
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 23: Lan Yu Appears, Gu Changge Is Burning With Jealousy

Nangong Huang slipped from the wall, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, barely standing, looking at Gu Changge's right hand, before being knocked away, he seemed to see a golden dragon scale emerging from the other's right hand.

"It is rumored that the Qingyun Dynasty's True Dragon Condensation Method can make people temper the dragon veins, and your right hand has already tempered the dragon veins!!"

Nangong Huang said in a solemn tone.

Dragon Vein Dao Body, this is the top Dao Body, even better than his Yin-Yang God Pupil. It is known as the closest to the Supreme Dao Body. Once it is completed, even saints will shy away!


Gu Changge said proudly: "Although it's only a right hand, I can easily defeat even an arrogance like you!"

To achieve great success in the Dao body of the dragon veins, one needs to temper all his own meridians into dragon veins, but now he is only tempering the meridians of one right hand.

Even so, it was enough to make him look down on his peers.

"Brother Nangong lost with just three punches."

"Where is the senior brother? I can only let the senior brother come."

"What a terrifying Gu Changge."

The surrounding disciples talked a lot, and it was hard to hide the shock in their hearts.

Seeing this, Gu Changge stood with his hands behind his back, looking down on everyone, an unparalleled domineering aura pervaded, like an emperor.

"Who else among you dares to fight alone?"

Gu Changge looked down on the audience, his invincible posture shocked the audience!

far away.

Venerable Xuan Qi and the elders Ruyan watched this scene.

"This kid is indeed extraordinary."

"Well, at such a young age, he is already a half-step cave, and with the blessing of the dragon veins and Taoism, it's no wonder that he can sweep his peers."

"Having defeated the six great saints in a row, he already has an invincible posture. If he continues to be strong, I am afraid that he will really be able to create an invincible heart!"

Even if Venerable Xuan Qi and others were dissatisfied with Gu Changge's challenge, they had to admit that Gu Changge was indeed extraordinary.

"Headmaster, chief, is he still in retreat?"

Elder Ruyan asked.

Now they can only pin their hopes on Madman Chu.

"Well, I just scanned the Dao Palace with my spiritual thoughts, but the madman is still behind closed doors." Venerable Xuan Qi said helplessly.

Put your gaze back in front of the Xuantianzong mountain gate.

At this time, Gu Changge looked down on everyone, seeing that no one was fighting, he continued: "Where is your Supreme Dao Body? Why don't you call him out."

He paused for a moment, with a sneer on his face, "Could it be that he was too scared to hide in the house and dare not come out?"


"How dare you slander senior brother like that!"

"Don't stop me, I'll fight him."

Murong Xuan was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he wanted to make a move, but was stopped by a few disciples beside him, who advised him to calm down.

"Don't get excited, you are not his opponent."

"Nanggong was defeated by three punches, it's useless for you to go up."

When everyone was indignant, a stream of white light descended from the sky.


There was a burst of dust and a wave of air.

Everyone stared at the past, only to see a silver-haired woman in gorgeous silver-white armor standing against the wind, sacred and inviolable.

"Miss Blue."

Several Daozi were slightly surprised.

It was Lan Yu who came here. She knew that Madman Chu was going to fight Gu Changge after he left the customs, so she came here to observe first.

Originally, she didn't intend to make a move.

But after hearing the other party satirize the madman Chu, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Gu Changge can insult anyone, even a saint who is admired by thousands of people has nothing to do with her, but she does not allow anyone to slander the god-like Chu madman in her heart, not even a sarcasm!

So she showed up.

Lan Yu appeared, wearing a silver-white armor that was incomparably gorgeous, exuding a sacred and solemn aura, coupled with her stunning beauty, made her extremely astonishing.

Even Gu Changge couldn't help his eyes light up.

He is the prince of the Qingyun Dynasty. He has seen countless beauties and famous ladies in his life, but none of them can match the woman in front of him.

Ice muscles and bones, sacred and cold, like a goddess.

For the first time, Gu Changge felt admiration in his heart.

"Who are you?"

Gu Changge tried to slow down his tone and asked curiously.

When he thought about it, if he was a dignified Prince Qingyun, the supreme arrogance who had defeated the six great sages in a row, speaking to someone in such a tone, that person should look flattered.

But Lan Yu's face was indifferent, and the blue sea-like eyes were full of hostility, like a storm was approaching.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you slandered my son just now, so you have to pay the price." Lan Yu said coldly.

The spiritual power was tumbling all over the body, and the sacred and bright dao rhyme flowed freely.

This rhyme made Gu Changge's eyes look serious.

But at the same time, a fire of jealousy arose in his heart.


This woman is actually a follower of Xuantianzong's Supreme Dao Body?

How can that man deserve this woman to follow him?

"I thought Xuantianzong's Supreme Dao Body was so amazing, but I didn't expect to hide behind a woman."

"Following such a person has no future, woman, I will give you a chance, as long as you follow Gu, Gu will bestow upon you supreme glory, even if it is the incomparably noble crown princess, you may be allowed."

Gu Changge looked at Lan Yu with hope in his eyes.

But Lan Yu's expression turned even colder when he heard the words, "Slandering my young master, and still wishing here, you are an unforgivable crime!"

Lan Yu didn't say any more, raised his hand, made a fist, and punched out.

A white beam of light burst out with a sacred intention!

The terrifying dao rhyme surprised everyone present.

Gu Changge didn't dare to be careless, so he mobilized his spiritual power and punched him as well.

Two punches, two Dao rhymes exploded, and the powerful impact swept out, but neither Lan Yu nor Gu Changge retreated.

This surprised a lot of people.

Everyone present has seen how powerful Gu Changge is. He defeated Nangong Huang with three punches, but Lan Yu can fight against the opponent? !

In the distance, Venerable Xuan Qi and the others looked at each other.

"Who is this woman?"

"She just said she was the chief's entourage."

"Why does this dao rhyme look a bit like the rumored supreme dao body, the sacred body of light?" Venerable Xuan Qi said with a surprised expression on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

Unsurpassed Dao Body!

"If that's the case, then it's no wonder that this girl can compete with Gu Changge, but... is she really the Supreme Dao Body?"

It's no wonder that everyone is suspicious, the Supreme Dao Body is too rare, it's unbelievable that there are two in a row, and they are both in the Xuantian Sect.

"It may be, or it may not be, but this woman is definitely not simple, so I should ask the madman at that time." Venerable Xuan Qi said.

The disciples of the Xuantian Sect and the higher-ups were all surprised by Lan Yu's strength, and Gu Changge was the same. He has defeated all the saints along the way, and few people can stand up to him.

Not to mention, it's still a woman.

And when he thought that this powerful, sacred and beautiful woman was actually someone else's entourage, Gu Changge became even more jealous of that madman Chu who had never met.

"It's a pity that a strange woman like you is following a coward who can only shrink back." Gu Changge shook his head and said.

With that tone, everyone seemed to smell a sour smell.

"Tsk tsk, does the dignified Prince Qingyun want any woman? Unfortunately, Miss Lan is not something he can covet."

"That's right, Miss Lan belongs to our senior brother, and our senior brother's appearance is more than eighteen blocks away from him."

"Eldest senior brother is still very powerful. Before he showed up, he was able to overwhelm Gu Changge invisibly."