
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 4: Gathering Spirit Formation, Featherman Warriors

Lingtian Palace, the Taoist palace where the Chu madman lived.

After returning, he began to study the jade slips in his hand. With a slight movement of his mind, a lot of information poured into his mind from the jade slips.

Madman Chu began to digest the information.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of light.

"Tsk, Ziwei Emperor's Sky Sword Art, this technique is definitely one of the best in Qinglong Domain, and it really didn't disappoint me."

As the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Sword Heart, Chu Kuangren's aptitude in the way of swordsmanship is unparalleled, and he has comprehended the sword formula to a great extent in a short while.

This has to be replaced by other people, even if they are extremely arrogant, they will not be able to understand one tenth of them in ten days and a half months.

The realms of the world are divided into body training, Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, Dongxu, war king, venerable, crossing the catastrophe, manifesting the sage, and the emperor realm.

And the so-called sage method is the exercise created by manifesting the power of the saint, which can let people practice until the realm of manifesting the saint.

In the entire sky star, there are not many great powers.

One can imagine the preciousness of the sage law.

After comprehending the sword tactics, Chu Kuangren began to extract the rest of the rewards in the roulette space, first of all, the Qiankun ring, which is necessary for practitioners.

The general Qiankun ring is only about a dozen cubic meters.

As for Chu Kuangren's Qiankun Ring, its space is as wide as it can hold the entire ocean, almost boundless.

It is indeed a legendary item.

There is also the Renshanyin Jue, which is a method of combat.

Inputting it directly into the brain from the fantasy roulette, Madman Chu understood it very thoroughly without having to comprehend it.

All that is left is to practice.

And this Renshanyin Jue is no worse than the Ziwei Huangtian Sword Jue, and may even be more mysterious, which surprised Chu Kuangren a little.

"It seems that the Xingyao-level exercises are equivalent to the sage's methods, and may even be higher, close to the Emperor's Scripture."

The remaining few things, the Xingyao-level longevity pill, and the Xingyao-level treasure map were temporarily put into the Qiankun Ring by Madman Chu.

The remaining Xingyao-level spirit-gathering array was fused into the Lingtian Taoist Palace where he was located. Suddenly, a mysterious change occurred in the entire Taoist Palace, forming a force field, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered.

Xiaobing, who was practicing in the dormitory, opened her eyes suddenly, showing a look of shock, "How can this kind of rich spiritual energy be like this!"

The concentration of spiritual energy is one of the keys to cultivation, the more dense the spiritual energy is, the more effective it is to practice.

The mountain range where Xuantianzong is located is originally a treasure land, full of spiritual energy, but now Xiaobing finds that her cultivation in Lingtian Dao Palace is ten times better than that of the outside world. How can she not be shocked?

"Could it be some kind of spirit-gathering magic circle? I didn't expect the suzerain and the others to value the young master so much that they set up a magic circle in the Dao Palace to gather the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth for the young master to practice!" Xiaobing murmured in a low voice.

Right now, there is only one explanation.

However, to set up this level of spirit-gathering formation, even Xuantianzong would have to pay a lot of money, and the range of coverage should not be too large, probably within the range of Lingtian Dao Palace at most.

Xiaobing, who had finished her brain, continued to cultivate happily. With this magic circle, her cultivation environment is many times better than that in the outer sect.

inside the room.

Madman Chu also noticed that the Dao Palace had changed after the fusion of the Spirit Gathering Formation, he smiled with satisfaction, and then looked at the last prize.

"A legendary Featherman warrior! Featherman? Is it the race I remember?" Madman Chu directly extracted it.

In front of him, a burst of silvery white light bloomed, forming a white ball of light, a pair of pure white wings suddenly opened, and the whole room was filled with a sacred and solemn atmosphere.

After the light dissipated, Madman Chu also saw clearly the owner of the wings, and he couldn't help showing a sense of amazement in his eyes.

With pure white wings and long silver-white hair draped over her shoulders and falling on the silver shoulder armor, this is a beautiful and sacred woman.

The facial features are exquisite, the light blue eyes are like the sea, and the silver-white armor is covered on the uneven body, with gorgeous golden patterns engraved on it, giving people a heroic feeling.

"Angel?" Madman Chu blinked.

The woman in front of him is indeed like the angel in the legend of the previous life.

But in this world, they are called Yuren.

The feathered people are one of the races of the sky star. Every feathered person is a brave and skilled fighter, and also possesses outstanding cultivation talent.

The mysterious avenue runes flashed in the eyes of Madman Chu.

But it directly used the eye of supernatural insight.

"The Feather people, the age is set to be twenty years old, and the cultivation is at the Nascent Soul Stage, oh, and they also have the Supreme Dao Body, the Holy Bright Body... No wonder they are judged as legendary characters at the Nascent Soul Stage... "

The golden, information-like words flashed across Kuangren Chu's retina, and he immediately understood the Yuren warrior in front of him thoroughly.

What surprised him was that the other party actually had a body of divine light.

This is also a supreme body, although it is not as good as Jiuqiao Linglong Jianxin, but it is also ranked in the top twenty of the three thousand physiques.

The feathered warrior walked up to Kuangren Chu, knelt down on one knee, clenched his right hand into his heart, and respectfully said, "My lord."

The clear voice is as refreshing as a clear spring.

The ownership of every prize drawn from the fantasy roulette, whether it is a person or an object, belongs to Madman Chu.

It's not unusual for Yuren warriors to call him their master.

"Do you have a name?"

"The master is my creator, please give me a name."

In her setting, Madman Chu is her creator, a supreme existence like a creator, and a person who is respected from the bottom of her heart.

To be called master by such a heroic young lady, I have to say that Madman Chu's vanity has been greatly satisfied.

"Get up first."


The feathered warrior stood up and respectfully stood aside, his sapphire-like eyes gleamed with hope and looked at Madman Chu.

Obviously expecting the madman Chu to give her a name.

Madman Chu murmured.

He has read the book, but asking him to come up with a poetic name is a bit embarrassing for him.

"Wings, blue eyes..."

"From now on, you will be called... Lan Yu."

Madman Chu racked his brains and chose a more satisfactory name.

Lan Yu's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Master, for giving me the name."

Ah, very good.

It seems that the lady is quite satisfied.

Madman Chu smiled, and then said: "From now on, you don't have to call me master, you can call me son, it's more pleasant."

Originally, he could just want Lan Yu to call him by his name, but he thought that it would be a little inappropriate if he yelled like a madman in front of people in the future, which made him look like he was defiant.

Let's call him son.

"Yes, sir." Lan Yu nodded.

"By the way, can you change your clothes? Although it looks pretty, it's a bit too eye-catching." Kuangren Chu said.

This is not the army, who wears armor all day long.

"My lord, this set of bright armor is my magic weapon. I don't have any other clothes to replace it." Lan Yu said.

"It's easy, I'll ask Xiaobing to prepare it for you." Madman Chu took out a sound transmission compass and asked Xiaobing to prepare clothes for Lan Yu.

"Sir, what style do you want? How big is it?"

Xiaobing's doubtful voice came from the compass.

"Anything you want, just one size bigger than you. By the way, you have to prepare a full set, including jackets, underwear, pants, and shoes."