
Tempest of Mecha Storm

In a bold endeavor to unravel the mysteries of the soul, the Solar System Alliance clandestinely established an organization of brilliance known as the Apocalypse Youth Class. This elite assembly drew together the most gifted young individuals from across the four federations of the solar system. However, their pursuit of knowledge was marred by a catastrophic incident that resulted in numerous casualties. The prime culprit was imprisoned, leading to the dissolution of the youth class and the sealing of their records, henceforth becoming a forbidden chapter in history. Five years later, the Tianjing Mech Academy for Mecha Warfare, having faced disappointment in the inter-solar system mecha competition, fortuitously welcomed the top student from the Asian district's mecha preparatory class, Tong Shen, heralding a period of rejuvenation. Yet, this was merely the beginning of a series of inexplicable events, with the epicenter surprisingly being an obscure second-year student. Mecha, the ultimate romance of man.

Skull Elf · Ciencia y ficción
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750 Chs

Chapter 563: Launch into Intergalactic_1

"Human, from the beginning, you have looked at me 26 times, once more, and I won't need the Beastman to act, I will educate you myself!" The petite girl spoke to Li Hao in a cold tone threaded with a hint of ferocity.

Li Hao touched his nose, wondering how she could even count that, "If you hadn't looked at me, how would you know I was looking at you? The force exerted is mutual, it's cancelled out."

Olivina was stunned, this human dared to talk back to her.

"Respected Olivina, this human is mine." The Beastman sinisterly grinned at Li Hao, revealing his fangs, with a gaze filled with ferocity and undisguised greed.

Olivina sneered, unwilling to converse with the Beastman. She was not here to take part in the test, but as a warrior of the Judgement Hymn, she was merely escorting her younger brother … a privilege, after all, their family was from the esteemed Jincancan.