
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter Eight: The Holy Sword      

"A disciple who came to choose the sword?"

Murong Xuan looked at Madman Chu and murmured.

Do not know why.

He had a feeling that the movement of the holy sword was due to this person.

Coupled with the other party's otherworldly temperament, he couldn't help but look at the other party twice, and his eyes showed a bit dignified and curious.

Madman Chu has come within a hundred feet of the holy sword.

The field of sword intent has enveloped him.

Surprisingly, these sword intents did not affect him in the slightest, just like a spring breeze blowing on his face, on the contrary, they made him feel a little comfortable.

Madman Chu approached step by step, walking towards the holy sword.

Baizhang, that is, more than three hundred meters.

After a while, Madman Chu left most of the way.

Holding Chi Lian, Murong Xuan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

what's the situation?

He walked extremely hard in the field of sword intent, but this person in front of him was extremely relaxed, like strolling in a garden, the difference is too big.

Murong Xuan looked at the other holy swords.

It was found that these holy swords trembled more violently.

Like people, very excited.

I rely on.

Could it be that these holy swords were deliberately releasing water?

This ridiculous idea suddenly popped up in Murong Xuan's mind.

The holy sword has been in Jianshan for so many years, and there are countless practitioners who want to come here to get their approval, but they have never seen the holy sword weaken the pressure of the sword, and treat any monks equally.

But now he has released water on the madman Chu?

"No, it's impossible."

Murong Xuan swallowed, feeling a little unbelievable.

And the Taoists in the sky were also dumbfounded.

"I heard that this person is the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Sword Heart, the Supreme Dao Body. When he awakened, all the sword weapons in Jianshan went to bow down. I didn't believe this rumor at first, but it seems that it may be true."

"Damn, is Jiuqiao Linglong Jianxin so unreasonable?"

"The Supreme Dao Body is awesome."


Madman Chu crossed the Baizhang Sword Intent domain with ease, first took a look at Murong Xuan, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

No way, isn't it dazzling the other party with a few small solar energy?

He nodded slightly at the other party, "Hello, Junior Brother."

Master... Junior brother? ?

Murong Xuan was a little taken aback.

He is a dignified Taoist, his status in Xuantian Sect is second only to the elder and the suzerain, and no one has ever called him a junior.

"Do you know who I am?"

Murong Xuan's face turned a little cold.

"I know, Taoist Murong Xuan."

Madman Chu nodded. He had met the other party a few times before, but at that time the other party didn't notice him as an outer disciple at all.

"Since you know, how dare you call me that!"

"Because I am the new chief disciple Chu Kuangren, you should call me senior brother." Chu Kuangren said lightly.

Then, he looked at the several holy swords on the bluestone.

As if sensing Madman Chu's gaze, several holy swords flew out of the bluestone automatically and came to his side.

Even the Chilian sword that Murong Xuan got with great difficulty trembled, broke free from Murong Xuan's hand, and flew towards Madman Chu.

Nine holy swords hovered around Kuangren Chu, shining bright sword light, and the avenue runes flowed one after another, which was extremely gorgeous.

"how so!"

Murong Xuan couldn't believe it.

The holy sword that he had finally subdued hadn't even warmed up, so he ran to other people's face to "scratch one's head and pose"?

That's right, these holy swords gave Murong Xuan the feeling that he was trying to make a show, hoping to attract the attention of Madman Chu.

If these holy swords could talk...

Then they must be shouting 'choose me' and 'choose me' now.

The Taoists in the sky also looked astonished.

"It's too exaggerated."

"Is this still the holy sword we know?"

"Damn, don't even holy swords look at faces?"

In their cognition, the holy sword is high and inviolable, and they are indifferent to anyone, even the suzerain of Xuantianzong, but now they are all surrounded by madman Chu like a courtship Like a peacock, show off your beauty and brilliance with all your strength...

Murong Xuan's face was cloudy and uncertain, with a look of resentment.

Damn, she looks so handsome!

He practiced hard, and finally impresses the Holy Sword Chilian, but now when he sees Chu Kuangren, he runs over to show his hospitality in a blink of an eye.

All his efforts seemed like a joke.

What he pursues so hard, others can get it at their fingertips.

Thinking of this, Murong Xuan's Dao heart was almost unstable.

Don't talk about him, the Taoists in the sky can't bear it.

But Chu Kuangren didn't intend to take care of Daozi's emotions at this time. He looked at the nine holy swords with a tangled face.

Which one should I choose?

Take it all?

Just kidding, his master must not beat him to death.

Besides, he's not that greedy.

Madman Chu was tangled.

As everyone knows, his tangled expression fell into the eyes of several Daozi, but it was another critical blow to them.

This is a holy sword. Most practitioners in the world probably haven't even seen it, but Madman Chu is struggling with which one to choose?

"It's really that people are more popular than people."

A Taoist smiled helplessly.

After a while.

Madman Chu focused his eyes on a holy sword that was as white as jade, crystal clear, and carved with fine patterns.

Seemingly sensing that Madman Chu was looking at him, the Holy Sword of White Jade became even more excited, its brilliance flowed, and countless runes manifested.

The rest of the holy swords were in a hurry, constantly releasing their sword intent.

They even teamed up to suppress the White Jade Holy Sword.

It seems that he wants to take the opportunity to show his strength.

But Madman Chu's eyes still stayed on the White Jade Sacred Sword. He stretched out his hand and interacted with the White Jade Sacred Sword, "Come on."


The White Jade Sacred Sword flew into Madman Chu's palm in an instant, restraining his sword intent obediently and docilely, for fear of hurting Madman Chu in the slightest.

Madman Chu's fingers caressed the blade of the white jade holy sword, as if the blade carved from white jade was extremely warm and moist.

This is a very gorgeous sword, so gorgeous that people even think that it is actually an ornament.

But Madman Chu could perceive the boundless sharp sword intent contained in the sword body, which could tear the sky and the earth apart.

Two small characters are engraved on the sword.

"Kunwu..." Madman Chu read out, and the holy sword Kunwu in his hand trembled twice, as if responding.

Madman Chu smiled, "It's just you."

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the holy swords continued to release their sword intent, as if trying to change Madman Chu's mind.

But the madman Chu has identified Kunwu. These holy swords are all about the same in power, but Kunwu has the best appearance. If you don't choose this one, which one will you choose?

"Okay, go back!"

Madman Chu looked at the other holy swords and waved his hand.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, there was nothing he could do about the rest of the holy swords, no matter how unwilling they were, so they could only go back and stick them on the bluestone in a 'gloomy' manner.

Chi Lian returned to Murong Xuan's hands.

But for Murong Xuan at this moment, he didn't mean to be very happy.

He felt that he was a spare tire.

Madman Chu will not be his turn until he is gone.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable and aggrieved.

"You are the new chief disciple Chu Kuangren."

Murong Xuan held the Chilian sword tightly and said.

"Yes, it's me."

"Very good, I heard that the newly promoted Chief has Supreme Dao Body, I want to experience it today, please!" Murong Xuan said lightly.

He always felt that he was holding his breath, and it was uncomfortable not to let it out, and he also wanted to see what kind of strength Chu Kuangren had.