
Dark Souls

Chapter 6

(A/N: Fuck me, I'm back, yeah I know how long it's been. I was going through my closet when I found a game I first played at the age of eight, I thought it was too hard at the time and set it aside. Well I figured I'd give it another try. It turns out Dark Souls is a fucking masterpiece that I spent a month on alone…  Then I ordered the other games. I didn't even stop playing unless it was absolutely necessary. I also listened to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical soundtrack on repeat. After my fifth playthrough of Dark Souls 3 I changed my clothes, took a shower, and took a look at my few social media accounts. I realized I had a fanfic I was writing, so I'm back. I also realized Clementine was supposed to be in the lodge, so fuck it, she gets captured immediately like everyone else barring Rebecca, Alvin, Luke, and Kenny, as well as Pete, who's with his second cousin once removed's father's dog's sister's aunt. Or he's sneaking around, one or the other. )

Philip stirred from his 'gentle nap' to find himself tied up in a blanket facing the wall, he squirmed for a bit, but found the struggle to be futile. Listening, he could hear a man, Carlos by the sound of it, grunting in pain. 

As he attempted to flip himself in any sort of direction that would allow him to see what was going, a voice sounded across the room. "Ah, our man's awake. Welcome to the party Philip, I apologize for earlier, I had to make sure you wouldn't do anything rash, Bonnie told me of your… condition. Once we get done here I'll fill you in on what's been going on. Unfortunately the people you're with have betrayed my trust, so I had to make an example of what will happen if they don't cooperate"

A gentle hand rolled the boy over, what he saw was a line of people with their hands bound, Carlos was in front of them, his legs with bullet holes in the knee caps. Honestly the gunshots are most likely what woke him.

Sarah was whimpering in the line, looking close to a breakdown. The man returned to the line drilling them on Rebecca's whereabouts, when suddenly her voice sounded from the stairs.

"I'm right here Bill, we'll go with you. Just, please don't hurt anyone else" Bill? Turned to look at her.

"Rebecca, I didn't want to hurt him , but there are things a leader must do. His daughter refused to listen. You would rather I punish her?"

Rebecca went silent. Bonnie bound her hands and sat her in the line.

"Now if we could only find Luke and pete. Regardless, we need to get on the road, all that gunfire is bound to draw a horde" speaking of gunfire a bullet has appeared to have sailed through a window as well as the man next to me's head. Bill's face grew into one of rage as he dragged Matthew to the window and shot him.

"MATTHEW!" Philip screamed, Walter charged Bill, but before he could do anything another man butted him with the stock of his rifle, very similarly to how Philip had been hit earlier.

The boy spared a glance up at Sarita, he'd bet a dollar that Kenny was the one shooting, if so, she could stop this.

Carver stood behind a support beam with his pistol raised "That's for our man. Now, I didn't want to do this, but you ain't leavin' me much choice. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna march another one of your friends out here and I'm gonna put a bullet in the back of their head. Or you can give up now. Your choice." Another bullet rang through the window and struck the wood post Bill was hiding behind. He then scoured the line for a hostage before catching Philip glancing at Sarita.


He stalked toward Sarita, picking her up. He then returned to the window holding her in front of him "I can do this all day, give yourself up or she dies." He stated loudly

"A-alright, I'm coming out."

Bill smirked as Kenny walked through the door, where Bonnie bound him, receiving the biggest glare Philip had ever seen from Kenny.

"Good, now let's get this show on the road."

Again thank to all those who have been faithfully hoping for my return. Yuika especially, dang, I think you're this stories main supply of power stones.

shady_elfcreators' thoughts