
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 6: Elimination of Enmity and Resentment, Breaking Through the Golden Core Realm

Looking at the long whip, and then at Li Yao's expression of "senior brother, hit me soon", the corner of Chu Kuangren's mouth twitched.

Li Yao doesn't have any tendency to be abused, does she?

To be honest, the original owner had resentment towards Li Yao in his heart. After all, the other party beat him seriously and made him lie on the bed for two days.

The madman Chu who came across time inherited the memory of the original owner, and he also didn't have a good impression of Li Yao.

But after all, he is not the original Chu madman, and his hatred for Li Yao is not as strong as the original owner.

Madman Chu pondered for a while, then raised his palm and slapped it with spiritual power. This palm contains the unique domineering sword energy of Ziwei Huangtian Sword Art, which is powerful enough to split mountains and ground.


This palm directly hit Li Yao's chest.

But Li Yao didn't dodge or evade, she endured the palm abruptly, her whole body was blown out ten feet on the spot, and blood spurted wildly.

"In the past, I received a palm from you, and today you receive a palm from me. From now on, both grievances and grudges will be eliminated. You can go."

Madman Chu withdrew his palm and said lightly.

He didn't show any mercy in the slap just now. From Li Yao's sunken chest, he knew that at least four or five bones were broken.

It's also thanks to Li Yao's own cultivation is not weak, he is in the Jindan realm, otherwise it is not impossible to die on the spot with this palm.

Madman Chu felt that his handling of this should be more or less the same. It not only avenged the original owner, but also showed his magnanimous side.

"Thank you brother for not killing me!"

Li Yao barely propped herself up, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Madman Chu, then staggered away.

"My lord, you are so kind."

Xiaobing said beside him.

She had also heard about what Li Yao did to Madman Chu, even if Madman Chu killed him on the spot, she would not be surprised.

"Is this called kindness?"

Madman Chu shook his head funny.

It seems that the world is used to killing people, and I have to get used to it in the future.

Fortunately, with the memory of the original owner, it shouldn't be too difficult.

What happened to Li Yao was just a small episode.

Madman Chu continued to indulge in cultivation, but one day he heard that Li Yao had disbanded all the faces that he had collected.

It was as if his temperament changed drastically after being beaten by him.

Madman Chu didn't take this to heart.

After a few days.

In Lingtian Dao Palace, a pillar of sword energy suddenly shot up into the sky.

The swords and weapons within a hundred miles of the Dao Palace buzzed in unison!

The sudden vision made many people a little bit astonished.

"This kind of vision comes again!"

"The breath comes from the Lingtian Dao Palace, and it is a madman from Chu."

"Even if it's the Supreme Dao Body, it's too scary. There are visions every three days, so why don't people practice it?"

Xuantianzong, inside the Hall of Longevity.

Venerable Xuan Qi suddenly opened his eyes, and said in surprise, "This aura is a golden elixir, how could he break through the golden elixir so quickly?"

Even if it is the Supreme Dao Body, this speed is too fast.

Visions come and go quickly.

In the Dao Palace, Madman Chu restrained his breath, and slowly opened his eyes, a purple streamer flashed through his pupils.

"Finally broke through to the Golden Core." Madman Chu murmured.

In less than ten days, he successfully broke through from an ordinary Qi-training martial artist to the Jindan realm, which is almost unimaginable.

"Madman, come see me."

At this time, a voice sounded in the ears of Chu Kuangren.

It is Venerable Xuan Qi.

Madman Chu tidied up and went to the Palace of Eternal Life.

"Madman, have you broken through to the Golden Core Realm?"

Venerable Xuan Qi asked directly when they met.

"Yes, Master."

Venerable Xuan Qi was only guessing at first, but after hearing Madman Chu admit it, he couldn't help showing a hint of shock in his eyes.

Really broke through to the golden core realm.

This speed is too fast.

I think he is also one of the best cultivation geniuses in the world, but it took him nearly two years to break through from Qi training to Jindan realm.

Less than ten days in the world of Chu Madness!

This practice speed, Jane is too shocking!

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Venerable Xuan Qi's bewildered expression, Madman Chu asked.

"Cough cough." Venerable Xuan Qi came back to his senses, coughed twice, and then said: "That's right, but don't be arrogant, practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will fall back. , Compared with speed, laying a good foundation is the most important thing."

"I understand." Madman Chu nodded.

He is an unsurpassed Dao body, and he also practices the sage method. Even if he doesn't deliberately build a foundation, his foundation is also the top in the same realm.

"Since you have broken through the Golden Core Realm, go to Jianshan to find a sword by yourself. You are the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Sword Heart, and even a holy weapon will easily recognize you as master, as long as you don't empty the Jianshan. ."

Venerable Xuan Qi chuckled.


Then Venerable Xuan Qi gave some pointers to Madman Chu.

Before returning to the Dao Palace, Chu Kuangren first went to Jianshan after listening to Venerable Xuanqi, intending to find a good weapon there.

Sword Mountain is a treasure of Xuantianzong that is close to the emperor's soldiers. It houses countless precious swords and famous swords, and even holy weapons.

Just by approaching, one can feel a kind of oppressive sword energy.

Madman Chu came to the foot of Jianshan Mountain.

Before officially stepping in, Jianshan trembled for it.

It seems to be welcoming the arrival of Madman Chu.

This kind of vision made many disciples amazed and envious.

"Jianshan hasn't moved a few times for tens of thousands of years, but because of this madman from Chu's continuous movements, the Supreme Dao Body really deserves its reputation."

"He is Chu Kuangren, the newly promoted chief. He is really extraordinary. Judging by his appearance and temperament, he is a dragon among men."

"From an outer disciple to the chief senior brother in one fell swoop, the speed of promotion is unimaginable, and it is nothing more than one step to the sky."

"Damn, is there anyone more handsome than me in this world?"

Madman Chu is like the most dazzling bright moon in the dark night, no matter where he goes, he is the most eye-catching existence.

"Hey, he was already handsome enough, but now with this exile aura, he probably will not be at peace wherever he goes in the future."

Madman Chu shook his head.

This is more tiring than stars like Tianwang idols in the previous life.

Madman Chu ignored the disciples along the way and walked all the way to the top of Jianshan Mountain. The closer to the top of the mountain, the higher the level of the sword.

What caught the eye was all kinds of sword weapons.

Heavy sword, rapier sword, broad sword, mother-in-law sword, soft sword...

Or gorgeous, or simple, or grotesque...

Numerous sword weapons dazzled Chu Kuangren.

Not only that, but he seemed to be able to feel the emotions of these swords, which was an indescribable and mysterious feeling.

Each of these swords conveyed closeness to him.

"This Nine-Apertures Exquisite Sword Heart is really powerful, and the ability to make the world's swords get closer is enough to make countless kendo monks dream of it." Madman Chu said with some emotion.

Some swordsmen pursue the realm of the unity of man and sword, which requires an excellent fit and mutual induction between themselves and the sword.

And Madman Chu can make all swords and weapons naturally close. For him, the combination of human and sword is like eating and drinking water, which is too simple.

On the top of Jianshan Mountain, there are nine swords inserted into the bluestone.

Every sword exudes an extremely piercing sword intent.

These nine swords are exactly nine of the top ten holy swords in Xuantian Sect, and the other one is in the hands of Nangong Huang, Taoist of Xuantian Sect.