
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · Fantasía
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171 Chs

Chapter Fourteen


After the whole celebration, Alora finally had a time to rest without everyone paying all their attentions to her again because it was her birthday. She decided to follow Ira's advise to read before classes. 


In Ruger's study, the Lords were in the middle of a conversation that seemed really serious at that moment. 


"We got these scrolls sent from Alpha Radolph. It is written in another language. A language we can't understand." Ruger showed them the scroll with him. 


"This language seems ancient and I can't make out what it is. I haven't come across this language before but with the look of things, it is going to be an ancient language. A very anvienyime that is." Dean frowned, rubbing his chin as he looked at the scroll along with other Lords. 


"It is the same language as one of the books I have up there but I'm not even sure which book it is. There are lots of books with ancient languages." Ruger dropped the scroll in frustration. 


"I'm sure the message would be something really important that we need. So he write it in an ancient language so that we won't be able to make it out before it is needed." Dean replied. "That is the only reason I can come up with." 


"I thought the same. None of our linguist could make out what it is. That means the language isn't a very common one. Either that no one has been able to learn and understand the language or it belonged to a hidden culture." Ruger explained his thoughts. 


"That's actually correct." Dean replied. 


"So no that we don't know what exactly is in this scroll, what are we going to do? We can't start searching for ancient books to be sure of it. I'm sure there was no book with this language translated to English right?" Diego asked and Dean hummed. 


"If there was, I would have known it by now." Dean reolied. Dean is the most quiet of the four Lords, he was known as the wise one between them. He spend all his free times reading and researching. His knowledge was wider than anyone can think but not everyonycan know everything in this world. He still had a lot of things hidden beyond his knowledge. 


"It might be something that has to do with his attacks. We don't know if other kingdoms that were brought down by him also go this message which they couldn't understand. If they did get it as I just said, that might mean our kingdom is the next kingdom to get attacked." Dean slammed his fists on the table. 


"That might actually be right." Ruger placed his hands on the table with a serious look. "We can't let that happen at all. We have to do something about this. I know other kingdoms might have tried all they could to prevent his attacks but we must stop this mad massacre. He is hurting the innocents." 


"You can't reason with him that way Ruger. This war between human and werewolves has been going on for centuries. Humans found ways to make their kingdoms stand tall despite all the attacks. Since Radolph took the rank of the supreme Alpha, he has been unstoppable. Percentage of kingdoms that had crumbled is raising each month." Dean sighed. 


"But still. We have to get more soldiers. Maybe join forces with different kingdoms to end this massacre once and for all. All the first Lords has done their best to keep this kingdom standing despite all odds. We aren't the longest standing kingdom for no reason. I can't let all their work just go to waste like that." Ruger hit his fist on the wall behind his chair. 


"Then we will have to join forces. We won't fight first Ruger. We would try to reason with him but if he refuses to heed, we will have no choice but to fight back." Dean laid down. 


"We have to start acting fast. But still we need to be sure about what is in that scroll." Aero returned their attentions to the scroll left lying on the table there. 


A knovk distracted them and a messanger rushed in with an invitation letter. "My Lords. A message from the king of Ophyrium." 


"You may leave." Ruger collected the invitation scorll and looked at it. "It is a ball invitation."


"This might be a chance to pull them into the plan. We need as much kingdoms as we can gather to make sure we end this war once and for all." Dean sighed. 


"You are talking about this war like it is something very little that we can easily fight." Diego sighed and that moment, Alora walked into the study. 


"Sorry for interrupting your meeting father. I just wanted to ask for some books about other kingdoms. Aunt Ira asked me to come here for better books." Alora said with her voice breaking a bit. She could feel that the air was tense and something serious was going on. 


"Sure." Ruger smiled and she nodded before walking up to the stairs to the upper part of his study. Her ears caught a few words about werewolves as she walked up the stairs. 


She started searching for books with useful informations. As she searched, her eyes caught sight of a book that looked different from others. She walked towards it and picked it. 


The title was written in another language. An ancient language which she read out correctly and clearly.