
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 20: Prince Qingyun Gu Changge, invincible in his generation

Ling Tian Dao Palace.

In the courtyard, Madman Chu was lying on a recliner.

Next to him, Xiaobing was holding a plate of grapes, and from time to time he would feed a grape to Madman Chu, while beside him, Lan Yu was wearing a blue and white skirt, sitting cross-legged, with a pitch-black guqin lying in front of him.

Lan Yu moved her ten fingers, and the beautiful melody slowly echoed.


Madman Chu took a grape fed by Xiaobing with his mouth open, and listened to the sound of Lan Yu playing the piano, squinting his eyes, looking contented.

Xiaobing was peeling the grapes beside him, watching Kuangren Chu's expression at close range, her little face flushed slightly, and she was filled with indescribable joy.

The outside world is flocking to the young master, and there are countless women who want to see him, but she can feed the young master grapes with her own hands.

Just thinking about it made her very happy.

Just one song.

Lan Yu smiled faintly: "What else do you want to hear, my lord?"

In addition to being a powerful fighter, she is also proficient in rhythm, which Madman Chu discovered only recently.

I have to say that Lan Yu is too good to say anything.

Beautiful, powerful, and obedient to Madman Chu.

"No need, if I continue to degenerate like this, I really won't be able to climb out of your gentle village." Madman Chu shook his head and laughed.

He stretched, "I'm off to practice."

It has been nearly a month since he created the Holy King Law, and his cultivation base has made great progress in this month. From the beginning of entering the golden elixir, he is now the golden elixir, and he is only one step away from the Nascent Soul Stage.

And within this month, Madman Chu has drawn a lot of things from the fantasy roulette, but most of them are black iron and silver, and except for a few, the rest are useless to him.

For example, some pills, exercises, spiritual marrow, etc., were all used by him to cultivate Xiaobing, so in this month, besides him, Xiaobing also improved a lot.


In the afternoon, Madman Chu had just finished training.

Xiaobing told him that Daozi Nangonghuang and Murongxuan were visiting.

Dao Palace, in the lobby.

"Brother, you are finally here."

When Murong Xuan saw Madman Chu, he greeted him excitedly.

Kuangren Chu's face changed slightly, and he took half a step back, so excited, I didn't know that you thought you saw your long-lost girlfriend.

His damn beauty, even men can't control it?

Murong Xuan stood there in embarrassment.

Senior brother, are you serious about taking half a step back?

Small actions hurt so much...

"I have seen the big brother."

Nangong Huang saluted slightly. Ever since he was subdued by the madman Chu and saw that the other party created the Holy King method, he now worships him more and more.

Like everyone else in Xuantianzong, he is a little fan.

"You two juniors, you are welcome to sit down."

After the two sat down, Murong Xuan was the first to speak, "I came to see senior brother this time because I want to ask your opinion on something."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Eldest brother, have you ever heard of... Gu Changge!"

"Gu Changge?" Madman Chu murmured, as if he had a little impression, and then he asked, "Prince Qingyun, Gu Changge?"

"That's right, it's this person." Nangong Huang said solemnly.

In this world of great strife, all kinds of arrogance emerge in endlessly, like a hundred flowers blooming, vying for splendor.

And Gu Changge is one of the most magnificent flowers among the hundred flowers, and he is a famous and talented person in the world!

It is even better than Nangong Huang.

And Qingyun Dynasty, the power behind Prince Qingyun, is also the top saint lineage in Qinglong Region, not weaker than Xuantianzong.

"What's wrong with this person?"

Madman Chu asked after thinking about the information about Gu Changge.

"Gu Changge left the royal capital of the Qingyun Dynasty half a month ago. In the name of exchanges, he went all the way through Ziyang Valley, Wanfazong, Lingxuzong and Wuxingzong's four saints, and defeated eight Taoists in a row!"

Murong Xuan said slowly, his tone was somewhat dignified.

Hearing this, Madman Chu didn't know the purpose of these two people coming to him, "Are you afraid that he will also come to challenge Xuantianzong?"

"The challenge is definitely going to be a challenge." Nangong Huang said.

"He is shaping the heart of invincibility!"

"That's right." Nangong Huang continued: "A few years ago, Tianjizi once said that the road to the emperor of this world was restarted, and all the arrogances of the sky star would not want to fight for the throne of this world. Gu Changge defeated all the Daozi in a row. A way to create an invincible heart, I want to use this to take a step ahead on the emperor's road!"

"Only by defeating him can this process be disrupted. Otherwise, when his invincible heart is fully developed, it will be difficult for anyone to compete with him again!"

"It's just that it's not easy to defeat him. This person is unparalleled in combat power among the younger generation, and there are few opponents. It is difficult for the strong of the older generation to make a move. Rumor has it that Gu Changge also has a Dao protector of the Venerable Realm beside him." , even if someone wants to do it secretly, it's impossible."

Nangong Huang and Murong Xuan told each other what happened, while Chu Kuangren listened to the general idea.

"Brother, Gu Changge's strength is astonishing. He has defeated eight Daoists in a row. Among them, there are many people with the same combat power as me. Therefore, I think that in the entire Xuantian Sect, only you can defeat this person."

Nangong Huang looked at Madman Chu with piercing eyes.

"How is this person's cultivation?"

"The Nascent Soul is complete, no, it should be a half-step hole!"

Nangong Huang paused and said.


Half a step hollow?

Madman Chu was unavoidably a little apprehensive.

He is only the Golden Core Consummation now, and the Nascent Soul has not even reached the level of cultivation. The last time he was able to suppress Nangong Huang was because of the cultivation base experience card.

Now you want him to use the golden core to complete a half-step hole?

And this person is still an arrogance!

According to the law of Tianjiao, it is estimated that this person is more fierce than Dongxu.

No matter how you think about it, it feels like hanging.

But facing Nangong Huang and Murong Xuan's expectant gazes, even as a senior brother, he can't be shy.

"I see."

Madman Chu looked calm, and said in a calm tone.

Nangong Huang and the two looked at each other, and they were immediately given a reassurance. The elder brother is so calm, it should be sure.

The two left the Dao Palace in peace.

"Nangong, what do you think Eldest Senior Brother has against Gu Changge?" Murong Xuan asked curiously outside the Dao Palace.

Nangong Huang paused and said flatly, "Ten!"

"You have so much confidence in senior brother."

Murong Xuan was a little taken aback.

Although he also believed in Madman Chu, that Gu Changge was not a simple person. He had defeated the Eight Great Masters in a row, and he was already invincible in his generation!

He didn't dare to say that Madman Chu had a very good chance of winning.

"Senior brother can suppress me with every gesture, his combat power is unfathomable, and can't you see the attitude of senior brother just now? He obviously didn't take Gu Changge seriously."

Nangong Huang spoke highly of Chu Madman.

Murong Xuan heard the words, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, he nodded and said: "You are right, if you are not sure about winning, how can you be so calm and calm, the elder brother is probably invincible in his generation!"

"I don't think so. Senior brother can create his own holy king law. How many people in this world can do it? It's terrifying."

The two guessed about Chu Kuangren's strength, and the more they guessed, the more they felt that the other party was unpredictable, and the awe in their hearts continued unabated.