
Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible

Madman Chu traveled to the world of practice with a game plug-in, and the beginning of the game was lucky ten consecutive draws. Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute of banishing immortal temperament, legendary physique with nine apertures and exquisite sword heart, god-level supernatural powers and insightful eyes, god-level physique and immortal body, a legendary feathered warrior... Since then, the madman Chu has embarked on the invincible road of pushing the stars, the sun and the moon, and suppressing the worlds of all spirits!

Daoist8HY0fC · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 19: Holy Senior Brother, Slashing the Sky and Drawing the Sword

The huge figure slashed out with a sword, and the purest attacking intent erupted. The terrifying sword intent enveloped a hundred miles around. Countless disciples felt this sword intent, and even Daozi felt a palpitation.

Venerable Xuan Qi even exclaimed on the spot, "The Holy King's law!"

The rest of the higher-ups were also shocked, and then, Dao rhyme flowed in the void, and bursts of mysterious sounds echoed in the sky, like the sound of heaven!

A large amount of earth energy gushes out, forming golden lotus blossoms!

"This is... the sound of the Great Dao! Golden lotus springing up from the ground!"

"Such visions can only appear when a monk breaks through to the most holy man, or when something related to the holy way occurs."

"Holy king's law? Could it be that the chief created a kind of holy king's law?!"

"This kind of terrifying sword intent and dao rhyme cannot be achieved by ordinary saint methods. This, this is definitely... the saint king method!!"

As soon as the three characters of the holy king's law came out, everyone was horrified.

One must know that after the fall of the last emperor in the ancient era, Cang Qiongxing entered the modern era known as the era of the emperor's fall.

Since ancient times, no emperor has been born, and the holy king is the most peak existence, and there are not many holy kings in the entire sky.

Naturally, there are not many sage kings.

Even the sage lineage of Xuantianzong doesn't have the sage-king law!

But now, in front of them, the madman Chu forcibly created a method of the holy king that could crush all laws in the world! !

"From ancient times to the present, even if it is the Supreme Dao Body, I have never heard of anyone who created the Holy King Law in the Golden Core realm!"

"This is too scary!!"

Venerable Xuan Qi looked at the madman Chu in the Library Pavilion in horror.

He thought that he had already looked down on Madman Chu as much as possible, but the other party repeatedly proved with actions that he still underestimated him.

"If he doesn't fall, the emperor in this world must belong to my Xuantian Sect!"

Venerable Xuan Qi said with fanatical eyes.

He is convinced that there is absolutely no arrogance in the current sky star who can create the holy king method in the golden core, but the madman Chu can!

Based on this alone, Madman Chu is far ahead of the other Tianjiao!

"Master, please get me a Taoist stele."

Madman Chu suddenly made a sound.

Venerable Xuan Qi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked someone to fetch a Taoist stele.

The Dao Containing Stele is made of strange stone, which can record the Dao rhyme for a long time. Some methods are so profound that it is difficult to record them with words or ordinary characters, so the Dao rhyme is embedded in it.

For example, those Supreme Laws on the fifth floor of Zangshu Pavilion were recorded in this way for the members of Xuantian Sect to comprehend.

Soon, a black Taoist stele was transported to the door of Zangshu Pavilion. Seeing this, Madman Chu summoned the holy sword Kunwu in his body.

Holding Kunwu in his hand, Madman Chu closed his eyes slightly, stood in place silently for a while, then raised Kunwu, and slashed towards the stone tablet.

A sword light flashed past and landed on the stone tablet.

There was a sword mark more than a foot deep on the originally ordinary stone tablet, and an extremely terrifying dao rhyme gushed out from the sword mark, covering the entire stone tablet in the blink of an eye.

"He has entered the Dao Yun of the Holy King's Law into the Taoist Monument. In the future, everyone can use the Taoist Monument to comprehend the Holy King's Law!"

Elder Ruyan's beautiful eyes glowed with splendor.

The others also looked at Madman Chu with excitement.

Chu Kuangren's move is of great significance to the entire Xuantianzong, which means that Xuantianzong will have its own holy king law in the future!

Anyone can comprehend the Holy King's Law from it, and the Xuantian Sect who has mastered the Holy King's Law will have a higher foundation and strength!

"Chief Gao Yi!!"

An elder said loudly.

At this moment, the rest of the disciples completely agreed with Chu Kuangren, and they also admired him from the bottom of their hearts, and had no objections.

"Big Brother Gao Yi!!"

"Big Brother Gao Yi!!"

All the disciples shouted in unison, and the sound waves shook the sky.

After doing all this, Madman Chu also gradually broke away from the state of enlightenment, and the effect of the enlightenment card has also disappeared.

But the holy king method he created in the state of enlightenment through thousands of kendo methods in Zangshu Pavilion was imprinted in his mind.

All kinds of visions disappeared one by one, and after returning to calm, Madman Chu walked out of the library, came in front of Venerable Xuan Qi and the others, bowed his hands slightly, "I have seen Master, Elder."

"Madman, you don't have to be polite, your enlightenment this time not only benefits you a lot, but also makes great contributions to Xuantianzong!" Venerable Xuan Qi was very excited and looked at Madman Chu with admiration.

"I got something." Madman Chu said modestly.

Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help rolling their eyes.

This sage king law has been created, or is it just a little gain?

Venerable Xuan Qi said: "By the way, madman, you have just created this holy king method, what name can you think of?"

"Not yet, why don't you ask Master to give you a name."

Madman Chu thought for a while.

It is a great honor to name the Holy King Law, other venerables do not have this treatment, because they cannot create the Holy King Law.

And how could the master who created the Holy King's method let others name his method?

And only Chu Kuangren, a freak who can create the Holy King Law at the Golden Core Realm, will bestow this honor on others.

Asking Venerable Xuan Qi to name his sage-king method is nothing more than a one-sentence matter to Chu Kuangren, and he doesn't mind using this to draw in the relationship between master and apprentice.

Sure enough, when Venerable Xuan Qi heard this, his eyes lit up and his face flushed with excitement, but when he thought that he was in front of his disciples and had to maintain the majesty of the master, he suppressed his emotions.

He said with a serious face: "This method of the holy king seems simple, only the move of drawing the sword and withdrawing the sword, but it is back to the basics, and the meaning of the sword's fast, precise and ruthless attack is brought into full play.

In my opinion, it might as well be called... Zhantianpujianshu! ! "

Madman Chu nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said, "Then according to Master's words, this holy king's law will be named the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden roar in the sky, which seemed to recognize the name, and not far away, the stone tablet shook, and stone chips fell from it, and the five characters of Zhantianpujianshu emerged.

"Affirmed by the Great Dao!"

"From now on, this method will be called the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique!"

"Haha, with this sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique, my Xuantianzong's foundation will be improved to another level, and in time I will be able to surpass the Azure Dragon Domain!"

Then, Venerable Xuan Qi asked people to put the stone tablet recording the sword-slashing technique on the fifth floor of the Library Pavilion, and put it under strict supervision.

Madman Chu also left Zangshu Pavilion and returned to Lingtian Dao Palace.

In the Daoist Palace, Xiaobing had already heard about Madman Chu creating the Holy King Law in Zangshu Pavilion, and she praised him.

And in the entire Xuantian Sect, from the high-level elders to the outer disciples, there was no one who stopped talking about Madman Chu.

"Have you heard that Eldest Senior Brother created a kind of holy king method in the Library Pavilion, the sound of the great way, and the golden lotus springing from the ground, it's amazing!"

"I'm right there, that's awesome."

"Senior brother is really a man of gods, he has only been our senior brother for so long, and he actually created the Holy King Law!"

"It's unbelievable. From my point of view, as far as Tianzi is concerned, the entire Azure Dragon Domain, no, the entire younger generation of Sky Star is unmatched!"

"It's not just Tianzi. In terms of appearance, there is no one in the entire sky. That face is so beautiful that it is on the tip of my heart."