
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
171 Chs

Chapter Seventeen


The following day...


The royal family of Arran left Ophyrium and headed back home. The king of Ophyrium seems to have accepted Ruger and the Lords' proposal. At the sight of things, people would be willing to help since Arran was the next target. 


Arran was not only the longest standing kingdom, but the mouth of all the continent. All the foods in most of the kingdoms were produced in Arran. Silk, gold, silver and copper were all obtained from Arran. The gold and silver were used as currencies along with copper in each kingdom with different values and they all got their supplies from Arran. 


"Well, what did Athena give you?" Zayen asked his sister who was lost in her own thoughts. "Since you've returned from Athena yesterday, something seems to be bothering you." 


"Nothing is bothering me." Alora sat properly picking the book next to her. "She gave me a floral crown. The flowers are the flowers with the longest lifespan and it'll take years before the flowers start to lose their glory." 


"Wow that's nice." Zayen smiled resting his back. "Sigh, I wish this trip would continue. I'm tired of kingdom works." 


"Well to me it looks like you're jobless really. Everytime I see you, it is rather you're just sitting doing nothing or talking to Ava. Or you would be training which I only saw you train once." Alora flipped the pages of her book and looked up at him. 


"Well that is because I train early in the morning before anyone wakes up. I talk to Ava when she's free from kitchen work. And I do other work when you're busy doing something else." Zayen smirked and Alora could only sigh. 


"I can't wait to get back home really. I'm tired of this moving around." Alora hissed as she looked out of the window. 


"What could be so pleasing than being away from the palace? If not that we go to balls, we would be in the palace for three hundred and sixty five days in a year." Zayen groaned. 


"Well I like it like that. It would give more time to focus well on things. And eek, third maids in their palace were terrifying. They don't even smile or talk. They act like puppets left there to just do things." Alora shivered playfully. "Remind me next time not to go to Ophyrium for any reason." 


"Well you're the first lady, you have no choice. No choice at all. Well if you had gone to Baden, you would know Ophyrium is much better. The guards and all look terrifying and even the castle itself is terrifying." Zayen replied and Alora just sighed. 


They got to Arran just before sunset. Alora decided to spend her time after dinner reading. She couldn't make out the exact reason why her heart kept thudding in her chest. The noise was unbearable for her and she tried mixing some herbs to help her relax but it was of no use. 


"Something is not right tonight." Alora groaned as her chest began to burn slowly. None of the herbs she used seemed to work on her which didn't only confuse her but made her fear greatly. "Something is really not right." 


The weather outside began to change slowly. The once bright atmosphere which was lit by the bright full moon began to turn dark with heavy rain clouds. Unlike the feeling Alora has before someone dies, this feeling was foreign. 


For a while she thought she was going to pass out but at the sound of thunder, she was going to feel as if she was being pulled out of her unconscious mind which was trying to take over. 


Soon the rain started to pour heavily and the door to her balcony threw themselves open and the rain blew in. Alora tried to call one of the maids but none was near or they were asleep. 


Alora crawled to the door and tried to shut the door when an ear piercing howl made her cover her ears and curl up in a ball. 


'Help me.' She heard a voice in her head. To her it was like she was the only one who heard the howl which was true because everyone else seems to be asleep. 


Alora dragged herself on to the balcony where she looked down into the forest. She was pretty sure that how was from the forest. She tried to use her enhanced vision to see what was going on but she couldn't see anything but moving shadows. 


As the rain drenched her, she felt a bit energized as she stood on her feet. She heard the howl again making her fall to her knees, covering her ears. 


"What is that exactly?" Alora groaned as she walked out of her room still in the drenched nightwear. She walked down the stairs and decided to take the exit that she was sure no one would be. 


As soon as she stepped out of the palace, the rain seemed to pour down more heavily than before. The rain beat her fiercely but still she walked down the hill towards the forest. 


As soon as she got to the entrance of the forest which was just two meters away from the bank of the creek, she heard the howl again but this time, it was weaker. 


Alora gulped slowly looking into the forest which looked terrifying. 'Come here.'