
Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A Tale of Love and Revenge

“You are a selfish, insecure, and jealous person, Esme. I'm sick of you. I want you out of my life,” Julian Ray, my fiancé yelled at me. Selfish? Insecure? Jealous? I only tried to keep that bitch away from him. Was he expecting me to sit idly and watch her snatch my fiancé? Julian removed the engagement ring and threw it at me. “We are done.” He just ended our relationship, smashing my hopes and shattering my heart. I loved him since I was a child and grew up with the dream to be his wife. I was overjoyed when I was finally betrothed to him two years ago. Julian was always ambitious. He did not want to settle down and married so soon since he wanted to be successful in his career. I did everything I could to make him happy and achieve his goal. When he finally got his desired job and position, he forgot about me and cheated on me. He had forgotten my favor, my sacrifices, and my love for him. “I love you, Julian. Please don’t break up with me,” I begged. He didn’t listen to me. He coldly asked me to get out of his life. “I never loved you, Esme. Just get lost.” I was devastated. This was not the life I had imagined. He simply couldn't leave my life after ruining me and breaking my heart. I decided to teach him a lesson for cheating on me. I hooked up with his boss, Silas Sullivan, the handsome billionaire, the desire of every woman. And guess what, my ex-boyfriend crawled back to me and begged my forgiveness. “My heart is breaking, Esme. I-I want you back. Please forgive me.” I let out a soft chuckle, shaking my head with disbelief. “Are you kidding me, Mister Ray? Forgive you! No way.” I smiled triumphantly as I won the game. Julian would regret hurting me, and he would come after me for my forgiveness. But little did I know I had already made a grave mistake by meddling with Silas Sullivan. =============== His imposing figure towered over me as he pressed me against the wall in his office. “Playing games with me, Miss Shaw. With Silas Sullivan! You have no idea who you have provoked. Prepare to face the consequences." He gripped my neck, digging his nails into my flesh. I trembled in fear. I could see hell in his burning, dark eyes. ================== You can check on my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire (Completed) The Billionaire’s Sick Wife (Completed) The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid (Ongoing)

Angelica2511 · Ciudad
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435 Chs

Are you willing to marry me?

Esme's heart pounded as she felt his warm breath on her neck. She knew she had to play along. She didn't move away. Instead, she faced him boldly and put her delicate finger on his cheek. "I don't have to practice, Silas," she said in a hushed tone. Silas closed his eyes, his body reacting to her touch and proximity.

"You can rely on me. Your parents won't find out that we are acting." Esme sprang to her feet and walked away, leaving Silas hanging with his own desire.

"Shit," Silas muttered under his breath, a mix of frustration and admiration evident in his tone. "This woman is something."

Esme was smart, confident, and independent, and he found himself drawn to those qualities. Silas cocked his head and watched Esme's retreating figure, his mind evidently intrigued by her actions.

"Miss Shaw."

Esme stopped right in front of the door, her hand hovering on the door knob. She let out a sigh and waited for his next instruction.

"I'll drop you home," Silas offered, getting up and approaching her.

"Don't bother. I'll take a cab," Esme replied dismissively.

"I am a sensible man," he murmured, leaning laterally toward her. "I brought you here. How can I let you go alone at this hour? Please, let me give you a ride."

Pausing to contemplate her options, Esme weighed the situation. Why would she spend money on a cab when a free ride was on the table?

"If you insist," she relented.

Silas gestured for her to precede him, and Esme stepped out of the room.

As he followed her out of the room, he couldn't help but notice the way she moved with grace and poise. Her long legs carried her effortlessly across the floor, and her shoulders squared off with determination. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it.

Soon, they were out of the club and inside the car. Silas started the engine. For a while, silence enveloped them. Esme observed the swiftly changing scenery outside, while Silas focused on navigating the road. His fingers drummed restlessly on the steering wheel.

Silas felt a growing sense of discomfort. He glanced over at Esme, her profile illuminated by the faint light from outside. She appeared lost in thought, her brow furrowed slightly.

"Say something," Silas urged, breaking the quiet.

"About what?" Esme shrugged, glancing at him with a hint of confusion.

"Anything. About yourself, your past, your friends," he prompted.

She sighed, gathering her thoughts. "Well, um, I don't have anything particularly noteworthy to share. I grew up as a pampered, indulged child in my family. My parents never held me back from anything. They hoped I'd follow in their footsteps and become a lawyer. But, you see, I was deeply in love with Julian, the cheater."

Disdain twisted her mouth at the mention of his name. "I pursued business management to align with his aspirations and have a chance to work alongside him. Instead, all I got was humiliation and heartbreak."

Silas could sense the pain and betrayal she still harbored. Sympathy flickered across Silas's features as he gazed at her. He understood the sting of deception she felt and the hurt that lingered in her heart.

A dry, bitter smile crossed Esme's lips, bitterness creeping up her throat. "You're probably thinking I'm an idiot. How could I have been so blind in love that I couldn't see his deceit?"

"No, I don't think so," he replied gently. "Even the smartest person can be deceived. So, don't blame yourself."

Esme found an unexpected sense of ease while conversing with Silas. As she shared her painful experiences, a strange calm settled over her, dissolving the tension and anxiety that had previously gripped her. Even though they didn't know each other much, Esme felt a strange sense of comfort in Silas's presence as if she had known him for years. She couldn't explain it, but she felt like she could talk to him about anything, including her deepest fears and insecurities.

"Thank you for listening to my nonsense," she said. "You are kind; I must say that."

Silas chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Kind? Do you think so?"

"Of course, I think so. In this busy world, hardly anyone spares time for others. They even don't have time for themselves. But you patiently listened to me. That's a big thing, you know. Everyone doesn't have this quality."

"Are you praising me, Miss Shaw?" Silas retorted in mock surprise.

"Yes, indeed. Shocking, isn't it?" Esme teased back, their banter sparking laughter between them, the sound filling the car.

"You have no idea how surprised I am," Silas quipped in jest.

As their laughter subsided, Esme's curiosity prodded her to inquire about Silas. "You know a lot about me. Tell me about yourself."

"About me?" He glanced at her while driving. "What do you want to know about me?"

"I am curious why you dated so many women. I mean, I was shocked when I saw a long list of your ex-girlfriends." Esme's hands gestured animatedly, reflecting her surprise. "I would think that dating so many people would be exhausting. Aren't you bored?"

"Bored?" Silas laughed. "Not in the least. I find it rather enjoyable." His response carried a hint of amusement.

Esme twisted her mouth, feeling embarrassed. Of course, he would enjoy having fun with different women. Her question was wrong, and she realized it soon.

"Don't you think it's time for you to settle down and commit to a relationship?" she asked.

"Are you ready?" Silas asked with a playful glint in his eyes. "If yes, I am willing."

Esme skipped a beat, her face turning red. She knew he said that to tease her, but she couldn't stop her stomach from fluttering.

"Not me," she blurted, turning her head away to hide her flushed cheeks.

The playful smirk was still there on his face, but he didn't tease her further. His attention shifted back to the road. The rest of the journey went in silence.

As the car halted in front of Adelynn's apartment building, Esme offered him a smile of gratitude. "Thank you for the ride."

"You're welcome," Silas replied, returning her smile.

"Goodnight, Silas. Drive safely." With those words, Esme stepped out of the car, leaving a lasting impression with her farewell.

His heart stirred as her words resonated within him. No woman from his past had ever expressed concern for his safety like that. They used to thank him and kiss him before leaving. Esme's approach was not intimate, yet it felt more intimate to Silas than a kiss. His lips hooked up into a bright smile.

"Miss Shaw."

Esme inhaled sharply and halted her steps. She cursed him under her breath for calling her from behind. She forced a smile as she turned to him.

"Do you have anything to say?" she asked.

"I just wanted to bid you goodnight," Silas said, his eyes dancing with playfulness. "Have a sweet, sweet dream about me." He drove off without waiting for her response, leaving Esme stunned.

"Why would I dream about you?" Esme muttered, rolling her eyes as she made her way into the building. She hurriedly walked up to the elevator and didn't notice someone's prying eyes following her.