
tempered in blood and bone

alexander campion, a student versed in robotics and his professor are working on something revolutionary, but it all goes wrong suddenly, and alexander ends up in a place far from home.

herohero · Fantasía
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22 Chs

stocking up

On the way out I looked pensively at the emerald candles, which from my standing vantage point were arranged in a circle, the same red ink, blood, dripping out the pen was arranged into a ritualistic circle.

The past me was trying to summon a demonic aid, apparently, my inexperience had led to me summoning, well myself. I was, and still am rather power-hungry, during my time with the professor he pointed it out once, in passing.

It's one of the reasons I read those books, when reading them I would put myself in the position of the main character, basking in the imaginary power. Well in this new life I would be able to physically grasp this illusive power.

Another reason why Alexander ran away from home was that father refused my plea to send me to a magical academy, I secretly tested my talent once, I was capable of magic, to an unknown extent but was that not enough. And I once heard talent was linked to the soul, would my merged soul not make me a rarely seen prodigy.

Other than that, there it is the microcomputer, the microcomputer ( which will henceforth be known as chip for connivence) that miraculously traveled across plans with me, however, there is a simplified explanation for this occurrence, the chip, being the old professors' lifelong project was endowed with a fragment of his soul as an artisan, you see in this world there in an anomaly, where cherished creations of people at the apex of their skillset can be bestowed with a fragment of their soul, who's to say this doesn't happen on earth, and were just completely oblivious because we haven't dabbled in the arts of souls and magic.

Well in my theory, based on Alexanders' memories, due to the proximity of my soul and it's during the transmigration, and the closeness we have due to my part in making it, our souls fused much like Alaxander's and Cole's souls. I also believe I can attribute my objectively unusual calmness to the chip and its unemotional practicality.

Thinking of the chip, information flooded my mind, and I instinctively knew what it all meant, it transmitted to me its apparent new capabilities, other than the previously mentioned abilities it can also scan within me, venturing into the principles of my physiology, it can also dive into the surroundings scanning and mapping, this can be attributed to its new intangible form granting it more freedom and possibility to grow and progress along with me.

Moving on I hoist the burlap sack onto my back using the toned muscles gained over my years of forced sword training, another remnant of my noble heritage. Dressed only in the rough nightwear I left my room, loose sandals 'borrowed' from one of my house's guards scraping against the splintered wooden floorboards.

I reached the foyer, and the matron from earlier snorted at me gesturing to the door she spat "exit there" she laughed monotonously waving towards a few sets of crude wooden furniture "breakfast there, its 3 full coppers" she turned away brusquely, not expecting anything further from me.

Leaving the inn, I saw the old wooden signboard swaying lightly in the cool mourning breeze, it had a rough painting of two moons with a bed beneath. Turning I looked towards the sun estimating the time to be somewhere around eleven AM, I should have stolen that pocket watch, regaining my bearings I start walking down the cobbled streets, walking down frost row's faint decline I eventually reached the tailors.

As I entered a bell situated above the door rang alerting the inattentive receptionist, noticing my small stature she looked down at me asking "are you lost", while I may look younger than I am it was only by a year or so, but I was clearly a child either way. "Are you new here, I know the owner Robert, can you call him over" I asked abusing my knowledge of etiquette to my advantage, she looked down at me smiling endearingly "just one moment" she sauntered off.

A while later she reappeared with a middle-aged man, Robert the owner of this tailor.

The rest was simple Robert recognised me asking where my guards were, I lied. After a little later I managed to leave with a lighter load having sold my noble attire and changed into something plainer and more breathable. I had also replaced my burlap sack with a more appropriate messenger bag, in which I loaded my essentials, the heirloom I hid in a leather pouch that hugged against my side, with my ancestor's grimoire on the opposite side, it had the unique ability to adjust sizes.

When changing a thought came over me and I scanned in the introductory pages onto the chip tasking it with decoding it, it was to no avail the chip failed to even memorise a single page, its content was just too high-level, and the strange restrictions on it stopped anyone, not of blood relation, or soul relation from opening let alone reading its contents this mechanism most likely blocked the scanning prosses, likely recognising it as a foreign entity and thus a potential threat.

Then I proceeded to the arms store beside the blacksmith, finding it was made easy by the outfacing sign with a painted-on anvil and hammer, this gesture was a sign of acceptance from the kingdom's blacksmith association, it guaranteed a minimum quality.

Entering I purchased a cheap lightweight thin steel dagger under the judgemental gazes of the commoners, most likely assuming me on a chore or something of that nature.

At these expenses my wallet sustained minor damage, my supply of money consisted of four full gold crowns, three full silvers and a half silver, all loot from my pillage, it was enough money for an average commoner's family to live off for a year or two depending on the frugality.