
Tempest and the Beast

Aella was never like the other Sorceress of the Order. She was a hybrid, born of both tempest and beast blood. When she was born she had a strange birthmark that no one could explain so she did her best to hide it along with anything that might expose her as a halfbreed. When Aella was eight years old she starts to hear a voice in her head. He claims to be a boy named Jarek of the Daimos pack and he has a mark on his neck just like her. She is convinced by those who know better, that he is all in her head. A trick of her tainted blood and she must fight against it. She blocks the voice out of her head, all she has to do is take her vows to the Sisterhood and that will solve all her problems. Before she can take her vows with her fellow Sorceresses, the Alpha of the Daimos pack claims she is his mate, and he was the boy she heard in her head all those years ago. He refuses to let Aella escape him, she belongs to him whether she likes it or not.

The_Midnight_Edit · Fantasía
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12 Chs


"Come on baby push! Just a little further!" Aeldit shouted as his fiery hair blew madly in the blistering winds. It was not ideal to give birth in the woods in the middle of a storm, but when one marries a Tempest, these things are to be expected. Magic was pungent in the air, meaning that the storm was Priscella's own doing, but she could not be blamed. Giving birth to a baby was stressful enough let alone having to do it mostly on your own. He knew they should have stayed near the midwives, but they thought they had more time so they had decided to go on a picnic in the secluded countryside. He had contacted his Alpha, but they had gone so far out, that by the time anyone would make it to them it would be too late.

"Ahhh!!!" Priscilla screamed as her hair clung to her sweaty face. Her Scream could be heard past the roar of the winds and the thunderous rain. She was grateful they brought a blanket, it did not help much but it did its best to help protect the new mother from the rage of the storm she had called forth. "Pull him out!!!" She demanded, her voice cracking from the strain.

"You have to push more! I can't pull him out yet! Come on I know you can do it!" Something caught the young wolf's nose, more magic but it was not his mate's. He turned to see a figure emerge from the nearby pond. Aeldit stood up to block Priscilla from the intruder, he recognized the smell, it was a Witch from Autheria, a kingdom that was just out of their pack territory and where his mate was once from. There was only one woman Aledit knew that smelt of hyacinth, Greta.

"Leave Witch, this does not concern you!"

The woman narrowed her green eyes, as she fought to keep her brown hair out of her face but it was a losing battle. She was tall and slender with a heart-shaped face. "I am here to help!!! She is still my sister whether you like it or not! Now move aside!!!" She pushed the wolf out of her way and sat in front of her 'sister.' They were not sisters by blood but by a coven. Priscella had told the woman she never wanted anything to do with her or her other sisters again, but as she lay there trying to deliver her child, she saw she had no choice but to accept.

"You need to breathe!" Greta instructed. She made a show of breathing in rhythm for Priscilla to memic. "AHHHHHH!" Priscilla screeched as lightning lit the sky.

"Don't just stand there take her hand! The baby is crowning!!!" Greta shouted at the flustered Aeldit. He quickly sat by his mate's side and took her hand firmly in his allowing her to squeeze as hard as she needed.

"One more good push!" Greta held her hands to the baby's crowning head, ready to pull the babe out. Priscilla gave one more good push and the baby was free. Greta caught it in her hands and used a small dagger to cut the cord. She looked at the child and raised an eyebrow, "It's a boy," she said sounding disappointed.

"A boy!" Aeldit shouted as he took the child in his hands "And he already has a full head of hair!" he laughed as he looked at the red mop of hair on his son. Priscilla was about to reach her hands out for her son when she was hit with another shooting pain. "Ahhh!!! Oh ...Oh no!!!!"

Greta's bent down and inspected her, "There's another one!" Hope lit up the woman's face once again. But Priscilla was bleeding heavily, something was very wrong. Greta felt her stomach and worry washed over her, "The child is upside down! I will try and redirect it!" She informed. Rowan took his mate's hand once again, while he held his son in his other arm. "It's going to be ok baby," he soothed even though he was just as worried. Never had he thought he would have two kids.

Greta applied pressure and slowly redirected the baby, "Ok now push!"

Priscilla pushed once again, this baby did not take as long as the first. All it took were two good pushes and the baby was free. After cutting the cord, Greta used her cloak to clean the baby up. Her eyes lit up with pride as she held it lovingly. "It's a girl!" she announced but made no move to return the babe. The baby was perfect, she had dark red hair and bright blue eyes. But there was a strange birthmark on her neck. She had never seen one so intricate before. Greta was lost in wonder as she ignored the couple beside her.

Priscilla reached her arms out but soon lowered them, something felt wrong. Her breathing became labored and suddenly she was seeing two of everything. "Prissy?!" Aeldit's shout was drowned out by a loud thunderclap, but Priscilla still weakly looked at her husband with loving eyes. "It's a girl," she said with little life In her voice. "My little Ariel and Rowan. That's what I want to name them," She weakly grasped his shirt, but soon her arm fell limp and her eyes closed.

"Priscella? Priscella!!!" He screamed, but his mate would not move. He laid her down and gently tucked his son under the blanket, trying to protect him from the rain as best he could. He laid Priscella down and listened for a heartbeat but there was none. "No!!!" He screamed as he placed his hands on her chest and began to apply pressure in the rhythm the healers taught him when he was younger. They said this could help get a heart to beat again. He would count each push and listen for her heart again. After almost half an hour of trying he gave up, his head fell on his mate's body as he sobbed. His mourning was cut short as he was reminded of his two newborn pups. He turned to Greta but she was gone. "Greta?!" He shouted, but he could not smell her anymore either.

Aeldit picked up Rowan and frantically looked around but the woman was nowhere to be found and neither was his daughter. The new father felt his beast's rage at the loss of both his mate and now daughter. It took all his strength to hold it back so as to not hurt his son.

"Greta!" he shouted again although he knew it was futile. Slowly the storm began to settle and Aeldit could hear his Alpha was on his way. Yes, that's right Alpha Rainer would help him, he would get his child back. He could not save his mate but he would save Ariel.