
Road Trip Part Two (and some stuff with Robert)

Chapter 8

In the distance Philip could see Bill speaking with a man in camo, Troy, he thought his name was. Bill listened for a bit, nodding before a deep scowl formed on his face, a second later Troy was on the ground, Bill had hit him hard enough to knock him on his ass.

"Inform me the next time you make a decision regarding our guests." He ordered a bit loudly.

"Yes, Bill."

Bill returned to the truck, clapping his hands as if he were removing dirt from his palms. 

"It appears we have stopped for a bathroom break. If I remove your binds can you promise not to cause trouble?"

"No sir"

"Thanks for the warning," he said, lightly chuckling before cutting the zip tie from the boy's wrist. "If you need to piss, Troy's accompanying the kids to the woods to do their business to make sure they don't run off, you can tag along, just make sure to give the girls a bit of privacy. Don't want 'em thinkin' you're some perv."

"I don't really need to." 

"Good, then follow me, I've got to reintroduce you to a few people… speaking of which, I never introduced myself. The name's William Carver, it's good to meet you again."  Bill produced his hand.

After a second of hesitation Philip took it with his own "Philip Grant, nice to officially meet you, sir"

Philip's opinion on the man was quickly warping from his first impression. At first he seemed to be nothing more than a psychopath, high on power, but even if he seemed irrational at times it was obvious the man knew what he was doing. And honestly he was right… to be a good leader you have to do things that an ordinary man couldn't bring himself to do, you had to make hard decisions. The Americans couldn't have won independence without employing guerilla warfare, the colony of Jamestown couldn't have survived without a bit of cannibalism. Philip was annoyed with Matthew's death, but maybe he could see past it.


Walter ignored the group shuffling from the back of the truck, he remained in place, glued to his spot. In the distance he could hear Philip being introduced to their captors, he didn't appreciate him getting so friendly with them, but in reality Walter didn't mind much. The boy was most likely planning a revenge of his own, in truth he was in the best position to do so.

As the other prisoners gathered back into the truck Walter muttered his last goodbye to his lost love. Now wasn't the time for mourning, it was time for planning. Not just an escape, but an execution.


Robert frowned as he picked over the ruined remains of an abandoned gun shop. He had been searching the town for upwards of four hours, when he happened upon the store he thought he had hit the jackpot, unfortunately the place had been mostly picked clean, he had managed to scrounge up a couple boxes of ammunition, he chalked that up to the fact that at the beginning of the outbreak people were so irrational that all they thought of grabbing was guns, not even thinking about what was needed to fire the damn things… or maybe it was dumb luck. Either way it doesn't matter. He did remember seeing an untouched gun safe behind the counter when he came in, might as well check there. He started working on the safe immediately, he was no locksmith, but the military had taught him a bit about cracking safes, though it wasn't really needed back then, it was definitely a good skill to have.

Eventually he managed to pop the damn thing. He was about to look through his bounty when he heard a gravelly voice sound behind him. "руки вверх [hands up]" Russian, that's a hell of a coincidence.

 "Я сомневаюсь, что он говорит по-русски. [I doubt he speaks Russian]"

A woman's voice, this one slightly strained. Little does she know.

"я делаю [I do]"

For the Russian I used Google translate, sorry if it's wrong. I'm starting to actually try developing Philip's personality, we'll see how that works out. I'll be revealing a bit of the brothers' backstory soon. Also, conflict is coming

I would like to thank Dantaliens for leaving this story's second review, it was thought out and addressed my fatal flaw of having fuck-all release consistency.

So... comment, review, all that jazz.

shady_elfcreators' thoughts