why does this beauty seem to have a pair of wings?

"I'm sorry." Madman Chu took the clothes, then turned around and handed them to Lan Yu behind him, saying, "You can wear this for now."

Lan Yu took the clothes, "Yes."

A burst of white light flickered.

The armor on Lan Yu's body disappeared instantly.

A white, infinitely beautiful body instantly appeared in front of Madman Chu, the snow-white skin dazzled his eyes.

Madman Chu felt like his nosebleed was about to come out.

Xiaobing next to her opened her mouth even more.

I rely on it!

Is this woman so open? !

But Lan Yu didn't feel anything, and slowly changed clothes in front of the two of them, with a calm expression and didn't care.

In her cognition, Chu Kuangren is her creator, and everything she has belongs to him, including this body of course.

"That, you change first."

Madman Chu quickly closed the door, went outside and waited.

Huh... this is too exciting.

Although it is said that if he wants to do something to Lan Yu, the other party will definitely not refuse, but Chu Kuangren has no idea about that yet.

In addition to some specific practice methods, practitioners retain the body of Yuanyang in the early stage, which can promote practice to a certain extent.

And this was also one of the reasons why the original body refused to be adopted.

"My lord, who is this girl?"

Xiaoice now has question marks in his head.

It's only been a while, why is there another person beside the young master?

She is still a stunning beauty, if such a person is a disciple of Xuantianzong, she should have been famous long ago.

"She is my follower, and the rest don't need to be asked."


Xiaobing nodded obediently.

Kuangren Chu nodded in satisfaction. There were several maids sent to serve him, but he only left Xiaobing alone.

It's just that he has taken a fancy to the other party's meekness and obedience.

Shouldn't ask, don't mention half a word.

After a while.

The door of the room opens.

Lan Yu came out and looked at her, because Xiaobing, as a woman, also had a throbbing feeling of being hit in the heart suddenly.

So beautiful.

The blue and white cross-neck skirt outlined Lan Yu's slim figure, and her long silver-white hair was tied behind her head casually.

She has icy muscles and bones, eyebrows like emerald feathers, especially those clear and bright light blue eyes, which are fascinating as if they hide bright stars.

Lan Yu stood there, elegant and refined, like a holy fairy.

"The girl is so pretty."

Xiaobing praised sincerely.

Madman Chu also nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, but what about your wings?"

He noticed that Lan Yu's wings had disappeared.

"Young master doesn't seem to want me to be too noticeable, so I put it away, if you want to see it, you can do it anytime."

As Lan Yu said, the wings reappeared from the back blade.

"It's quite convenient, well, put it away."

"Yes, my son."

Xiaobing next to him was amazed.

I didn't expect this girl to have such abilities.

For the next few days, Madman Chu continued to practice in the Dao Palace.

During this period of time, his daily lottery draw did not fail, but he didn't know whether his face was black or something, all the things he drew were black iron grades, and he directly threw them into the Qiankun ring.

Ling Tian Dao Palace.

In the room, Madman Chu sat cross-legged on the bed, streaks of purple brilliance flowed around his body, giving him an extremely sharp feeling.

This is the sword energy formed by practicing Ziwei Huangtian Sword Art!

Ziwei Huangtian Sword Art is divided into nine layers.

Corresponding to the nine realms of practice from practicing Qi to manifesting the Holy Spirit.

In two days, Chu Kuangren has cultivated him to the second peak, which is the peak of foundation establishment, which is only half a step away from Jindan.

You know, before this, he was only in the Qi training state.

But in two days, he crossed a large realm and several small realms.

If this kind of practice speed spreads out, I'm afraid it will scare people to death.

Among them is the reason that he is the Supreme Dao Body, but the cultivation resources provided by the Spirit Gathering Formation and Xuantianzong are also indispensable.

"According to this speed, I can reach the Jindan realm within ten days, and most of the true disciples are also at this stage."

Madman Chu murmured.

At this moment, the communication compass on his waist vibrated.

"My lord, Li Yao, the true disciple, is here to visit."

Xiaobing's voice came from the compass.

"Oh, Li Yao?"

Madman Chu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He is very familiar with this name, it is the true disciple who wanted to accept the original owner in person and take care of the original owner.

"Go and see."


Outside Ling Tiandao Palace.

A woman in a gorgeous robe was standing with a large bundle of thorny brambles on her back, and many disciples were watching.

"Look, that's Li Yao, the true disciple. This is making an apology. Tsk, does this Li Yao have any problems with the madman Chu?"

"You don't know yet?"

"Li Yao is a flirtatious woman. She kept a lot of cheesy faces in her palace. She took a fancy to Chu Kuangren before, but was rejected by him. She became so angry that she beat Chu Kuangren seriously."

"It turned out to be like this. It's really a feng shui turn. Who would have thought that this madman from Chu would actually awaken the Supreme Dao Body. This Li Yao is afraid, and she came here specifically to apologize, and she really embarrassed her."

"Someone came out..."

In Ling Tiandao Palace, Madman Chu walked out slowly, wearing a white long-sleeved robe with unicorn pattern and a jade crown on his head, with an ethereal demeanor.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Okay, so handsome!"

"No way, there are such handsome men in this world."

"Is he the new Chief Senior Brother?"

"My God, I seem to be in love."

Li Yao, who was pleading guilty, looked up and saw Madman Chu. Originally, she had a trace of resentment towards Madman Chu in her heart.

Because the other party suddenly awakened the Supreme Dao Body, she had to come to make amends, otherwise she would have a sad life in the future.

But when she saw Kuangren Chu, the trace of resentment in her heart dissipated in an instant. The other person's looks really fascinated her.

"I saw that he was handsome before, but now that he has become the chief senior brother, he looks even better. My God, it's really uncontrollable."

Li Yao looked at Madman Chu obsessively.

Even the burning pain on her back was ignored by her.

As soon as Madman Chu came out of Daoist Palace, he saw Li Yao at the bottom of the stairs, and he couldn't help being a little taken aback when he saw the appearance of the other party pleading guilty.

"Li Yao offended Senior Brother, so she came here to plead guilty."

Li Yao knelt directly on the ground, holding a long whip in both hands, and said sincerely: "Brother, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"

Madman Chu was even more confused.

What is this going on?

According to the normal routine, shouldn't he seek revenge on Li Yao after practicing hard, defeat him, and step on him?

Now why did the other party come to find him by himself?