
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 22: Defeat Nangong Huang with three punches, the terrifying Gu Changge

"Invincible! Gu Changge is going against the sky."

"That's right, the Taoists of the eight great sages lost to the same person. From a certain point of view, these Taoisms are not as good as the Qingyun Dynasty. It is estimated that the masters of the Taoism are now blown up."

"Gu Changge, it's really too powerful."

"Now only Xuantianzong is left."

"The Taoists of the other six great traditions have all lost. It is estimated that Xuantianzong will not be able to stop Gu Changge. The younger generation should respect Gu Changge."

Countless monks in the entire Azure Dragon Region were frightened by Gu Changge.

They didn't expect Gu Changge to be so powerful.

The sage orthodoxy, not to mention the Qinglong domain, is a top practice force even in the entire sky star, and the Taoists cultivated by these orthodoxy are naturally the top arrogance in the sky star!

But now, these Tianjiao were defeated by one person!

Gu Changge was at the height of the sun, his invincible momentum shook the world.



Nangong Huang and other Taoists gathered together.

They were talking about Gu Changge, and even they were unavoidably shocked after hearing how powerful Gu Changge was.

"Tell me, when will the big brother leave the customs?"

Murong Xuan said, with a little worry on his face.

Since they visited Madman Chu last time, the other party has been in retreat, and there has been no movement until now.

"According to the pace of taking care of Changge, it is estimated that I will be able to reach Xuantianzong today. If he arrives, what should I do if the elder brother has not left the customs?"

Zhuo Han said worriedly.

Gu Changge is in the limelight now, and in his mind, only Madman Chu can compete with him in Xuantianzong.

If Gu Changge arrived and Madman Chu hadn't left the level, none of them could stop him.

"If senior brother has not left the customs by then, then I will personally meet Gu Changge for a while." Nangong Huang said.

"Well, that's fine too. You can try this person's strength for the senior brother first, so that the senior brother can be more confident."

Just when several people were talking about it.

In the sky above Xuantianzong, the clouds rolled, and a piece of golden light bloomed, rendering the clouds golden.

The golden clouds rolled towards both sides, and a carriage pulled by six divine horses flew up into the sky and landed in front of the Xuantianzong Mountain Gate.

The sudden movement attracted many people.

"Look, someone is coming."

"This horse is covered with golden scales. This is a golden-scaled horse that only the nobles of the Qingyun Dynasty can travel with! The one who can drive six horses... is Gu Changge!! Prince Qingyun Gu Changge is here!"

"finally come."

"He really came to our Xuantian Sect."

Many disciples in Xuantianzong exclaimed.

The few Taoists gathered together also looked at the direction of the mountain gate solemnly, Nangong Huang said lightly: "Let's go and meet this person."

Outside the Xuantianzong mountain gate.

Gu Changge slowly got off the carriage.

Many disciples are on guard, very alert.

Gu Changge glanced at these people, and suddenly, an aura of boundless terror enveloped everyone, causing them to back away in fright.

"very scary!!"

"Being caught by him, my hairs stand on end!"

"Is this Gu Changge?!"

Along the way, Gu Changge defeated the six holy places in a row, and the invincibility in his body had accumulated to an incomparably powerful level.

How can ordinary disciples be able to resist his aura?

With just one glance, everyone was shocked.

"Gu came to visit, please come and see me, seniors!"

Gu Changge said loudly.

The sound waves rolled, resounding through the entire Xuantian Sect.

"I already know why you came, so there is no need to talk nonsense, if you want to fight, we will fight." At this moment, Venerable Xuan Qi's voice sounded.

No nonsense and no politeness.

The other party has clearly come to find fault, so should they treat him well?

"Heh, it's the best. I heard that there is a Supreme Dao Body in Xuantianzong, but he wants to fight against Gu?" Gu Changge said.


At this time, a simple long sword burst out suddenly with a cold sword light, and it was inserted in front of Gu Changge impartially.

A powerful sword intent erupted suddenly!

"Oh, the Hallows."

Gu Changge was not very surprised, after all, as a long-standing sage tradition, it is normal to have a few holy artifacts.

What he cared more about was the person who mastered the holy artifact.

He looked up, only to see Nangong Huang in a purple robe slowly approaching, and said to him lightly: "Senior brother is in retreat, if you want to fight him, you have to go through my level first."

The sword intent on Nangong Huang's body circulated, his spiritual power exploded, and Yuan Ying's perfect power slapped the void unscrupulously, black and white lights flickered in his eyes, and his momentum was extremely astonishing.

Tianjiao, with the arrogance of Tianjiao.

Nangong Huang has yin and yang pupils and is a top talent. He naturally has arrogance. Although he knows that he is probably not Gu Changge's opponent, he still wants to fight against him.

"Nangong Huang, Gu has heard of you, the strongest person among the nine Taoists of the Xuantian Sect, but I didn't expect you to recognize that Supreme Dao Body as a senior brother, heh, this makes Gu even more curious about this person ."

"Forget it, let's defeat you first."

Gu Changge's aura exploded completely.

An incomparable domineering intent swept all directions with an invincible force, and majestic spiritual power surrounded him, gradually forming a golden dragon, and the violent dragon chant turned into terrifying sound waves and spread.

The disciples around couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"What a domineering spiritual power!"

"This is the prince of the Qingyun Dynasty!"

"It is rumored that there is a saint's method in the Qingyun Dynasty called the True Dragon Condensation Method, which can make people cultivate an extremely domineering dragon spirit. Gu Changge should practice this saint's method."

The big golden dragon hovered around Gu Changge's body, and a pair of lifelike dragon eyes turned, revealing a sense of contempt for the common people.

Nangong Huang also felt the powerful power of Gu Changge, he put his hand on the holy sword, and the surge of spiritual power took the lead in cutting out the sword!

Sword light poured out like a waterfall!

The supreme law, the Heavenly Waterfall Sword Art!

Gu Changge didn't dodge, he raised his hand and punched!

The golden dragon energy spewed out, full of boundless domineering meaning.

With a bang.

The collision of the sword light and the dragon energy erupted with a huge impact, and the air wave rolled out. Nangong Huang couldn't help but retreat a few feet under the impact.

On the other hand, Gu Changge stood where he was, standing still!

With the first move, Nangong Huang was at a disadvantage.

"Come again."

Golden light bloomed on Nangong Huang's body surface, covering the holy sword Yuanhong.

He slashed out with a sword again, and under the blessing of the Primordial Golden Light and the Holy Sword, this sword light was far more powerful than the previous one.

This time, a trace of solemnity appeared on Gu Changge's face.

"This is the only way to let Gu Yi punch!"

"Dragon Killing Fist, break!!"

With one punch, the domineering dragon's chant echoed across the world.

The strength of the fist turned into a golden dragon biting it out, and a terrifying dao rhyme surrounded it. This time, Jian Guang was blown away by the strength of the fist again!

When Nangong Huang retreated again, the black and white divine light that flowed in his eyes gushed out, it was the power of the yin and yang pupils!

"Haha, I've expected it a long time ago."

"Dragon Killing Fist!"

Gu Changge struck out with his right hand that had been held all the time, and golden dragon scales appeared faintly on his arm. This punch was more powerful than before, after breaking the yin and yang divine light, the remaining punch fell on Nangong Huang's body.

A mouthful of blood spewed out from Nangong Huang's mouth.

He was sent flying tens of feet and hit a wall. The wall sank suddenly, and countless cracks spread like spider webs.

All Xuantianzong disciples couldn't believe it.

Three punches!

With just three punches, Nangong Huang was defeated!